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saying y/n was nervous was an understatement.

she was extremely anxious and her heart beat was quicker than usual. she felt herself pacing the corridor as she waited for her boyfriend to come out. boyfriend... it sounded weird for her to say it. she never had a boyfriend before. it sounded wrong too— she's a cupid with a boyfriend now.

can a cupid even have a boyfriend?

it felt so wrong for her. will the realm approve of them or will she be condemned for doing the forbidden?

however, ever since that day in the amusement and the sudden confession from yeonjun, her heart always did the funny beats and her stomach did funny flips that she finally understands why humans say they feel these ways.

she sighed and halted. the door from her partner's house finally creaked open and yeonjun's head peeked out. y/n felt a sudden surge of bliss take over her and her cheeks were turning crimson red. unconsciously, her hands ran to pat down her hair to make sure her hair was perfect for their second date.

"y/n! good morning!" the boy grinned whilst locking his door. "did i make you wait?"

"not really."

"that's a lie, isn't it?" 

y/n coughed. she has been standing there for half an hour. it's not a long wait. right?

"nope, i've been standing here for 5 minutes or so."

yeonjun gawked at the sight of her. the girl shyly shifted on her spot, feeling small under his gaze. adoringly, the guy took the girl's hand and interlocked their fingers. y/n nibbled on her lips as she let him do so. she was new to this whole couple stuff and was anxious. she couldn't tell him that she was a cupid and spent her entire life setting people up and this is the first time she had set her own self up unintentionally.

"so..." yeonjun looked at her. "where do you wanna go?"

"i don't know any good places here.." y/n mumbled. the couple entered the elevator the open the door slid open. her boyfriend leaned against the metallic wall, deep in thought as he thought of something fun.

"what do you wanna do?"



y/n looked at her lover. yeonjun slightly jumped on his spot as soon as he gets an idea.

"i know exactly where to go. i saw this on a variety show lately and i think it'll be fun." yeonjun grinned, pulling his girl along excitedly like an exhilarated puppy.


"really? archery?" y/n deadpanned as she looked around the archery range. bows hung from the wall and there were a few certificates that adorned the dull blue-yellow looking room. the bows and arrows that the cupid saw reminded her of how much she missed holding one. 

yeonjun sported a confident beam, "i've got a feeling i'll be a natural at this," he declared with a self-assured swagger.

"oh really?"

y/n, well aware of her cupid skills, couldn't help but be amused by his enthusiasm. she simply nodded, playing along with his bravado. she observed how the boy took hold of the bow. his stance was perfect, long legs spread apart slightly. he closed an eye to aim better and to channel his inner archer. however, his first attempt resulted in the arrow veering off wildly, missing the target by comical margins.

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