The backstory

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"La-di-da-di-da-di-da" I quietly sang to myself wile playing with my barbies. "Ken you go there- no no, you have to stand next to barbie" I said in my little 5-year-old voice.
"Hey honey, how are you going?" Daddy, or as you might know him, the famous Percy Jackson strode into the room confidently.
"Good" I replied looking up at him through my long, raven black hair that had annoyingly made its way into my face.
"Wanna go to the beach?"
I looked at my barbie dolls and then back at daddy. "But we were just about to go to camp half blood" I frowned.
"Oh really? Is that so? Well you can go to camp half blood when we get home. Would you like to come?"
I pretended to think about it for a second before saying yes and walking down to the beach. We lived quite far away but we had easy ways to get there. Daddy says it reminds him of home.
When we got to the beach my feet were welcomed with boiling sand as hot as the sun, but it didn't really matter to me when I saw the sunset. The waves were so big that at times it blocked the sun making the water see through.
Suddenly I was shocked back to reality when my dad splashed me with water. He then put on this innocent act and started whistling and looking around him. "Oh your going to get it" I laughed.
My dad had been teaching me how to manipulate the water so I dug deep down and felt it in my gut. A huge wave is coming so I'll use it to my advantage I thought confidently. I took a deep breath in, and then out preparing myself. 3, 2, 1, and then I used all of my force, digging down deep into my gut and did a huge pushing potion with my arms but all that hit him was a drop of water.
"Oh" I disappointedly muttered.
My dad laughed and then threw a ball of water at me. "You'll get there eventually, but for now you just have to try and move small portions of water. You can't expect to be as good as your old man when you first start trying".
"But you got the hang of your powers strait away. I'm just not special like you and mum."
"I'll have you know that we were under more dangerous circumstances than having a little bit of water dropped on our heads" he laughed.
"Ooo that's some pretty big words used in your sentence. Did you finally pick up a book dad?" I teased.
"Pfffft no. These are my words of the week from your Mother".
"Of course they are" I sighed, right before kicking some water at him. He then decided to retaliate. On the way home I was drenched. My dad used his special ability to not get wet so he was all dry, but of course that part of my power doesn't work yet so I was soaked from head to toe. I never knew that this moment in my life would become the key to surviving my first year at school.
~ 6 years later~
I was excited. Today was my 11th birthday. Why wouldn't I be? I get free stuff from my twin brothers Lucifer (Luke for short) and Chris (who's name has no meaning), and my dad, the most famous Demi-god of all time, has promised me, Zoe Jackson, after soon to be 11 years of waiting, the highest honour a Jackson can have. A blue Cookie. Grandma Sally is coming over all the way from New York, to the park near new Rome, to finally present me with the biggest honour any kid could ever want. I have trained for this. There have been 3 trials (1 may have been about counting cookies but that's besides the point).
"Morning precious" my dad sang cheerfully.
I held up my hand in a wait motion and my father froze at the door. "What did you forget?" I asked expectantly.
He thought for a moment before rolling his eyes, shutting and the door and then knocking. "Come in".
"Happy Birthday my beautiful favourite child" he walked up to me and gave me a huge hug wile I was sitting on my bed. "It's finally the big day".
"THE DAY OF THE COOKIE TASTING" I shouted excitedly.
He nodded slowly, his mind escaping to somewhere else for a short moment. What was that? I asked myself is he hiding something from me? I quickly shrugged off the thought and then stood up, silently leading dad out into the main room. When my mother (Annabeth Chase) saw me she immediately gave me the biggest hug in the world. "Happy birthday sweety. Your finally 11! Im going to miss you!!"
"What? Im not going anywhere!" I paused for second and then asked "Am I?"
Her hysterical yet nervous laugh burst through the awkward 20 second silence. "I'm only joking".
That was code for I'm not joking. What is she not telling me?
"Ok so can we open presents now?" I asked, trying to avoid the awkwardness.
Time flew by. We had opened presents and had gone down to the park to meet grandma Sally and I finally got that cookie. It tasted like heaven with chocolate chips on top. Soon enough it was 7:00 and I was in my room watching letters fly off of the page. Just like both my parents I have the ability to read Ancient Greek but it also comes with a cost, I have ADHD and dyslexia but I still love reading.
BANG! Something flew into my window shaking me out of my thoughts. I squinted at the window hoping to get a better look at what had flown into it but all I saw was darkness. But suddenly a white blur quickly rose up from the bottom of my window and perched itself carefully on my windowsill so it didn't fall off. It took me a few moments to realise it was an owl. It kept tilting its head at me curiously and then pecking the window like it wanted me to open it. So I did. The owl was a beautiful snowy white with the tips of its wings fading into black matching the colour of its eyes.
As soon as the window was open, it leaped inside and started flying around my room nocking lights and the pencils that were laying carelessly over my wooden desk. The blue walls were plastered with photos of me, my family and 1 photo of a signed poster of the wiggles I got when I was 3. The owl nocked into my mirror at one point and I had to dive to catch it. That was the final straw.
I swear I heard my mother say oooo, goodie.
They casually strutted into my room and watched me freak out for a few seconds before my dad held out his arm and the bird landed on it.
"It was that easy?" I asked, annoyed.
My dad just shrugged and took a letter out of its mouth that I didn't realise was there.
"This is yours" he handed me an envelope so I opened it.

Miss Zoe Jackson
We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment. Term begins on September 1. We await your owl by no later than July 31.

From Minerva Magonigal
P.S, happy birthday, you can keep the owl.
I looked up my beaming parents. "I'm in".

Please note
this is my first fanfic, I hope you guys like it. It was my original idea and I hope you love reading it as much as I love writing it. Did you see the blue cookie reference? Please keep reading, I know I'm not good at writing little kids but it gets better I swear.
Also, Not all of these characters are my own
The original characters are written by Rick Riordan and JK Rowling

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