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"have i told you how i wanted to be an idol when i was younger? i don't think i did."


"when i was still in high school and together with.. hari.. i always participated in talent shows and many of my teachers praised me and said i had potential to become an idol."


"oh and you know, in my kindergarten years, i had this unforgettable memory. it was so funny! ahh, it makes me so embarrassed just thinking about it. it happened during a talent show. i was very into this cartoon as a kid and so i did the geurae-geurae dance on stage. my teacher scolded me right after. gosh, it was embarrassing."


yeonjun continued to blabber about his childhood whilst y/n absent-mindedly traced the rim of her coffee cup, her gaze distant. her boyfriend paused his chatter, gaze softening as he noticed how his girl was silent and barely responded to his words. he found it hard to ignore the shift in her demeanor so he softly called her out.


the girl didn't reply, still deep in thought. yeonjun furrowed his brows.

"uh.. y/n?"

"huh..?" the cupid blinked, straightening up. "yeah? what.. go on."

the couple remained silent. slightly disappointed that the girl wasn't paying attention, yeonjun pondered whether to ask her if there's something wrong. he then examined her face— eyes that harboured slightly dark eyebags and lips that were curved downward. she just wasn't herself and he could clearly see it from her appearance to the way she acted.

"are you okay, baby?" yeonjun asked carefully as he shifted closer. "is something wrong? do you want to talk about it?" he placed a hand over her hand. his eyes searched hers for any signs of what might be bothering her yet those dead eyes couldn't exactly tell him what was bothering her, which bothered him instead.

it kind of made him upset and a huge wave of deja vu washed over him— it felt just like how his ex girlfriend lost interest in him as well. that distant and short replies to his long rambles, those eyes that barely sparked life around him, lips that don't stretch because of him. it felt all too well familiar to him, strangely weird. he didn't like it one bit as well.

he observed his girlfriend who managed a faint smile and lied, "it's nothing, really. just tired, i guess. i didn't catch up on sleep."

dissatisfied with her response, yeonjun continued to watch her. she played with her food, her laughter didn't ring as freely as yesterday, and her eyes, once filled with warmth, seemed distant and barely made eye contact with him. he couldn't shake off the feeling that something was amiss. however, to not make her uneasy, he faked a chuckle and playfully chastised her, "and who asked you to be awake at 3am in the morning then?"

"that was my bad," y/n chuckled, admitting her fault as she looked out the window of the cafe they were in. trying to shift the conversation, yeonjun asked, "by the way, did you hear about that new movie everyone's talking about? i was thinking we could go watch it together after this.. what do you think?"

y/n's gaze remained fixed on the passing scenery outside. she hesitated before replying, "oh, the movie? yeah, sure, that sounds good." her response lacked enthusiasm, and yeonjun couldn't shake off the nagging feeling that something was bothering her. he followed her actions once she stood up and followed her out. y/n turned with a raised brow, "so how do we go to the cinema?"


"after you, m'lady." yeonjun grinned as he allowed y/n to walk in first to their seat. he hurriedly scurried in after a random guy cursed him to stop blocking the way. the cupid plopped on the seat first, followed by yeonjun. the guy slightly squirmed before finding a comfortable position to relax in. y/n's eyes darted around. it especially caved in on couples that surrounded her. there was a couple in front of her who rested their heads on each other's. the couple beside her were giggling about god knows what. the elderly couple behind her just couldn't stop with their lovey dovey chitters. she frowned and glanced at yeonjun who was looking around while eating a popcorn.

the couple finally made eye contact and y/n had to purse her lips to conceal a flustered smile. seeing such a reaction, yeonjun felt as if he hit a jackpot. his hands travelled to her thighs and he allowed his hand to caress it whilst the movie introduction rolled in.


"fuck, that was a boring movie." yeonjun grumbled under his breath as he stepped out from the cinema. y/n shivered but slowly relaxed upon being in a warmer place. the girl nodded, agreeing to what her boyfriend stated. "i can't believe they call that a romance movie.." the cupid frowned, "they need more action and less diddle-daddling with their feelings."

"exactly. ah, we could've been at home and cuddling each other whilst watching a better movie." yeonjun pouted. he waddled towards the girl to embrace her in a bear hug. the cupid giggled to herself. "come on, we're in public."

"can't i shower my girlfriend with love in public?"

the remark made y/n blush profusely as she cleared her throat. passer-bys paid them disgusted glances which made the girl to wiggle out of his embrace. instead, she interlocked their fingers. together, they walked out hand in hand. yeonjun noticed that y/n was feeling better and it did uplift his mood.

it feels like hari again. he mentally thought, staring at y/n who kept talking about the movie. deja vu clawed him and he tried to erase that thought of his ex girlfriend again.

"yeonjun? is that you?"

the couple stared at each other before turning their gaze forward. once again, before them stood the gorgeous girl y/n could remember. jiwoo, if she remembered it right.

y/n glanced to see what yeonjun's reaction was and it mildly satisfied her when the look on his face was pure irritation. jiwoo, however didn't mind as she stepped closer. her group of friends that huddled around her scattered to leave her alone with the duo.

"ah! yeonjun, what a coincidence to see you again."

for some reason, as the new girl belted out those words, something tugged itself within the cupid's heart. she carefully glanced at her lover then to jiwoo. unfortunately, her cupid's instinct kicked in which caused something within her to click in realization as well.

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