⏤͟͟͞͞☆ 19

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☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:⠀ *⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: .⋆

Jessica and Stella had found themselves a small little cabin to hold out on. They were going to head straight towards the meet up, but Jessica insisted that they rest for a bit. Mostly because Stella had begun getting dizzy.

Jessica had told her it was mostly from the shock and from exhaustion. Jessica also found out that Stella was getting a slight fever which had given her a slight scare as she thought Stella had gotten bit, but there was no bites when she checked.

Stella was feeling horrible. The events replaying in her mind. She had cried when they first arrived at this cabin.

Jessica: How are you feeling?

Stella: I don't know. My head and heart hurts.

Jessica: You really should get some rest El.

Stella: I don't think I can. I keep seeing his face everytime I close my eyes.

Jessica: I know, but you really need the sleep. Can you try?

Stella: (she sighs) I'll try.

Stella closes her eyes and tries to calm her head. She feels the bed dip, Jessica has layed down next to her. Stella breath in and tries to sleep. Maybe it was the comfort from Jessica being close to her, but she eventually feel right to sleep.


Jessica feels Stella's forehead and sighs out a breath of relief. Her fever had gone done by a lot.

A few minutes later Stella wakes up feeling much better than she did about 20 minutes ago. Jessica stands up and goes look out of the window.

Jessica: If we leave now. We should be able to get to the meet up spot. If their still there.

Stella: We should leave now then. Right?

Jessica: You think you can make it? Your fever is down a lot.

Stella: (She nods) I can make it.

Jessica: Alright then. Grab your things.

Stella nods and grabs her Switchblade and puts on her new boots Jessica had found in a closet along with a new light blue shirt she was now wearing. She put on her jacket and zipped it up.

Stella: Hey Jess? Do you think we should bring some stuff back in case Becca gives birth soon?

Jessica: Of course. It'd be very helpful. There's a bag over there. (She points to a booksack that is on the floor next to the bed.

Stella heads over and grabs the booksack. She then shoves a few of the thin bed sheets into the bag, along with a few jackets, and a small pillow. Stella zips up the bag and throws it over her shoulder.

Stella: I'm ready.

Jessica nods, takes out her knife and then opens the door. A cool breeze flows into the cabin. Jessica steps out first and looks around to make sure there is no walkers lurking around. She then motions for Stella to follow.

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