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yeonjun cackled, throwing his head back. the bright tv screen aired the movie they were watching.it was nearly coming to an end. trying to keep his laughter soft, he turned to look at y/n for her reaction, a dad joke at the tip of his tongue yet he silenced himself. his squinted eyes softened and he unconsciously lowered the volume of television.

credits began rolling while y/n softly snored. yeonjun couldn't help it but to chuckle fondly. she looked adorable. he brought the blanket over her, making sure she was warmly covered. shifting his gaze away, he switched the tv off. he grabbed his phone and air pods, watching a movie quietly beside his sleeping friend. he made sure the brightness was dim so y/n wouldn't wake up.

for once after a while, yeonjun slept through the night with a smile than a cry.


a yawn belted out off yeonjun's lip as he stirred. dimmed sunlight streamed into the living room through the fogged up window. light pitter patters resonated outside and yeonjun groaned, snuggling closer to the warmth beside him to escape the cold weather.


he paused and boy, did he take his own sweet time to register the position he was in right now. his heart skipped a beat the moment he glanced down to see the cupid's head resting on his chest. her strands messily fell all over face, carpeting her face from his sleepy eyes. petty snores left the girl and she mewled softly like a newborn baby, moving closer to the warmth radiating from yeonjun's own body. in yeonjun's eyes, she looked peaceful.

a smile crept onto his face but he bit it back. he shifted his gaze to the cream coloured wall that stared back at him. he didn't know what to do in this situation, hence he just laid back down and allowed the girl to embrace him. his heart raced but he didn't know why he was feeling like that. his heart was still clouded over hari.

he chewed on his inner cheek, glancing at the girl. his eyes felt heavy yet again and his body, cozy, shifted a bit closer. he closed his eyes and allowed slumber to eat him up yet again.

a few minutes after, y/n stretched. she covered her mouth when a yawn belted out and blinked her eyes. it took her a moment to realize how close they huddled and she slowly backed off. she heaved herself up, running her hands through her tangled knots exasperatedly. her eyes scanned yeonjun who was fast asleep. noticing his blanket was barely covering him, y/n draped the covers on him then stood up, staggering slightly.

"i need the bathroom." she whispered, lamely walking her way into yeonjun's room while her eyes drooped. the moment she entered his room, she directed herself into his bathroom. washing her face and mouth, she then stepped out. she didn't want to be in his personal space without his consent.

however, now that she was fully awake, she could finally take in the whiff of his smell in his room. she also noticed torn up pictures on the ground near the rubbish bin. a broken frame was at the corner. his bed was neat and empty since the pillows and blankets were outside. a picture frame of him and four boys, smiling widely like cheshire cats sat on his desk and y/n couldn't help but smile at them. there was another frame, smaller this time on the other side of his bed table with the same four boys occupying the frame. they looked so happy.

quietly, she stepped out of his bedroom and went to the kitchen. she busied herself, trying to find coffee and didn't notice the male shuffling behind her. yeonjun stood behind her, reaching out to the coffee packet and handed it to her. his sultry breath embraced her back, causing y/n to stiffen up. a lazy grin accompanied him as he leaned against the counter.

"good morning," he chirped with eyes still squinting.

"morning! coffee?" y/n asked, glancing at him. yeonjun nodded, yawning once more. he watched the girl stumble around in his kitchen, brewing the drink for him.

it reminded him of hari. the morning cuddles in his kitchen, laughing together as they made coffee together. him back-hugging the girl, chin resting on her shoulder whilst he whispered sweet words into her ears.

he missed it. he missed her.

"yeonjun—" y/n waved and snapped her fingers, causing the dazed boy to be back to reality. yeonjun blinked, staring down at his friend.

"you okay?"

yeonjun immediately masked his gloom with a smile. he grabbed the coffee from her and nodded. y/n furrowed her brows, watching the boy waddle to the couch. it was obvious he was in deep thought. 

"well," the cupid trailed, walking to the living room. "i'll return home first. if you need me or anything, i'm next door." 


y/n paused, still having her eyes on him.

"what's your favourite song?"

before y/n could think and answer, continued knocks began pounding on the door. startled, y/n jumped back. she sent the owner of the home a concerned look but yeonjun remained calm and collected which confused her. he sighed, walking to the door to attend it.


to no surprise, four boys jumped out. y/n got startled even more as she flinched with widened eyes. the four boys cackled, their loud voices filling the corridor. 

"hoi, lower your volume!" a grumpy old man from another apartment hollered and the boys silenced themselves, still snickering to each other. they scurried in once the door opened and started joking about louder that is until they caught the cupid awkwardly shifting on her spot. she noticed the four guys were the same ones in the picture frames.

"oh? are we interrupting something?" a guy, looking somewhat like a bunny remarked. "sorry for our intrusion. we didn't know hyung had guests."

"oh, no, no. i'm leaving right now anyways." y/n looked away from their towering gazes. all of them were much taller than what she expected. they sent her kind smiles as she slowly slipped away. she waved a hand at yeonjun before disappearing from his sight.

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