Chapter 59

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Raon changed his plans to start training as soon as he returned, instead heading towards the lord's manor.

He felt heavy pressure weighing down on his shoulders from the audience chamber's gigantic and antique door, despite having seen it multiple times before.

It wasn't because of the door's size, but because of the absolute being on the other side.

"Don't be so nervous. He won't say anything bad today."

Rimmer grinned and patted his shoulder from behind.


Runaan's humming could be heard next to him. Despite being nervous while rescuing the children, no trace of tension could be found when she was about to greet the head of house. She was a strange one indeed.


The audience chamber's door opened with a huge noise, similar to a giant's footsteps. A powerful pressure stormed out, opening the door completely.

Withstanding the pressure that was as endless as a furnace's flame, they entered the audience chamber.

And Glenn was there, at the center of the threatening pressure.

Like always, he was sitting on a golden throne and looking down at them.

"Greetings, my lord."

After Rimmer's greetings, Raon and Runaan knelt down at the same time.

'Was he supposed to compliment us?'

Raon wrinkled his nose. The wave of energy directed at them was too fierce for it to be a compliment.

"Stand up."

Glenn's dignified voice resounded as he waved his hand.

"Raon Zieghart, Runaan Sullion. I heard that you did well on your first mission."

"We've merely done our best."


Raon bowed once again and Runaan copied him.

"I did already hear about it, but do tell me what you did."

"Yes, sir. When we arrived at the foothold, there were four locations where the bandits could've been hiding. Although the bandits were as strong as the beasts in the mountain, I suspected that they would've been hiding somewhere else in order to shake off the pursuers. Therefore..."

Raon explained everything that happened during the mission to Glenn, who didn't really look interested.

He didn't nod or blink. He kept listening to the end without any reaction whatsoever, to the point that Raon felt awkward.

"It's just as I heard. Wiping out the enemies and rescuing hostages in your first mission is certainly an extraordinary achievement. However."

Glenn's eyes were bleak.

"That was too clumsy. If you'd made the slightest mistake, or if the bandits were a bit stronger, or if you hadn't coordinated as well as you did, then those children would've died and you would've been seriously injured."

It felt like his heavy voice was pressing upon his head.

"Planning is important, especially for trainees that don't have any experience. You should only act after making multiple backup plans."


"Actually, you should've contacted the other trainees and led them upon finding the bandits' tracks. Your experience and might are too shallow to deal with everything on your own."

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