We Follow A Drop

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~Zoe's POV~
It had been a week since classes had started and nothing crazy had happened yet. I got an owl from my parents saying they missed me and to not get into any trouble but I could tell my mum wrote that and not my dad. I had made it my mission now to find out what my parents are hiding since I over heard another hufflepuff mentioned how crazy it is that a Jackson girl is here. Today there were no classes so me, Rose and Octavia were going to look for more stuff about my parents. Rose had heard story's about them at hogwarts but nothing that they might want to keep a secret from me. It was all about stupid stuff my dad did during classes and how her parents didn't like them at first.
We all met in the library because there might be something in the old year books. The library was huge room separated into different parts using book shelves filled to the brim with books. Tables were in front of some book shelves or in the middle of the room. The room had torches planted everywhere and few windows making the room dim and eerie.
Me and Octavia quickly found Rose sitting at a table surrounded by mountains of books. "What ya readin'?" Asked Octavia.
"The year book like we said we would" she said rudely.
"Just asking" she grumbled.
"What have you found so far?" I asked. She picked up her book and showed me a picture of a man named Ron weasely. "I've found that this is the right book but apart from that I've found nothing".
We both sat around rose commenting on people's photos. "They have a huge nose" Octavia laughed at Lavender Brown.
"Says you" Rose retorted.
"Come on guys focus" I cut in before any fighting started. We kept reading and eventually hit jackpot.
"There he is" I said pointing at a young looking Percy Jackson "my father".
"He's kinda cute" Octavia giggled.
"So they did come here!" I banged my hand on the table and got a loud shoosh from the librarian.
"We already knew that" Rose stated plainly "we are here to find out why".
"Oh right" I mumbled.
"Ewwww you spat on the page!" Octavia yelled earning another angry shoosh from the librarian.
"I did not" I whispered.
The drop of liquid just sat there not getting absorbed by the page. To get rid of it Rose put her finger on it but it moved and remained in tact. "It's enchanted" she deducted.
"Who would enchant a drop of water to stay on a page?" I asked rhetorically.
"People often did it to hide memories in them but we don't have a pensive to test out that theory" Rose suggested.
I thought about it for a second. "Maybe we don't need a pensive" I thought outloud.
"What, are you going to be the one to look at the memories?" Octavia joked.
"Something like that" I shrugged.
Rose shook her head. "No one in history has ever managed to do it let alone a muggle born first year".
"I've got to tell you something, but it's a secret" I took a deep breath in "I'm a descendent from posiden and I have my fathers water powers. I've never tried it before but I'm sure I could do it".
They both stayed silent for a moment. "Not the strangest thing I've ever heard" Rose said getting over her shock.
"Same" Octavia brushed it off and signalled for me to do my thing.
I held my hand over the drop and tried to feel it's power. I am the drop I told myself. Suddenly I could feel the memories in the droplet and brought them to the front of my brain. When I opened my eyes it slowly flew off the page and started going towards the door.
I took off after it, a very confused Rose and Octavia following.
The drop led us all around the castle to finally make its way to a wall where it turned into a giant flat square of water and pushed it backwards revealing a long, dark corridor. "What. Just. Happened" Octavia said dramatically.
"The drop came to life" I said excitedly.
"Did it?" Octavia asked "we didn't see anything except for you standing up until we got the wall and then a square of water appeared out of no where and pushed the wall backwards".
We walked down the long hall which took about 20 minutes. We finally got to a small room with a desk and a few books damaged by water. It was very dark, the only thing producing light was Roses wand and the drop of water. Suddenly the drop exploded creating people made of water. The first sene we saw was 5 people I assumed to be my mother, father, Leo Valdez, Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley walking into the room.
"This is amazing Percy, how did you find it?" Ginny asked.
"The water showed me the way" he shrugged. Suddenly the sene changed to the 5 of them all sitting in here together all reading and studying peacefully. The sene then changed again to Ginny, Harry, Leo and my mother all sitting in this room on the floor in a circle.
"The water is corrupting him" my mother said.
"There's no way" Ginny squeaked "the water here is fine".
"The water here is full of wizarding magic. He's not a real wizard, it's fogging up his mind. Soon he will erupt. We have to do something!" Yelled my mother.
"Well what can we do? We can't get rid of the water!" Harry asked.
"We can't just leave him. He could do something or hurt someone!" Annabeth cried.
"Who's hurting someone?" A voice slithered from the corridor.
"Nothing" Annabeth said quickly. Percy walked out from the shadows, his eyes had an evil twinkle to them.
"You were telling them that you think the water is corrupting me aren't you!" He yelled "the water here is showing me the way! It's helping me!"
"No I wasn't Percy! Please calm down" she pleaded.
"Shut up!" He yelled kicking her.
"PERCY CALM DOWN!" Leo yelled.
"Oh do you want a peace of me?" Percy yelled "there's no way you could take me though".
Leo charged at him but was shocked when Percy Grabbed water out of thin air and threw him into the wall.
"Percy!" Annabeth yelled "let go he can't breathe!" she ran up to him and tried to pull his arm so he would lose focus but he just pushed her off him and onto the floor. After a few more seconds Leo went limp and Percy dropped him. Annabeth tried to run up to him but Percy caused a huge wave flooding the place, leaving poor Leo to die.
The projection stopped and I ran out of the room crying. I ran down the corridors, Rose and Octavia calling my name. I searched for my goal until I finally bumped into professor McGonigal.
"Hello young Zoe" she said kindly.
"I want to go home".

Hey guys, for those of you who noticed, I kinda made a little mistake with what I wrote. Please forgive me and read the next chapter.
Please note
Not all of these characters are my own
The original characters are written by Rick Riordan and JK Rowling, nor is hogwarts mine

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