Chapter 173

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Raon followed Vulcan into the workshop. The table that used to be covered in a bunch of miscellaneous items now had three boxes on it instead.

"Are those boxes what you meant by preparations?"


Vulcan smiled slightly, then opened the first box. There was the Golden Shard that came from the Golden Shard Stone.

"The second one also contains something you've already seen."

The second box had the golden charcoal that he made in the North Grave Mountain's charcoal kiln. Even though five years had passed since then, there wasn't a single scratch on it.

"And the last one."

Vulcan licked his lips slightly, then opened the third box. There was a Golden Shard that was a bit bigger than the one inside the first box.

"...You manage to get it."

Raon's jaw dropped upon seeing the second Golden Shard.

'I didn't think he'd be able to acquire it.'

Since the Golden Shard was the most precious metal, he'd thought that Mirtan Village wouldn't have any of it—and even if they did, they wouldn't hand it over.

He was worried that he would need to go somewhere else in order to find it, but Vulcan managed to acquire the Golden Shard in such a short amount of time. He wasn't the Continent's Blacksmith for no reason.


Harren clearly tilted his head at the sight of the Golden Shard inside the third box.

"Did the village have this?"

He tapped the Golden Shard while murmuring that it was strange.

"There's no way I wouldn't have known if they had a Golden Shard of such a size. Old man, are you sure you got it from the village?"


Vulcan nodded in a slightly awkward manner.

"Hmm? It's really strange. Why does your face look like that? Who did you get this fro..."

"Shut up!"

He frowned and hit Harren's head.

"Kwah! Why are you hitting me again?"

Harren stepped back while grasping his head and screaming.

"I'll become an idiot if you keep doing that!"

"It's okay since you've always been an idiot!"

Vulcan kicked Harren, then shook his hand to tell him to go away.

"Where did you get the Golden Shard?"

Raon asked, looking at the Golden Shard inside the third box. Since it was his first sword, he didn't want to cause any trouble.

"Don't worry, I didn't steal or take away from someone."

"I know Sir Blacksmith isn't the type of person to do that. I just figured I should express my gratitude to the person that gave you this..."

"I-It was an anonymous sponsor. They said they didn't want to reveal their identity."

"An anonymous sponsor?"

"They said they wanted to sponsor you after hearing about your identity and circumstances."

"Maybe they will make some strange request later..."

"They would never do that. I swear on my name. There won't be any problem whatsoever, even if you accept this Golden Shard."

Vulcan shook his hand, telling him to stop asking questions. He was covered in cold sweat, but he looked confident. He didn't seem to be lying at least.

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