We get accused of kidnapping

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Zoe's POV
Roses words ran through my head like a sprinter running on a donut. Just few minutes ago I was eating my dinner calmly and now I'm looking at a threat to get me and my best friend captured.
Rose and Albus tan up to me so it was just us 3 in the corridor.
"You leaving delayed the prophecy" she said "now it's starting up again and it's angry".
"What, do you think it was the prophecy gods or something?" Albus had spat at her.
"That's Apollo and right now he's-" I stopped realising that I was about to reveal my secret to Albus.
"I'm not saying she's the cause of it, I'm saying that this is happening and we have to do something about it".
I looked back at the orange letters that sparkled in the faint light.
"Well now that Zoe's back we can start our plan to get the prophecy of 1828".
"No. Right now we have to figure out what's going on with-" I suddenly heard a loud group of footsteps approaching from the corridor.
"Guys we gotta" I started but then a voice interrupted me.
"Not so fast" professor McGonigal boomed. "What have you done to my sch-" she gasped. "Oh my. You 3 off to your dorms now" she then stormed off back towards her office.
We all turned around to see a bunch of students looking at us with fear in their eyes. Why would they be scar- they think we kidnapped the person. We still don't even know who it was!
"Come on guys" I grabbed their wrists and dragged them off through the Crowd.
"So much for a calm first day back at school" I complained walking my separate way to go to my common room.
The second I walked in silence slapped me in the face. Everyone was staring at me as I quickly darted to my dorm.
"What the heck happened!" Octavia's voice yelled.
"Oh just kidnapping children. The usual" I said sarcastically.
"Yes, I've heard" Octavia laughed "but you don't have a bad bone in your body. Now tell me about what really happened".
"You know that deadly prophecy? Someone wants me and Albus in exchange for all of the children they're going to kidnap" I threw my head in my pillow and started to cry.
She started rubbing my back. "Sitting here and sobbing isn't going to solve anything. First we should figure out who they've taken."
I nodded. "Your right 'Tavia".
"Just like usual" we both laughed and then went to bed.
Roses POV
"Hey kidnapper" David said sitting down next to me on the lounge in the Raven claw common room.
"How do you know! It only happened 30 minutes ago!" I yelled.
"News travels fast at hogwarts" he laughed.
"What's so funny?" I spat. I've never felt this way around him. Even on my worst days just having David around usually cheers me up.
"The fact that even when you've been accused of committing a crime you're still doing homework" he laughed again making me feel a little less annoyed with the situation.
"I may be a hardened criminal but I still have grades to maintain I'll have you know" I joked. He laughed again making butterflies fly around my stomach. How on earth could he make me so relaxed. He really is just a good friend. (That's right you just got Adrien Agrested).
"Do you know who got taken?" I asked him.
"Some Ravenclaw named Alicia".
The next morning.
Zoe's POV
Me and Octavia walked into the great hall ignoring the whispers and stares we got. Today we got led over to a sad corner of the hufflepuff table where anyone that wanted to be associated with the kidnappers could go. It was me, Octavia, Max, Rose, Crystal, Albus, Scorpios and some kid named David. The teachers didn't seem to mind that we were in different houses. At breakfast Rose told us about how this girl named Alicia got taken. And then the plan came up.
"You actually think we should go along with it still?" Max asked.
"You actually think we can go along with it still?" Albus asked.
"Why wouldn't we be able to" I enquired.
"Slughorn wants me because of my father but after this it could make adding me to the slug club risky for him. I can just see the headlines now 'saviour of world gives birth to some idiot kid who also doubles as a kidnapper'" he threw his head in the table and sulked wile Crystal rubbed his back reassuringly and to my right I could see Max gagging. What was that about?
"Well if you need someone from an important family, I'm from one" David spoke up causing Rose to turn a dark shade of red.
I thought about it for a second. "That could work. The only problem is that Slughorn was practically begging Albus to join before, how are we going to get you an invite?"
"Well he might not know. He doesn't seem to know any of my names. My family is supposed to be in Slytherin, I'm the first to be put in a house other than that".
"So we just need a way to tell him" Max cut in. "Well we have potions together so I could help you out with that. Not like anyone else could".
Despite being in the same friendship as group as max I still think that some of the things he did were just un-called for. Albus told me about that girl Max yelled at, I once saw him trip someone and laugh.
Ring ring.
That meant that we had to go and get ready for classes.
"Zoe" I heard a familiar voice behind me.
"Dad!" I shouted running up to him "what are you doing here?"
He lowered his voice and motioned for me to walk with him. "I am here for a meeting about the fait of the school. I am acting as a representative for demigods since Chiron is at camp half-blood. And since the suspicions about you are out-".
"Dad-" I cut him off but he put up his hand to motion for me to listen.
"-I thought I should go and tell them that my daughter would never do anything like that. I'll also get to see my old friends. Harry, Hermione and Ron". He smiled at me "are you still happy here?"
"Well considering I got accused of kidnapping on my first day back I think I'm doing great". He laughed. "Since children are getting kidnapped, are you and Mum thinking of sending me home?"
He thought about it for a second before putting both of his hands on my shoulders and staring directly into my eyes. "We did discuss it last night but we both came to the same conclusion. You have your mother's fighting skills, her brains, both of our sas and my water powers. I know that anyone that tried to hurt you will end up regretting it".
I gave him a huge cheesy smile. "It's been nice seeing you dad" I said giving him a huge hug. We stayed like that for a minutes before I joined my friends in going to class. Well attempting to.
Down the hall was a man with Black hair and emerald green eyes. He seemed to be wiping the tears out of his eyes.
"Dad?" Albus called.
The man who appeared to be Harry Potter ran up to his son and gave him a huge hug. "It's nice to see you too dad but what are you doing here and why are you upset?"
Harry looked directly into Albus's eyes.
"James he- he's been kidnapped Albus".
Please note
Not all of these characters are my own
The original characters are written by Rick Riordan and JK Rowling, nor is hogwarts mine it belongs to JK Rowling

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