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"fuck, my head." i awoke to the piercing rays of sunlight that seemed to stab at my temples. the throbbing ache in my head intensified as i tried to make sense of my surroundings. blinking against the brightness, i gradually became aware of the softness beneath me and the comforting weight of a blanket.

i groaned, feeling the aftermath of a night filled with a bit too much beer. "i drank too much again." i quickly looked around hazily, realizing i wasn't on my bed but rather found myself sprawled out on the couch with a blanket on me.

grudgingly, i forced myself up. memories of the previous night were elusive, a hazy fog lingering over my mind. i could vaguely recall the laughter. i glanced at the digital clock, the numbers 12:03PM slowly became unblurry. as i rubbed my temples, trying to summon more coherent thoughts, the doorbell echoed throughout the apartment.

i winced at the sudden noise, head throbbing in protest. dragging myself off the couch, i stumbled towards the door. i swear my hair and attire was disheveled. opening it, y/n stood there, holding a steaming bowl of soup.

"morning... or afternoon," y/n grinned, holding the bowl a bit higher. the smell wafted through the air, into my nose. "figured this might help."

"you didn't have to," i mumbled. "but thank you."

"it's alright. it's the least i can do for a friend."

there was a moment of silence until y/n spoke, "so how do you feel?"

"like shit."

the girl burst into laughter. "you're quite a drinker."

"sorry," i sighed with a chuckled. "was i hard to manage? did i blabber stupidly? sorry if i was difficult..." i apologized, finally looking into the gentle eyes of y/n's. for a moment, i saw how she stiffened and her lips parted, "difficult is an exaggeration. you just fell asleep."

"really?" y/n simply nodded with a small smile. "you should go freshen up. drink the soup while it's still warm, okay? rest well. i might come see you again later."

closing the door behind her, i felt the full force of the hangover hitting me. the sunlight streaming through the windows intensified the throbbing in my head. in haste, i made my way to the bathroom, hoping the cold water would bring some relief. as I splashed my face, the memories of last night's blurry escapade started to resurface and like a lightning bolt, a vivid memory struck me.

"oh and that girl was a headache! it was so hard for me to bring them together but alas, i made them date and they were so cute together! they're getting ready to marry soon."  y/n was in the midst of telling me something regarding her friend and his lover. i think that was what she was telling me. she kept rambling. it went from her telling me something about her helping out a relationship, to her travelling countries to saying i'm drunk. i don't know. i think that's what's happening.

in my intoxicated state, her words blended into a soft melody. i drunkenly glanced at her lips that moved non stop as she was talking. they looked... kissable. lines between reality and illusion blurred as the alcohol in me painted a vivid mirage. in that moment, the girl in front of me was no longer y/n but the love of my live. she became hari, my ex.

my hari is back.

"hari?" i slurred. a drunken smile formed on my lips as i staggered forward. hari smiled at me. a wave of past emotion flooded me as i embraced her. "i... i've missed you so much." i mumbled, the words heavy with the raw emotion that lingered beneath the surface. the room seemed to spin but i held onto hari as if she was a lifeline i lost to the world.

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