Diagon Ally (part 2)

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~Zoe's pov~
"What do you mean our children are in danger" Ginny almost yelled.
"There's been another prophecy" annabeth gave a worried look to the red haired woman.
"When all seems right
When all seems fair
The world will turn to misery and despair
Unless the child of the brain and sea
Can unite the two worlds of demigods and wizardry
2 are more powerful than rest
The chosen child who hides in his fathers shadow
Will now have to rise up and merge all true crests
Their meeting marks the beginning
Their friendship marks the end
Beware of the stab in the back
From someone you once called a friend ."
Ginny went pail like she was going to faint. "That could be about anyone".
"Chosen child? It's a word play for chosen one just like his father".
Tears swelled up in Ginny's eyes "but he's just a kid." She sobbed, earning the attention of on lookers.
"Come on let's go talk about this somewhere else" and with that, Annabeth led Ginny away to no one knows.
Albus looked at me, dumbfounded, eyes and mouth wide open. "Well I think that prophecy is a load of dung."
"Sounded legit to me" I shrugged.
He shook his head "the world can't just fall onto our shoulders!" He cried, now earning himself some strange looks, but it wasn't just surprise on their face, there was recognition.
We looked at each other, and then did what any soon-to-be-hero would do. We ran like a flock of chickens.

When we finally got a safe place we stopped to catch our breath. "Well that- was- fun" I said through my breath intakes. "Why do- they love you- so much-".
He held up his hand to signal wait a minute will ya? "My father is the famous Harry Potter, saviour of the wizarding world. Now they all expect me to do something great as well! They all follow me around asking me what my next quest will be. It's annoying."
I wanted to say haha guess who's in the same boat as you but I'm really not supposed to tell people about demigods.
All though it seems like this is his everyday. My mum and dad tried as hard as they could to keep me out of it. They even tried to hide my birth from everyone. It doesn't really help when your best sator friend is a loud mouth. We forgive Grover though.
"Well since we have everything for school and our parents are nowhere to be seen, what do you want to do?" I asked Albus.
"ZOE!" A voice called from behind me. I turned around to see Jason Grace with his son Max Grace.
I went up and gave my uncle Jason a hug. We may not know how we are related but I call him uncle anyway.
"Hey cous" Max calmly said, nodding his head in a sup motion.
I waved hi half-heartedly. I never really liked Max. He always flirted and winked and it made me want to run away from him.
"What brings you here uncle?"
"I'm just taking Max here to get his stuff for school."
I was about to start crying when Albus said "oh look I think I see our parents" and then grabbed my wrist and pulled me away.
"Thank you" I said to him once we were far enough away. "Where are our mothers?" I asked.
"I just said that to get you out of there. If you did something stupid then I wouldn't have anyone to discover the truth about the prophecy with".
"And you'd be lonely" I cut in.
He faked hurt "I'd still have Sven."
"You imaginary friend?"
"No! My imaginary reindeer".
I rolled my eyes "sorry, I forgot".
"You better not forget again" he said stamping his foot, imitating a 5 year old.
"Well let's go find our parents" he suggested.
It took about 30 to finally find them. "What are you 2 doing together?" Ginny asked.
"Walking" I replied.
She shot me a not the time look. "Well Albus we have to go. Your fathers probably worried about us being gone so long".
We said goodbye and I mouthed to him to find me in the train tomorrow. This friendship was the start of something way bigger than 2 people meeting. According to the prophecy, we had just doomed the world. Fun.
~Albus's POV~
We quickly went and found James who seemed to be Annoying some girl.
When we walked up to James he didn't notice us so he said "looking foward to looking at your tests in the upcoming year. Maybe you can watch me strut my stuff on my broom" he flexed him muscles, making a pose. The girl's Friend of the girl James was trying to impress kept on giggling but the other one wasn't having a bar of it.
"Come on James stop annoying the poor girl" my mother said and then quickly walked off expecting us to follow behind her.
"Did you have fun being mum's lap dog today?" James asked.
"I wasn't her lap dog. I was aloud to go wherever I wanted. I met a girl-" I tried to say but he cut me off ruffling my hair.
"Atta boy. My little puppies all grown up" James fake sobbed.
"It's not like that" I complained.
"Oh sure buddy. Mum's not listening you know? You don't have to pretend."
"Your so annoying" I mumbled to myself.
He just laughed and caught up with mum who was miles in front of us. We used the flew powder to get back home.
"Hey hon-" my dad started but mum ran off. He then turned to us. "What did you two do this time?"
"Nothing" we both said in unison. Dad shook his head and ran up the stairs after mum. I followed listening at the door to their bed room.
"What's wrong honey?
"T-t-there's another prophecy. I-I-it's about Albus, a-and it started today. T-they met." My mum practically just told dad what Annabeth told her. Hearing the prophecy again just made me angry. Why did I have to have a fait I didn't want? Why did I have to be the second chosen one? That's when I realised something that would change my life forever. I could get out of my fathers shadow. If I saw this out, I could save the world and finally make my own name for myself. Now I just had to get Zoe on board.

Please note
Not all of these characters are my own
The original characters are written by Rick Riordan and JK Rowling, nor is diagon ally my own

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