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...with the two ships and one mobile armor all now parked and docked in the planet's main orbit, with Ensis, like, lascia, and Kisa now looked out of the windows to see a towering hive city where they could see it able to be seen from a bird's eye view being able to poke through to the skyline of thick clouds... 

lascia: here, this is the main hive city and former Mechanicus forge world...

ensis: i was just wondering what are penitent engines...

Lascia: you see...penitent engines are weapons similar to Adeptus astartes' dreadnaughts and possibly the dread knights...instead of being an armed life support unit, it's a form of wartime punishment even for the most ridiculous reasons...

ensis: oh...

...she is then reminded by the only boy now got to inform her what he knew about the unjust treatment of the hive city being formed a place where he is forced into serious degrees of vengeful neglect and unjustified labor, even in the cramped spaces of the hive cities...

kisa; ok, I think Ensis and I need some guides in here...

lyka: i guess we should, we're all buddies after all!

...the ship now descended from the planet's steep orbit where the nearest spaceport was opening up, as the two ships and one mobile armor now flew down to where the pilots now came to realize that there were smaller ships going up to escort the three up in high orbit...

lyka: oh...those are sororitas airships, they're pretty cool huh?...

ensis: i know that, but there are things called mobile armor, that can do similar things...

Kisa: really? just like the thing that Whitebeard gave you?

ensis: actually he gave it to you...but I ended up using it...

...the ships now landed on the spaceport of Imperial Designs with women in armor standing there, guarding the spot where they are now watching and looking at the curious ship being the Columbus-class carrier ship and the full-burst psycho gundam, with the three of them are bigger than the lead imperial ship...

battle sister: look at that one sister... Its designs are unknown to me...

battle sister: i know that, but these are rouge traders arriving here to stop by...after returning from an adventure i bet... but we shouldn't mind too much about the matter, as we should make sure that this would improve the imperium of man as a whole...

...where they now looked at the crew who were all exiting the ship, with captain Akari Noah...

akari: ok now, who should i talk to?

battle sister: i am...rouge we've heard from the planetary governess that you wanted to find somewhere to land,  correct?

akari: you heard her correctly...she gave us the approval to do that, so thanks!

battle sister: i see...but do be very cautious when going to explore the outskirts of the hive city during your stay on Lycoris 4...

akari: huh? what's up about that?

battle sister: we have reports of dark mechanicum cults around the outskirts of the hive city creating disturbances in an attempt to take over the planet...

Akari; heard that there's a large number of penitent engines here...

battle sister; oh that...please, I apologize, this is merely an act to prevent the dark mechanicum from catching up, not that we have lost any ounce of is that this group has been reported to have titans of sorts...

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