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"news reports state that—"

i shut the tv off, throwing the remote on the couch as i stood up. i walked circles in my apartment, unsure of what to do anymore. the news bored me. the rest of the channels were drama series that i never watched. i also do not have a phone to entertain myself.

"ah, i wish i can use the bows and shoot couples. i can feel it. i can sense the hearts." i groaned. a yawn then belted out of my lips as i stretched a bit, yet i didn't feel sleepy.

i should go to the balcony.


"oh yeonjun? you're here too?" the cupid blurted out, seeing the familiar back facing her. yeonjun turned to look at her, offering her a smile. "it seems like you're stalking me, y/n. it's becoming obvious." with a teasy tone, he grinned. y/n rolled her eyes, "sure."

bathed under the soft glow of the moon, the couple comfortably rested beside each other. city lights spoke to them with distant cars honking and screeching. y/n, standing near the edge, traced the constellations with her gaze, whilst yeonjun observed her from the corner of his eyes.

"you seemed a bit off earlier," he suddenly remarked, breaking the silence. "is everything okay?"

y/n hesitated for a moment, her gaze lingering on the city below before meeting his. a soft smile played on her lips, "yeah. nothing to worry about."

silence settled between them. yeonjun lowered himself to sit against the rooftop railings with y/n following his actions.

"have you ever fallen in love, y/n?"

yeonjun shot the cupid a question. y/n turned her gaze towards her friend, meeting the earnest curiosity in his eyes. a subtle pause lingered before she spoke, choosing her words with care.

"no, i haven't," she replied, her gaze drifting to the city lights below.


"it's... complicated." the cupid shrugged. a moment of hesitation flickered in her eyes, and she chose her words carefully. "the thought never came to me."

yeonjun furrowed his brows. "weird. so you never felt that badum badum in your heart before? your cheeks turning red? your cheeks hurting from smiling so hard? your stomach twisting and turning?"

y/n simply shook her head.

"you're missing out on a lot."

"i sure am." y/n hummed.

"can i lay my head on your shoulder?" yeonjun whispered. he slumped against the wall, head slightly grazing against the cupid's shoulder. y/n lightly chuckled as she nodded. taking this chance, yeonjun instantly laid his head on her shoulder. his head vibrated for a while until the girl stopped chuckling. for a brief moment, warmth flooded him and yeonjun snuggled closer, feeling himself cozy on spot. they remained silent with yeonjun hearing how deeply y/n breathed. he also caught a whiff of her smell, something he never realized.

she smelt lovely.

"are you uncomfortable? do you need me to adjust my position?" yeonjun questioned, glancing at the girl. once more, for the first time he noticed something new about the girl. the way she turned with a slight raise of her brow, lips that parted vaguely and eyes that glistened under the moonlight.

she looked... pretty? like, not in a general way but she looked prettier than usual.

yeonjun frowned. he shook the thoughts away, disturbed and confused.

"i'm okay, don't worry." she assured her friend.

silence fell between them as they both stargazed. that is until a distant sound of thunder struck.

pitter. patter. pitter. patter.

a light drizzle suddenly poured on the rooftop. y/n gasped and she pushed herself up but yeonjun stopped her, grabbing her hand. he looked up at her through his fox-like eyes, lips in a pout.


"are you crazy? we're going to get sick. you will get sick!"

"the rain never bothered me anyway," yeonjun sang, arrogantly scoffing afterwards. y/n snickered, "you're going to get sick, yeonjun."

"what about you? aren't you worried you will get sick?" the boy lifted a brow with a smile. the cupid scanned him; he was already wet, hair limping to his face and droplets never endingly trickled down. the cupid herself was already soaked like him. she narrowed her eyes.

"i'm not taking care of you if you catch a cold."

"i won't fall sick."

and so, the cupid stood there, staring down at her mate. yeonjun closed his eyes and beamed as he looked up. water droplets plopped on his face. the light drizzle slowly then alternated into a heavier rain. the city was a hazy blur now, lights less distinct and and the sounds of vehicles speeding up muffled, y/n gasped.

"you're going to seriously get sick if you stay out." y/n frowned, tugging their interlocked hands. yeonjun's grip on her hand tightened as he slowly opened his eyes to look at her. 

"stay with me tonight, y/n. watch a movie with me or something." he lazily beamed at her, a childish look painting his features. y/n looked at him in disbelief. she was hundred percent sure he was going to fall sick yet the male was persistent in not moving at all.

it was as if he didn't care.

"okay, fine. i'll watch a movie with you but let's warm ourselves up first. you're gonna start sneezing and coughing later." she frowned. this time, y/n used more strength. yeonjun staggered but allowed himself to be pulled up. 


y/n didn't know how it ended up like this.

yeonjun was in the shower, taking a warm bath whilst she was resting on his couch. his black shirt that was humongous was on her while her own rain soaked clothes were tossed in the dry cleaner. it warmed her, physically and mentally. yeonjun had also lent her black shorts though it was big but after some alterations, it managed to clung onto her.

the television was on and the female mindlessly skimmed through the channels, uninterested. the faint sound of the bathroom door opening reminded the cupid her friend had finished his bath. after a few minutes, the door to his room swung open and yeonjun stepped out. he wore a grey sweatpants and white shirt. a towel dangled on his neck, a hand using it to dry his strands.

"want milk?" he offered, heading to the kitchen to get a glass.

"nah, i'm good."

"you sure?"

y/n affirmed him with a nod. yeonjun shrugged, "suit yourself then."

drinking a quick glass of milk, yeonjun then scurried to his room then back to the couch with a bunch of pillows and blankets in hand. y/n watched him prepare the space for them excitingly. he laid there, gesturing y/n to lay beside him. his other hand held a remote so he could turn netflix on.

"come closer."

cupid's mistakeWhere stories live. Discover now