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Well hello I won't say a lot again for I really like this chapter and just want you to read it, there are no warnings yay. So enjoy

"I knew a boy, once when I was small
A towhead blond with eyes of salt
He played the drums in the marching band
His parents cared more about the Bible
The being to their own child
He wore long sleeves 'cause of his dad
And somehow, we fell out of touch
Hope he took his bad deal and made a royal flush
Don't know if I'll see you again someday
But if you're out there
I hope that you're okay"
Hope ur ok-Olivia Rodrigo

It's was the 1st of December and Hogwarts were ready for Christmas more than ever now, the festivities were getting around to the students. Atlas could hear them talk about what they were going to do for Christmas the only ones that didn't talk about it was, the black brothers some Slytherin pure bloods and the Carval family, as for James potter, atlas could hear him talked about Christmas from the other side of the hall so did Cordelia it was so bad that even Cordelia and James started to talk to each other about Christmas. Atlas enjoyed Christmas time he liked how people would smile almost all the time, and how they celebrated even if they don't have any close contraction.
It was cold outside by the time the snow hits the ground, Atlas saw the snow fall to the grass that soon would be covered in a thick hick white layer of snow. Atlas felt at peace watching the frozen rain fall down in a peaceful way sometimes blown away by the light breeze that swept through at special moments.
He could hear the students roam the hallways of the school others outside in the snow, like his sister who he was watching with a careful eye. She was playing snowball fight with her friends which he had not met before but that was really none of his business to care for who his sister befriended.
As Atlas was peaceful enjoying the winter frost on his pale but red cheeks his older brother Neil had decided to talk to him so much for peace.
"You should really wear a scarf in this is weather Atlas we don't want you sick before going home"Neil did not make eye contact and Atlas was just blown air out which formed a cloud of cold smoke as some would call it.
"Why would you care" the question hanged in the air for a few minutes to make the tension between thicker and more uncomfortable, a part of Atlas wished he hadn't asked that question.
"I might not show it Atlas but I do care" Atlas looked to he ground in embarrassment, of course he knew that Neil cared and he also knew that none of the brothers knew how to show each other affection or comfort. Atlas shrugged his shoulders and looked his brother in the eyes only to find Neil already looking at him. Atlas gave a small smile.
"Yeah... i know. Im sorry" The older Carval boy gave his brother a confused looked for the sudden apology for something that Neil had yet to understand. If there was one thing that the Carval's were worse at then comforting was apologizing, so this from Atlas had given Neil a small shock.
"Why?" Neil studied The boys face to see any false apologies, but there was nothing but a broken soul in front of him.
"For the things I said a few months ago when you came to the common room, I guess I was in a pit of rage about something you had no control over" Atlas tried not to face his brother when he spoke his words with genuine sadness and sympathy.
"Don't apologize for that, you were right in every way that night, and if I had been in your place to I would had been raging, and plus it was unfair that I left you alone without a word when you needed me the most" Neil put a hand on his brothers shoulder in a comforting manner, it made Atlas tense a little less and smile. The brothers stood there for a few moments just watching the other students play outside in the snow.
The brothers attention was shifted towards some of Neil's friends who Atlas had yet to met other then one who was at Cordelia's birthday Evan rosier, a tall boy slung his arm around Neil and gave the younger Carval a large smirk as he looked down at Atlas.
"You must be the little brother then, heard a lot about you" the boys smirk never failed to disappear, Atlas looked confused around not knowing what to do so he just nodded awkwardly at the tall boy.
"Right, my apologies. I'm Barty crouch, Barty crouch Jr, it's my pleasure to meet the younger Carval brother" Neil moved out of Barry's grip clearly annoyed by his friends action, and gave him a sharp look. Barty just simply laughed and moved away from Neil and a little over to Atlas.
"It had been a wonderful time talking to you, but i have to steal your dear brother away" Atlas could hear Neil mumbled annoyed under his breath and walked away with some of the other Slytherins. They had left the boy confused at what had just happened in the last few minutes and before that how the bothers had come to a certain peace in their lives.
Atlas watched as the snow had now fully covered the ground as the had thought would happen before his brother had come over to talk to him, he saw that most students had walked back to class and he would be late.
Atlas was suddenly in a hurry to make it to transfiguration in time, which to his bad luck at that time he did not make and now stood in front of the class out of breath with a annoyed Miss McGonagall
"I have no interest in why your late Carval and it will cost you detention on Sunday, you may now sit down" Atlas world crashed at the words Detention, if his father got word that his son had gotten detention, Atlas would be sure he would not make it to after Christmas. As he sat down he saw that Sirius black gave him a sympathetic look of knowing how it would go if the Carval father got ahold of the information of Atlas's detention. Dread filled his stomach but he tried his hardest to think about other things and listen to the lesson which was some what heard considering the loud laughter and whispers of James potter who to his unfortunate sat behind him.

Hello it's Amy and another chapter done I know we had no Cordelia in this chapter but we got some brother bonding at the moment and we met barty yay, also sad that Atlas got detention let's just hope his father doesn't know that. Bye

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