Chapter 132

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C-Consecutive victories?

Wrath's jaw dropped, so much so that it started to tear.

"Ah, yes. There was a bonus for consecutive wins."

Raon nodded while looking at the message. It looked like there was another bonus reward for consecutive victories.

"Don't worry about it so much, it's just some stats."

The reward for the four consecutive victories was an increase of 1 to 2 points in strength, agility, and energy. Since it would be a similar amount, it wasn't that big of a deal.

Even then, they are stats taken from the King of Essence's main body.

"Think about the food instead."

Wrath licked his lips since he had no choice.

[All stats have increased by 2 from the additional reward.]


A-all stats?

Both Raon and Wrath's eyes widened when they read that all stats had increased instead of a few different stats. However, the message wasn't over yet.

[Two traits' performances have increased from the additional reward.]

Apparently, he was getting two traits rank increases instead of one. He could guess that the reward for the consecutive victories increased drastically every five wins.

"I like it."

Raon smiled faintly, looking at the fading message. Since it took a long time to increase a trait's performance despite having the system, increasing the ranks of two traits was a great reward. It surpassed his expectations by far.

Wh-Why is the trait...?

Wrath's head was trembling in confusion.

Increasing all stats is outrageous on its own, so why is it increasing the trait ranks?

"You said it before."

Raon waved his hand to suppress Wrath's frost, which was bursting out like a flame.

"The perfect system does its best to make its owner stronger. This must be for the same reason."

He repeated the sentence Wrath boasted with before.

B-But this can't be happening. If I knew there was such an additional reward, I wouldn't have admitted my defeat so easily!

"Well, that's your problem for forgetting about it. After all, we already knew that there was a reward for consecutive victories."


Wrath ground his teeth, unable to say anything.

Raon's mouth was curved with anticipation as waited for the next message.

[Backstab's rank has increased.]

Glacier's rank has increased.]


Raon swallowed. Backstab was fine, but he never imagined that Glacier's rank would increase despite having just acquired it.

He immediately closed his eyes and opened the ocean of perception.

'It's crazy.'

The ocean of perception's range was much bigger than the last time he'd done that, and the waves' purity had increased. He could now feel what people were doing outside the scout's quarters, not just inside.

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