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Alicia's POV
I woke up comfortable for the first time in, I'm not sure how long it's been really. I opened my eyes and realised I was laying on the floor with my head on James chest.
"Breakfast dorks" the old guy said throwing two Pieces of bread in the cage and hitting James in the face.
"Hey! I was having a good dream! Someone came and saved us and put you in snail jail" he yawned.
"What is this snail jail?"He asked.
"You were a snail in my dream".
I stifled a laugh, breaking up the bread and handing it out to everyone. I skipped myself so that everyone else could have more but James doesn't need to know that.
"Hey oldy, I'm here with some more information for you" a voice called out from a far room.
"See ya kidily winks" the old man rushed out of the room to go and greet the person.
"Guys who is that?" I asked. We all craved our necks to check who was there but the door was shut so it was impossible to see higher than the persons shoes.
"Traitor" James gulped.
"Shhhhhh" Hannah shooshed us.
After a few minutes she spoke. I've got insanely good hearing. I don't know his name, but it's boy, judging from his voice it's a first or second year. He was telling them who the children of the prophecy were- who ever they are"
I looked over to Crystal to see her go pale.
"You know something?" I demanded. Did he know my secret? Did she know my secret?
Crystal sighed and then told us about everything that she knew about the prophecy including Zoe and Albus.
"Wait so you're telling me that my brother is destined for a great prophecy and I'm normal!" We all laughed.
"Wait so it's a male, and he has to know about the prophecy. Who else knows?" I asked Crystal.
"Scorpious, Albus, Max and David" she recited.
"It's not Max" Hannah said quickly.
"How would you-" I started but got cut off.
"Just trust me".
I nodded and then went on to the next suspect. "Albus?" I asked.
This time Crystal shook her head. "The prophecy is about him there's no way it could be Albus. He'd just be dooming himself".
"True" I agreed. "What about David?"
"It is possible" Crystal agreed "him joining the group was very random. But the only thing is that he's been helping with the plans. He was the thing that the whole slug club plan turned to."
"Ok so that means that it's probably not David. The last person is Scorpious".
"Hmmmm" Crystal thought about it for a second "that actually makes a lot of sense. He is best friends with the prophecy kid, he's always distracted, never gives any input when discussing plans".
"That's decided then, the kid in there is Scorpious" I said to which Crystal looked a little sad over.
"It's ok" I comforted "I'm sure he'll get over helping him".
She gave me a faint smile and then rested her head on the bars behind her and closed her eyes.
I would've said something about sleeping at the same time but I honestly felt like resting too. I wondered how long it would take him to figure out my secret, how long until they figured out what I was hiding.
"Thinking?" James whispered to me. I nodded, tears threatening to fall out of my eyes. "It's ok to be scared you know?" He asked leaning his head back in the bars.
"I'm not scared" I whispered, trying not to disturb the others, my voice quivering. He gave me an are you kidding me look. "Ok so what if I am a little scared?" I asked rhetorically. "How am I not supposed to be scared? How are you not trembling right now? We have definitely been here for longer than a week now, no one seems to be planning on saving us asides from some kids. New ones are gonna be joking us soon and we've already run out of corners" I ranted.
He nodded slowly, taking in my words. "You're right. It doesn't seem like anyone is planning t save to us, but that's a good thing! I know my father would bring in any person he can because that's just who he is to save us. And the fact that it doesn't look like it means they have a higher chance of saving us. And my brother may be annoying, but Ik that he can do it. And how am I not trembling right now? Because I am sitting next to one of the brightest and most amazing witches at hogwarts. You and me will get through this together. All of us will get through this together" he finished his speech and then gave me a sweet smile.
"Thanks" I put my head on his shoulder "you're a good friend James. I regret not giving you a chance sooner".
"Thanks" he seemed disheartened but rested his head on mine too wile one word rang through my head. Friend. Not too long ago calling James a friend seemed like the stupidest thing I could've said, but now-
I lifted my head up and looked him strait in the eyes. Without thinking, without any sort of warning, I kissed him. When we broke apart his beautiful Green eyes looked strait into my brown ones. "I think we are great friends" he joked causing me to laugh. The last thing I heard before I went to sleep was high pitch screaming coming from the tunnel that led from our cage to somewhere else.

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