Chapter 1

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Jesse Pov

It's 7am Friday morning and my alarm clock goes off as I groan rolling over in my bed. I turn my clock off sitting up as I yawned stretching jumping up out the bed. I slowly walk to the bathroom closing the door behind to get ready for school as my little sister banged on the door.

" What Clarissa?" I yell.

" Hurry up" she says.

I sigh annoyingly and wash my face, then brush my teeth, so I could put on my make up. When I came out the bathroom, I hit my sister in the back of her head. She growls as I walk off to my room twisting my hair into a long braid. I get dressed waiting for my sister downstairs, so we could leave for school.

"Clarissa come on before we are late for school" I shout.

My mother walks in from the kitchen and gives me twenty dollars for lunch, then gave my sister her lunch bag as she came down stairs.

"Alright let's go" I say.

She folllws me out the door grabbing my hand as I slightly smirked. I walk her down three blocks down to her school as she hugged me goodbye. Once she got into the building i turned walking getting on the bus as I headed to school myself.

Sara Pov

I walk down the block with my headphones in on my way to school. It was my first day at my new school and I was nervous of not knowing anything. I was kind of scared cause I didn't know anyone and I didn't have any friends that went to the school already. I would have to go home by myself alone. When I get to the school I go inside, then I walk to the main office. The principal saw me and smiled knowing right away I was the new kid. She gives me a quick tour of the school and got me a schedule , so I would know where to go.

  I walk to my first class which was science as I accidentally bumped into a girl with blonde hair and green eyes.

" Uh! I'm sorry I didn't mean to bump into you. I was just trying to look through my schedule." I say. I looked at her as she didn't seem upset at all more mellow about it.

" Hehe it's fine don't worry about it. Accident happen." She replies smiling.

"I'm new here, my name is Sara" I say. The girl smile again leaning forward hugging me. " Nice to meet you,  I'm Jesse" she says.

" Nice to meet you too...just asking,but what's your first class?" I look at her blankly as she responded" Science".

"Wow, so we have the same class"I say.

She nodded as her phone slipped out her hands along with her notebook and when she bended over to get it I blush trying not to look. I couldn't help but admire how well shaped she was. She had a cute big booty and she had a perfect curve on her body.

Jesse Pov

As I picked up my phone and my notebook i turn back looking at Sara.

" What's wrong?" I ask. She shakes her head and smile as I looked her up and down, she had some nice long legs.

" Hey we don't have to be in class for another 15 mins want to take a walk? " i ask as she smiled.
" Sure why not, " she answered. I smile taking her hand as I pulled her along. As we walked down the halfway I noticed that her skin was really soft to the point it made me feel warm inside for some reason.

" Wow your skin is soft it's very nice," I smirk.

  She blush slightly looking away and smiled shyly. We walk around the buliding for a little while longer as class still didn't start for another 10 mins. I couldn't help the feeling, but I found her so attractive she was just so cute. She had a good body figure in my eyes and I didn't notice until I grabbed her hand that i was flirting with her in a way.

"Um jesse you can let my hand go now" she says giggling kinda nervously.

I let go and back away."U-Um sorry" I say as I felt like I made things awkward.

" No it's fine don't be. Come on we should get to class" she implies as I agreed with her. At that moment, we walked to our class as I had a weird feeling growing in my chest. It was almost like hard for me to breathe when I was too close to her.

My Yuri's (girlXgirl)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon