Chapter 188

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Raon entered the restaurant called the Eastern Cockscomb with Wrath, who was dancing in the air in excitement.

Contrary to its large appearance and supposed popularity, there was barely anyone inside and the food's fragrance couldn't be found either.

"Welcom... Gasp!"

A middle-aged man with slightly droopy eyes seemed to be the manager. His jaw dropped after examining Raon, who was taking the lead.

"A-Are you actually the Young Sword Demon, Sir Raon?"

"Young Sword Demon?"

"The rumor spread that the young Sword Demon that defended Habun Castle was the vice-squad leader. That's why people recently started calling Sir Raon the Young Sword Demon."

Dorian silently stepped up next to him and whispered.

'Young Sword Demon...'

It sounded relatively weak for someone that defeated an apostle, but it couldn't be helped. The man that was called the Sword Demon was a powerful Grandmaster.

"Benefactor! My name is Twell!"

The manager introduced himself as Twell, then suddenly leaned forward and lowered his head.


"My daughter safely returned thanks to the benefactor. Thank you very much. Belle!"

He shouted at the kitchen, his head still lowered, and a woman came out wearing a white bandana around her head. Her droopy eyes looked similar to the manager's.

"Huh? Ooh!"

The woman named Belle hurriedly ran towards Raon upon recognizing his face.

"S-Sir Raon! You woke up."

"Do you know me?"

"I was there when Sir Raon was fighting against the apostle."


If she was there, she must've been one of the hostages that couldn't run away because of the aggravated situation.

"Are you hurt anywhere?"

"It was all thanks to Sir Raon's consideration. You kept a distance from us in order to avoid harming us."


Raon licked his lips. He did lead the apostle to a place with nothing behind them in order to avoid damaging the swordsmen and hostages around them, and she must've noticed his intentions.

"I'm really grateful. It was all thanks to you that I returned home safely."

"I'd also like to express my gratitude, Benefactor!"

The father and daughter bowed at him. From the way their hands were trembling, Raon could tell at a glance that they were thanking him from the bottom of their hearts.


Raon felt a tingling sensation in his heart. The gratitude from people who'd been saved by him was more impressive than the random people outside praising him as powerful and amazing.

'I don't even need to eat at this point.'

Although he hadn't started eating yet, he already felt like he was full.

Stop saying bullshit and start ordering already.

Wrath frowned, telling him to cut the crap.

"Benefactor, we will do anything we can do for you!"

The manager spread his arms, telling him to say anything he wanted.

The Reincarnated Assassin is a Genuis SwordmanWhere stories live. Discover now