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this cannot be happening.

my heart shouldn't be racing at that flirty remark.

since when did he become a flirt? what was he up to when i was gone? when did he get this bold to say stuff like that?

the way he cockily tilted his head with innocence after i 'what' him and that slight smirk that grew on his face when the realization dawned upon me. i immediately left his house when i realized because of how flustered i got— which cannot be happening. i weaved a fake tale and just blurted it out before dashing out of his house.

i have never gotten flustered by a mere human before.

the flutter of the heart for a mere human is forbidden— or at least that's what i think it is. my brows furrowed itself as i thought about it even more. the realm have never talked about cupids falling in love with humans nor did news about such events were talked about or surfaced from the other cupids.

my purpose for me to be sent down here was to guide him to love someone that's meant for him.

i shouldn't steer off the track just because of a trivial remark and stay focus. after all, it's my duty as his cupid to find his soulmate.


weeks had passed by in a wink and the prominent change in yeonjun's behaviour grew too which caused the cupid to feel slightly confused. his mood had lifted up completely— which is a good thing. his smiles grew brighter and wider. he started cracking dad jokes and flirty remarks that would stun the cupid once in a while. his eyes lingered on her a lot and as soon as she looks at him, yeonjun would look away with blush coating him. moreover, the girl noted that his excuses to make her stay over at his unit became lamer and lamer.

today, the couple were out in the city. it was yeonjun's idea to bring her out and it took him nights to think of something but eventually settled on a simple dinner date, or at least that's what he wished it was. y/n was clueless and was simply excited to get free good food.

evening blanketed the city. stars were blooming in the sky, twinkling as the couple walked on the pavement where the rooftop restaurant which yeonjun reserved was located at.

"hold on." yeonjun halted as his eyes noticed something. his eyes sparkled as he turned towards his girl.

"wait here."


awkwardly, y/n stood there and watched yeonjun jog his way towards somewhere. unfortunately, he turned a corner but appeared again with an old man a few minutes after. he had an excited grin plastered on his face and gestured y/n over to where he was at.


"y/n, let's take a polaroid picture!"

"but we don't have a polaroid."

the boy shyly gestured towards the elder. he leaned closer to her to whisper into her ears, "i begged him to take a picture of us and offered to pay but he said he's willing to do it for free."

y/n's lips curled into an 'o' and she nodded. she pulled yeonjun close and held a peace sign. the elder waited for yeonjun to strike a pose and then chuckled.


"what a cute couple." the film slowly rolled out of the polaroid. y/n's eyes widened in surprise as she tried to deny the older male's statement. however, yeonjun had already talked before her.

"thank you for taking a picture of us!"

"no problemo, kids. have a good night." the man waved off after passing the polaroid to the pair. a giddy feeling emerged in his heart as he held the polaroid picture in his hand. the picture slowly dissolved and finally the pair appeared. yeonjun's smile stretched wider. unbeknownst to y/n who started to whine about the old man mistaking them as a couple, he slipped the film inside his wallet.


"please wait as we deliver your meal shortly."

as soon as the waiter walked off, yeonjun landed his gaze on the girl sitting opposite him. fortunately for him, he managed to reserve a seat right by the railings so they could have a beautiful view of the night sky. y/n stared at the sky, humming softly to herself. she looked at the moon. it was full tonight. the stars were brighter too and blinked rhythmically. for some reason, she felt as though the stars were relaying her a message that she couldn't decipher. out of the blue, her eyes caught an airplane in the sky. it flew right by the moon.

"ah, i envy those people in the plane who get to see the moon up close. it's pretty."

"pretty indeed." his eyes never left her figure.

y/n didn't respond much as she kept looking off into the sky. a few minutes of silence passed and it broke once the sound of the waiter came closer. the couple turned towards the worker as he placed their meal before strolling off. y/n excitingly dug in with yeonjun following her actions.

the boy leaned in after a bite of his food, his gaze lingering on hers. "you know, y/n, they say the stars are the universe's way of showing off. but tonight, i think they're just trying to compete with your eyes."

y/n raised a brow and chuckled, "flattery won't get you extra dessert, you know."

the dinner conversation continued with a delightful mix of laughter.

"if i were a cat, i'd spend all my nine lives with you."

the cupid smirked. "i thought you were more of a fox, sly and mischievous."

"well, in that case, you're the rabbit i'm trying to catch."

despite the cupid's attempts to keep things light, she couldn't deny the subtle flutter in her chest. it was an unfamiliar sensation, one she couldn't easily dismiss. yeonjun's flirty remarks persisted, each one delivered with a playful glint in his eyes.  his charm was weaving a spell, and she found herself entangled in the mystery of it all.

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