Which corner should be the toilet

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Alicia's POV
When I awoke, I had a huge head ache. That only got worse when I heard a voice. "Morning sunshine. How come I got kidnapped after you and I woke up before you" said the annoying James Potter.
Kidnapped? He was bluffing. "Very funny James, now where are we really?"
"Oh you didn't know? Some ugly guy kidnapped us both." He shrugged like it was no big deal.
"W-we're where?" My heart sped up in my chest, my brain stopped functioning.
"Alicia breathe" he said sternly but sweetly putting his hands on my shoulders "we are going to get through this together ok? You and me".
After a few minutes, my heart slowed down again and I could think straight.
"I think you mean me and me, Potter" I said pulling myself out of his grip.
"And this is what you get for being a nice human being" he muttered jokingly. I laughed a little and then realised where I was, and who I was with. I looked down at my grumbling stomach that was making it hard to move.
"Your really hungry aren't you?"
"Is it that obvious?" I nearly threw up.
"Hello kidelywinks" a high pitched voice sang interrupting us "don't you love your new home?"
"Well sure but is there any chance we can have like a boys cage and girls cage?" I asked stupidly. If I annoy him enough he might let us- me go. I dont care if James makes it out alive or not.
"Of course not!" He snapped "destroying the world costs a lot of money I'll have you know. I'm on a very tight budget here."
"Well do we at least get breakfast?" James asked Hopefully, looking down at his grumbling stomach.
"I'm not a monster!" he screeched.
"Locking two kids who hate each other in a cage, not monsterish at all" I sarcastically spat.
The man rolled his black eyes, threw us bread and then stormed out dramatically.
"We have one slice of bread, I'll split it-"
"Just take it" he cut me off pushing the bread closer to me.
"But what about you? It's just better if we split it" I explained.
"On half a piece of bread we will never get enough energy to get out of here. You're clearly better at magic than me so you should get it".
I paused for a moment, "I didn't think it was possible to be a hero and be smart all at once. I was proven wrong today" I gave him a small smile before ripping off a small corner of it and giving it to him.
"It's not much but it'll at least make your hunger go down a little".
He gave me a half hearted smile and took it. "Now it's time to decide which corner we should use as a toilet".
Max's POV
Professor McGonigal walked into our common room and asked for the Griffendors attention.
"In the span of 2 days, we have lost 2 children. Hogwarts will not be shutting down yet but rules will be a lot tighter. A teacher will escort you to every class, lunch will be in the great hall, you are not aloud anywhere without a teacher. If you wish, the hogwarts express will take any children who wish to go home".
Then she hurrily fled the room in distress. I sat on the couch and pouted.
"Are you going home?" Asked a sweet voice.
"What's better, a deadly school or following my parents around like a sad puppy?" I asked the girl I yelled at that one time.
"A deadly school" she agreed "yeah I'm staying here too".
"You'd rather take your chances here rather than the real world?"
"Well for me it's either this or rummaging through the trash" she shrugged.
"Oh. I didn't realise you didn't have anywhere else to go" I put my head in my hands and looked at her sadly.
"Yeah we all have sob stories. Point is mines gonna end no matter what I do so I might as well enjoy yummy food
Before it does" she leaned further on the couch and sighed. "What's your sob story?"
"Stupid famous parents. Can't go anywhere without them being recognised. I'm only liked for my parents fame, not mine. Maybe that's why I'm staying. Saving poor kidnapped kids earns your more than Jason Graces kid".
"Yeah it earns you that kid who saved those other kids" she shrugged standing up "dinners soon. I gotta go secure my spot as far away from the kidnappers spot" she gave me a cheeky smile and held out her hand "wanna come with me?"
"Yo Max" yelled one of my idiot friends. I spun around to see them all standing there. "What are you doing with her" he said as though it was a sour candy that jumped on his toungue.
"Just talking" I shrugged "are you going home" I asked hopefully.
"Yeah we all are. Any excuse to get out of this stupid school" my hands automatically clenched "you are too right JJ?"
"No I'm staying. Gotta save the school right?" They all laughed.
I looked over my shoulder to see if the girl was still there but she left. I felt my heart sink into my stomach.
"Your gonna sit with us right Max?" He seemed like he was more threatening than asking.
"Sorry can't. I've got to keep up appearances as to find out when the kidnappers are planning to attack next" I said convincingly.
He laughed "good looking out for us JJ".
Oh how much I hated that name. Junior Jason. It made me want to puke.
"See ya" I turned around and walked to the great hall wishing I was with her. I looked around the Griffendor table to see she doing just as she said, sitting as far as she can get from us.

At dinner I kept staring at her. Ever since our meeting a few weeks ago she's been racing through my mind without stopping. She was the only one who didn't see me as the dumb boy JJ. She saw me as-
"Max!" Octavia yelled making me knock my plate over "you heard the plan for tomorrow?"
"We discussed it yesterday. Just loudly yell his last name so Slughorn hears" she rolled her eyes but nodded anyway and then started talking to Albus.
I turned my head to try and find her but she was gone. I watched her leave the great hall, but not before she gave me a small smile. That image resonated in my eyes for a few moments, almost like I wasn't going to see her again. Suddenly I snapped out of my trance realising what I had to do and ran after her shocking everyone in the great hall. I sprinted down all the halls until I got to the corridor. The one that James and Alicia went missing down. Neon Orange paint glittered on the walls. I shakily walked over to it.
2 students isn't enough for you to give them up? What about 3? I have taken Hanna Bart she keeps telling me. If you want her back, give me the two children of the prophecy.
I turned around to see the girls friend behind me. "Did you know her?" I asked.
She looked at me confused, tears swelling in her eyes. My chest started to tighten. It couldn't be her.
"You also know her. The girl you screamed at. Hannah."
Please note
Not all of these characters are my own
The original characters are written by Rick Riordan and JK Rowling, nor is hogwarts mine it belongs to JK Rowling

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