Another Stupid Plan

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~Albus's POV~
"Albus" a voice called nudging me awake "ALBUS!"
I jumped up "present".
Octavia who was sitting at another table in the library started to giggle and then went back to reading. I had nearly fallen asleep again this morning! The other time was when my head fell into my cereal bowl at breakfast. Crystal and Scorpios would never stop calling me cereal head. I was tired because I had forgotten to sleep. I was too busy thinking about the question that had been going around everyone in our little groups lips. "has the prophecy stopped?"
Now that Zoe had been gone for over 3 weeks there seems like no hope of her coming back so surely the prophecy would have to stop right? Max had said that nothing can stop a prophecy but if both of us aren't here to  fulfil the prophecy how will it happen? Rose had suggested that it was a fake prophecy and it never really had meaning in the beginning.
I really missed Zoe. She was one of my best friends. I had sent her a letter a few days ago and had gotten a reply finally.
Hey Albus,
Yeah the home life is fine. Hogwarts just isn't the right place for someone like me. I did hope I'd get to learn to fly a broom but I guess I won't get to see you fall off. It's kind of sad really, I was so looking forward to it. Our defence against the dark arts teacher sounds like the most annoying person on earth. Thanks for thinking of me but I probably won't be back at school anytime soon. Maybe I can visit you outside of school.
Goodbye, Albus. From Zoe.
The letter put me in such a bad mood that Rose suggested that me, Rose and Max should all go to the library and check out the fake prophecy that me and Rose learnt about in class.
"How are you gonna find it?" I asked Rose.
"You mean how are we going to find it" she stated. Me and Max both groaned. It had been about 4 hours when we finally stumbled upon something.
"Guys I think I got it!" I Excitedly read from the book. "It says here that the fake prophecy of 1238-" she flipped over the page but looked confused when she read the first few words to herself. "That doesn't make any sense" she mumbled.
"What doesn't?" Max grumbled.
She didn't answer and just kept flipping the pages worriedly.
"Talk to us Rose" I said.
"Listen to this. The fake prophecy of 1238- this means that the tree can grow easier" she huffed.
"What is this book about?" I mumbled earning a shut up before I punch your face in look from my dear cousin.
She stroked a blank page and then looked to where the tree passage starts.
"They've been ripped out" she whispered to herself "but why?"
"This stuff isn't meant for kids?" Max suggested. Me and Rose both looked at him very confused. "What? That's a fair reason!"
"Yeah it is" I agreed "which is what makes this so weird. Something smart came out of your mouth!"
"Well I don't exactly agree with your theory" Rose stated "the school wouldn't have destroyed their own property. They would have just put the book in the restricted section" she paused for a second to think "this was definitely a student trying to hide something."
"So... your saying that whatever is in this prophecy relates to one of the millions of kids that have been at this school?" Max asked sarcastically.
"Pretty much" she sighed.
We all sat there in defeated silence for a second before I thought of something. "Maybe we don't need the book".
"Oh, so your going to guess the prophecy now? My prediction is that your wrong!" Max yelled.
"Shut up and listen. We learnt it from Binns right-?"
"We already tried to ask him but he just ignored it" Rose stated.
"Yes but what if it wasn't one of us asking?"
"What are you saying?" Rose asked, intrigued.
"I always see Slughorn and Binns talking in the halls. I bet, that if I got Slughorn to ask by joining the slug club, I could find out what's it's about."
"That's...actually a genius plan" Rose said, dumbfounded.
"I know it is" I smirked "now all I gotta do is make friends with Slughorn. Shouldn't be too hard."
~Zoes POV~
I've been at home for a week now, and I've barely said a work to my parents. How could they keep something like that from me? The death of Leo Valdez was my fathers fault? If I didn't get out of there soon I might have killed someone too.
Lucifer and Chris had been coming into my room a lot recently. I think they were spies for Mum and Dad who were trying to check up on me. I don't know what they thought was wrong but they seemed to be trying to give me the illusion of space. They really weren't giving me much though.
Whenever dinner was called I went down stairs, inhaled it and then locked myself back in my room. I was so mad at them. That was until Dad finally broke and came into my room.
"Hogwarts giving you a hard time?"
I shook my head.
"It's ok if somethings happened. You can tell us. We'll help you" he said soothingly.
"Oh so I can tell you important information you need to know but you can't?" I folded my arms dramatically and faced away from him.
"What's this about?" He asked defensively.
He sighed and moved towards me on my bed. "You can tell me. Please tell me".
I looked him in the eye "you already know" I stated.
"No I-".
"You really want to keep lying?"
He shook his head. "You found the book then?"
I nodded. "I told Annabeth it was a bad idea. She wanted to leave it for more posiden kids coming to hogwarts so they won't-"
"What happened to you? I heard your voice- I saw your eyes. How could you let me go to this school when you knew this could happen to me".
He sighed sadly, "We were sent on a quest to hogwarts, me, Leo and your mother. We quickly befriended Harry and Ginny and told them everything. But soon the wizarding magic and my own demigod magic started to get confused. They weren't used to each other. What made me such a target was the fact that I went swimming in the black lake and my body would often absorb the magical water. It started telling me to do bad things and I couldn't help but do what it told me" he sighed, tears welling up in his eyes "if me and your mother didn't leave hogwarts, I don't know what would have happened".
"So why would you let me go if I was just going to repeat the same thing over again!?" I cried.
"You were born magical unlike me. Your body is used to having demigod magic and wizarding magic together. You are special, the 1 out of 2 people to be born both".
"What about Max?"
"If a child has two demigod parents they have 50/50 chance of becoming a demigod. Max was not born a demigod, only a wizard".
I was shocked, Max, not a demigod? How did I not know this before now? How am I so rare?
" Have I answered all you questions?"
"Hmmmm" I thought about it for a few seconds "what was the quest about?"
He smirked "a prophecy you must know very well by now."
I raised my eyebrows "excuse me?"
"You know the one I'm referring to. Don't worry your mother doesn't know".
"But how do you know?"
"I know my own daughter-".
BANG! Something smashed into the window. I looked up to see a brown barn owl hooting at me. I opened it and the bird angrily dropped a letter on my bed and then few off. I opened the letter and it read:

Dear Zoe,
I don't know where you are or why you left, but I hope you come back. Octavia seems miserable without you and our discussions about the prophecy have turned very grim. Also, we have a new lead on the fake prophecy. Sadly the only thing the library has on it was ripped out and is no where to be seen. Luckily we think professor Binns knows about it and we (well actually just me) has a plan to get it. I hope you come back soon so you can tell me how stupid this plan is. Please come back soon. Hogwarts just isn't the same without you.
From your (I hope best) friend Albus
PS: the bird has an attitude.
Ooooooooooooooo Will she return? Or is Zoe out of the picture for good. For those of you thinking I wouldn't, I would. Well I hope your enjoying my story guys. Keep reading ive got some interesting ideas and plot twists coming up that I hope you will like. Thanks guys!
Please note
Not all of these characters are my own
The original characters are written by Rick Riordan and JK Rowling, nor is hogwarts mine

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