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Here's chapter 5 I hope you enjoy
Warning: mentions of abuse(not towards the 11 year olds this time)


"From sprinklers splashing to fireplace ashes
I called a taxi to take me there
I search the party of better bodies
Just to learn that my dreams aren't rare
You're on your own, kid
You always have been"
You're on your own, kid-Taylor swift

It was the first holiday of the school year and the Carval siblings were terrified. Had they the permission to stay they would, but they all knew that was not a choice they had now they were forced to go home for a week.
They were back to where they started in the hogwarts express on the way to the train station, The sibling had decided to share a compartment together for that seemed as would be the best idea, even through there was a thick and strong tension between the two Carval boys who sat over from each other this time Lauren sitting besides Neil who wasn't reading but looking out of the window with eyes full of dread Lauren still deep down in the visions and drawing, atlas on the other side reading a book. Neil finally broke out of his thoughts and turned his face towards his little brother.
"Do you think this time will be different" for some reason there was one ounce of hope in Neil's voice, in hope for a change in their family that when they get home they would do something fun, he had that each year but it never came, Atlas didn't understand why Neil even tried hoping for something that would never happen. Atlas didn't even put his book down as he answered.
"No" it was the hard simple truth of their family nothing would ever change about their parents, no matter how much those kids wished and hoped, nothing would get better.
"I hate home" Lauren mumbled as she was trying to sleep a little, her words were what all the kids felt. They wouldn't call the Carval mansion a home more of a place they were forced to stay for they had no choice.
"We all do, we all do" a part of Atlas heart sank knowing that he couldn't Ever defend his family for everything they say was true, he wished he was born from someone else or never even existed in the first place. He could see a tear down his sisters pale porcelain face, a part of him wished to take her away put he would never get far enough for her to forget the burden of being a Carval, that haunted him. The rest of the train ride was silent with a bit more peace then before, Atlas had not seen to Cordelia and had no intention to do so until next week when he was going back to Hogwarts.
The train had made its stop and most of the kids stepped out some greeted With a hug, some other like the black family didn't say a word when they left, Atlas made sure to send Sirius a small smile before he went off.
The Carval saw their mother standing waiting nervously for them, they were all shocked, normally their dad would just send out a servant to get them but this time it was their mother. Lauren was the first one over, she gave her mother a hug but when it came down to the boys their mother would always care more for them then Lauren which didn't only hurt Lauren but also the boys.
Elizabeth Carval wrapped her children in a protective hug scared for what might happen when they got home to the mansion and their father.


The big mansion was dark and dull almost like a haunted house, you would see in a muggle tv.
The front door creaked when you opened it and you would be lead to a hall, all the siblings hoped their father would be at work but to his despise his father stood waiting for them. Looking at them with a cold and dark glare, only Atlas had inherited his fathers dark and cold eyes, they called them the Carval eyes the ones that would never tell you anything, the ones that looked like secrets and death, Atlas hated those eyes that one time he tried to poke his eyes out but his mother stopped him before they could get any further.
"Don't Charles" you could hear the plead in Elizabeth voice it almost made Atlas sick how weak his mother was acting, the young boy wished his mother would try to stand up for herself. The children could see the fire in their father's eyes making the kids feel uneasy and scared.
"Go, to your room children" the children obeyed with no hesitation, Neil went to his own room but both Atlas and Lauren went to Atlas room, knowing that Lauren would feel safer. The sibling could hear quiet yells from downstairs but they knew that in sometime sit all would get louder.
"Read for me" Atlas was a little shocked it had been a long time since He had read for Lauren or anyone, through when he was younger he loved doing it.
"Oh... okay, what do you want me to read" atlas moved over to his little bookshelf that his father could really see, with all his favorite books from his mother. Lauren light up like a Christmas tree.
"Alice in wonderland" Atlas knew that was the young girls favorite and his too, he picked it up and started reading by the time the screaming, yelling and the hits got louder Atlas would make his voice louder to cover up the sounds, a little later Neil joined in he had a tear dried face, soon after both of the children were laughing and distracted by Atlas voice, when he would make the characters sound read or read like an old British man. It warmed his heart but in a way even if the others were clouded by the boys voice it was like he couldn't stop hearing his fathers voice and his mothers hurting screams.
A little time later both Lauren and Neil had fallen asleep on Atlas bed there was in fact enough space for all the three siblings, Atlas was still awake Afraid that someone would get hurt if he slept.
There was a quiet knock on his door, Atlas opened the door and stepped out making sure not to wake his siblings, it was his mother. She looked bruised and broken.
"Hi my beautiful boy" his mothers soft and fragile voice broke his heart and angered him at the same time, he hugged her tightly crying a little in his mothers arms but still making sure no one could hear the small boy.
"Mom I'm scared" his mother knew that already for he had told her that a million of times and normally she was old always respond that he had to be strong, for everyone even if he were just a child.
Sometimes Atlas wished he was not a child then maybe it would hurt so much...

Oh, well sorry. But if you thought you wouldn't get a traumatic 11 year old boy you were wrong. Now I just want to say fuck Charles for traumatizing 11 year olds. And I'm sad we didn't get any Cordelia but we got some sibling bonding so yay-Amy

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