Volume 1: The Emerald Forest Part 1

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In the Emerald Forest, Yang Xiao Long is walking and looking around the misty underbrush looking for one of her peers but, mainly her sister.

Yang calls out, "Helloooooooo? Is anyone out there? Helloooo? I'm getting bored here!"

She hears something rustling in the bushes and goes to investigate, " Is someone there? Ruby, is that you?"

The moment Yang peeks inside A low, inhuman growl is heard, and Yang's head rises as she stares at the creature.


Yang quickly rolls to the side as an Ursa charges out of the green. She gets up and activates her Ember Celica, staring at the monster before another Ursa runs out behind her. She leaps over it, and its companion runs at her again, only to get knocked back by a fiery punch. The other Ursa and Yang charge at each other, and Yang manages to get under it and deliver several punches and a kick to send the creature back.

"You guys wouldn't happen to have seen a girl in a red hood, would you?"

The Ursa just growls at her.

"You could just say "no"."

One of the Ursa stands on its legs and swipes at her twice, Yang barely dodges the attacks.

Yang laughed and began insulting the Grimm, "Geeeez, you two couldn't hit the broad side of a ba..."

Before she can complete her insult, a single strand of her golden hair falls in front of her face and lands on the forest floor.

Yang closes her violet eyes, then opens them to reveal red, making the Ursai look at each other confusedly before Yang screams, "You... You monster!!!"

An inferno surrounds Yang for a moment, and she rockets forward, unleashing a devastating combo of flaming hits and blows on the offending Ursa, making it fly through several burning trees. The other monster runs over but stops short at Yang's gaze while a tree falls to the ground behind her.

"What! You want some, too?!"

The Ursa rears up and prepares to strike... right when a whirling noise is heard and the monster makes a befuddled noise, falling a second later to reveal one of her peers known as Blake Belladonna and her Gambol Shroud in the beast's back.

Yang pants in exhaustion while Blake recalls the weapon back to her hand, sheathing it on her back. Yang, now purple-eyed again, speaks to her new partner over the smoking remains of the monster.

"I could've taken him."

Then they heard something in the distance.

"Did you hear that?" Yang said.

"Sounded like an explosion we should probably start moving toward the objective," Blake replied


Bryce and Reina silently watched Ruby and Weiss argue.

"So you're not going help your friend."


"Do you like watching  dumpster fires?"

"I think it builds character now let's go find Ulrick,"

"Shouldn't we go toward the objective?" Reina asked.

"Yes, that is where we're going because knowing him he's already there," Bryce responded.

Reina looked back at Ruby and Weiss to see Weiss walking away from the young rose. "And they are separated now."

"they'll figure it out let's go."

Bryce walked deeper into the forest followed by Reina. 

Reina thought to herself, "I know I saw him use fire, but is he really the Dominant of Fire...I would've thought the Phoenix would be a more chivalrous kind of person, maybe I should investigate further.."

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