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There are no warning this is a chill chapter we get some Cordelia and Sirius in this chapter. I hope you enjoy and bye.

"Don't need those other
When I got my number one
Last night I laid in bed so blue
Cause I realized the truth
They can't love me like you"
Love me like you-little mix

Atlas was thrilled to be back on the Hogwarts express with his friends, more so just Cordelia who dragged lily and Marlene with her into the compartment where he was sitting in peace reading his book.
He had noticed that Cordelia's hair was the tiniest bit darker than before the Christmas holidays.
"Did you do something to your hair" the girls all looked at atlas like he was weird which he did not get in the slightest bit. Atlas felt as if he had said something completely wrong.
"No atlas I haven't, what do you think my hair looks weird" Atlas felt as if he was caught in a trap that one answer would lead him to death and the other would get him out of it.
"I think it looks great" he quickly looked back down to the book as he saw a little smile on Cordelia's face as she went back to talking to the girls about her winter, it had calmed atlas down knowing he said the right thing and to be honest Atlas also thought Cordelia's hair looked better in this dark shade. 
The ride was calm for the most of the time none of the girls had asked about his winter which Atlas was very thankful for, he could see that one the other side of them in the other compartment was the marauders, they seemed to have the time of their lives or more James and Sirius, Peter was just eating quietly and sometimes talking to them, Remus was also reading it seemed to be Alice in wonderland which was the exact book Atlas was reading in the ride. Atlas didn't know why he was so interested in what the other boys were doing, he was so focused it was first when Jane spotter made eye contact with him that Atlas looked quickly away in embarrassment for what he did.


Atlas felt was of he was stuck to his bed, not that he had any plans to move or anything it was comfortable to just lay there. He looked up to the ceiling which was painted in some few strips of gold and red. He didn't mind the color scheme but it was starting to get boring to look at all the time.
It wasn't until he heard a knock on his door that he actually got up from his bed to answer.
It was Sirius, which for Atlas was a large surprise for Sirius had never seemed to have any interest in talking to him at Hogwarts. He saw the boy stand tall and proud, Atlas knew it was the right choice to put him in Gryffindor.
"Um can I help you Sirius?" Atlas was skeptic by the boy was here.
"No it's nothing, just Cordelia wanted to talk to you" he s proud posture was changed to a more nervous one, Atlas had no idea why the boy would be nervous, had something happened to Cordelia or something.
"Okay, why?" Sirius seemed hesitant to answer the boy, which only made atlas more confused.
"Didn't tell" that was a lie, Atlas could hear that from a mile away, what was it he really wanted.
" fine I'll go" the Carval boy wakes past Sirius who followed fast behind him, atlas had noticed Sirius was still fidgeting with his hands, atlas could see a small scar on Sirius hands he wondered rather that if it was Sirius doing or Sirius parents.
What he had not expected was to see his best friend hanging from the ceiling yelling profanity's out to the rest of the children, the only way Atlas knew what all the words meant was that his father usually also used them daily.
He saw that Cordelia immediately stopped when she got eye contact with the Carval boy.
"Oh hey Atlas would you mind getting me down so I can murder James potter and Sirius black" Atlas saw that Sirius looked terrified, he could find James anywhere, probably ran off in fear.
"How about we make a deal, you get down and you don't murder them" Atlas knew that would t work there was no one that could negotiate with Cordelia lively when she was mad.
"How about no." In some crazy way She crossed her arms and looked unimpressed at Atlas deal.
"Cordelia come on, this not that bad just chill" Atlas knew his word choice was going to get him as dead as Sirius and James.
"Chill, I swear to god atlas get me down before I blow you up to" Atlas nodded knowing there was no saving James or Sirius if he wanted to live to.
He quickly got out his wand and made sure Cordelia landed softly.
"Thanks now you can go" Cordelia's attention was turned towards Sirius who looked like a deer in headlights. Atlas took a step towards Cordelia drawing the attention to him.
"Cordelia don't you do anything I wouldn't do" Atlas sounded serious to the girl. 
"I'm 11 year old it not like I'm going to kill them" Cordelia rolled her yea at the Carval boy.
"I wouldn't put it past you" Cordelia looked terribly offended at her friend's words.
"Okay maybe your the one who need to chill out" she walked out the room annoyed it had went better then Atlas had expected from The lively girl,
Sirius was also shocked at the action.
"That went surprisingly well" Sirius stood now by the Carval boy with a pleased smile.
"Trust me, this will only get worse" Atlas stood looking at the door that Cordelia ran out of felling a little bit bad about what he said.
"Why do you hang out with her, you know you could also stay with me and the rest" Atlas had a small smile on his face by Sirius words.
"Because she's my best friend, and no matter what happens I'll always take her side" atlas walked back to his room in peace after leaving all the students in the common room.

Hi I hope not this is to crazy I really had no idea what to put in here so you got this. I'm halfway done with act 1 yay. Which means my new story making the bed will also soon be posted yay, I hope you enjoyed and have a good day
Love Amy

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