Chapter 4: Electric guns

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Tracer and you got back to the overwatch headquarters. Luckily and mysteriously your car was in the parking of the apartment blocks, it shouldn't have been there. It should have still been at your workplace but because of the emergency meeting you didn't really make a big deal of it or even thought it was weird.

Winston and the rest of the team awaited you in the meeting room. The table was adorned with a detailed map of Rio de Janeiro, illuminated with various red arrows in motion and a lone blue dot. The room carried an air of tension, and you couldn't help but wonder about the significance of the arrows and the solitary blue dot on the map. As you approached, Winston gestured for you to take a seat, signaling that the meeting was about to begin.

"Looks like Nullsector is launching an attack in Rio de Janeiro," Winston stated gravely. Taking a seat in one of the empty chairs, you listened intently while Tracer stood behind you. "We received a coded message alerting us to the attack, and thanks to Athena, we confirmed it's not some kind of prank. The red arrows indicate the attack locations, and the white dot marks the message source. Tomorrow morning, we're flying there." Winston turned his gaze to Tracer. "Tracer, you'll be the pilot. Echo, you're the second pilot. Once we arrive, you'll be waiting inside the shuttle in case we need to leave."

Tracer and Echo both nodded in acknowledgment.

"Reinhardt, you're on the front line with Brigitte. Genji and I are second. Tracer and Y/N, you'll jump third, and lastly, Mercy and Mei." Each member of the team nodded, ready to fulfill their designated roles in the upcoming mission.

"We are going to destroy them" said Reinhardt laughing.

"This is a serious thing Reinhardt" said Winston to him and Reinhardt shut up with a sad expression. Bridgette gave him some pads in the back. "Y/n, this is going to be your first battle mission so you will be staying back but still in the battle field, since it looks you became friends of Tracer she  will be with you just in case" you gulp some saliva and nodded.

After the discussions concluded, everyone dispersed to prepare for the upcoming mission. You trailed behind Winston, who seemed unaware of your presence.

"Winston?" you called out, and he halted, turning around to see you. "I don't have any suit or weapons. Will I be alright?" you inquired, a tinge of worry in your voice.

"About that, follow me"  he said and started walking. You were behind him "I was working in a full suit for you and some weaponry you could use" Winston inventions room was in front of you, it didn't have any doors "Wait there".

You waited at the entrance, observing the chaos that enveloped the room—peanut butter jars strewn about, unfinished machines cluttering the floor, cables, banana peels, and more, creating an untidy collage in every corner. You couldn't fathom how Winston could work in such a place. Your own work environment was meticulously organized, especially in your laboratory and engineering room. The sight of this disarray was initially shocking, but you quickly brushed off the discrepancy, realizing that everyone had their unique way of functioning.

"Here," Winston said, handing you a belt and a suit adorned with peculiar pads that felt unlike any material you were familiar with squishy yet protective. The silver-colored suit featured yellow and green accents. "Also, have this," he added, passing you a unique-looking gun that seemed to combine features of an Uzi and a Mosin-Nagant, although it lacked any visible openings for bullets. "And this too," he said, offering you a taser. The eclectic assortment left you intrigued and ready for the mission ahead.

"That's a lot of things" you said to him

"It is, try everything on and I'll show you how to use the gun in the shooting range" he said. He pointed to a door, it looked like it was a fitting room so you entered there and changed what you were wearing.

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