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time skipped by in a blink and it was already another boring friday. small flocks of pigeons cooed and fluttered around the park, their feathers catching the morning light. agile sparrows flitted between the towering building.

it has been a whole entire week since y/n left too.

my steps were quick as i strolled along the cobblestone pavement which led me to the zebra crossing. vehicles zoomed by as i stopped for the green man to start blinking. my eyes wandered around, noticing a stray cat vanish itself into a store. people, mostly couples meandered through the pathway, their lovely chitty chatty conversations filling the polluted air.

i glanced at my phone to check the time. it was going to be 1 pm. i don't even know how i am coping without y/n's presence right now. her existence in my home was like a sunbeam, casting a warm glow on the mundane, brightening even the simplest corners with her presence.

now that she was gone all of a sudden, i felt lonely. the feeling was indescribable.

it frustrated me that when i scrolled through my phone in search for her number, i was met with the face-slapping realization that i didn't even have her number in the first place. so now, i don't have a way to contact her or to talk to her or to get any updates about how she was or where she was at.

"stupid fool," i murmured to myself like a crazy person as i made my way into the grocery store. "i should've gotten her contact number the first thing we became... friends?" i tilted my head uncomfortably as the word rolled out my tongue.

friends. we're definitely neighbours, that's for sure. were we friends? were we acquaintances? i don't think so. we were too close to be acquaintances but what other label do we have? the thought of us being friends just didn't roll off well to me. i furrowed my brow. 

taking a step inside the grocery store, i took notice of the shelves adorned with price tags which displayed a dazzling array of vibrant produce, from fruits that seemed to shimmer with freshness to vegetables that glowed in radiant hues.

i wasted no time to stock up on the stuff i need. it took me 10 minutes to fill my cart to the brim, mostly instant ramyeon of different brands taking up the space and a bottle of cola.

"thank you for purchasing. come again!"

i hummed as i hoisted the big plastic bag and waddled out of the store. the bag wasn't relatively heavy but the bottle of cola did make it harder for me to grip the bag properly. my feet dragged itself for the past 10 minutes, slowly taking me back home. i really wanted to eat ramyeon.

so there i was, weaving through the bustling pavement but time slowed to a standstill when a familiar pair of eyes caught mine. my ex. there she was standing opposite me. instinctively, i found myself frozen in place, caught in the currents of memories. my grip on the plastic bag tightened in the process as i scrutinized her. shockingly, i didn't experience the feelings i would've felt for her before.

deciding to forge ahead, i took a deliberate step away, as if each footfall were a conscious effort to distance myself from the echoes of what once was. the urban symphony persisted around me— cars zipping by, advertisements clamoring for attention, and the harmonious hum of the city's heartbeat. 

however, a voice, unmistakably hers, cut through the ambient noise. "yeonjun?"

i turned, facing her with an air of detached composure.

"hey," she approached, "it's been a while. do you have a moment?" a hesitant smile played on her face.

the invitation hung in the air. pausing for a beat, i considered the implications of indulging in a conversation with a ghost from my past. with a hesitant nod, i answered, "sure."


never in my entire life did i feel as uncomfortable as i was like at the moment.

we were in a quaint cafe in a corner where the smell of pastries and sweet drinks swayed in the air. hari was sitting opposite me, eyes frozen on me which made me uncomfortably stiff on the spot. the faint sound of our drinks being placed on the table and hari thanking the worker was the only sound resonating. i took a sip of my iced americano to wet my mouth.

"so," i began, clearing my throat. "what's up?"

hari sent me a smile, one that would've melted me instantly if i was still madly in love with her.

"how have you been? i... i heard that you're still in love with me..?"

i frowned. now that the words solely came from her, i could finally rationalize my feelings better. the memories that once held a grip on my heart had gradually loosened their hold. it wasn't a forceful detachment. as hari spoke, her words no longer provoked the same emotional response within me. the smile she wore, once capable of stirring a myriad of feelings, now felt distant, like a scene from a bygone era. 

i furrowed my brows, considering her words. "actually, hari, i think.." i murmured, surprising myself with the newfound assurance in my tone. "i think.. i've moved on." my eyes glistened as i voiced out. it felt as though a burden on me was taken off my shoulder.

hari's eyes widened with a mixture of surprise and curiosity, and for a moment, i felt a subtle shift in the dynamics between us. hari was no longer the center of my emotional universe, and it seemed she realized it too.

"oh," she responded, a flicker of realization crossing her features. "i see. that's... that's good. i'm glad you've found your way." a genuine smile stretched her lips and relief seemed to overtake her as well. there was a sincerity in her words and the smile she offered held warmth.

she sighed in relief, "i was worried you will forever hold onto us. you deserve happiness, yeonjun." she whispered. 

"i see."

"did you find someone new? i won't be surprised."

i didn't answer. hari cleared her throat and shifted closer with curiosity. "was it a new someone who helped you move on? who is it?"

"somebody... i guess." i mumbled, unsure. hari chuckled and leaned back. "you seem to like her better. well, don't worry i'm not gonna dig deeper. i came here to make a conclusion to our relationship and your feelings. and i managed to accomplish it." she spoke. "well then," she stood up. "it was good to see you again, yeonjun. let's remain in contact as friends or just forget each other."

she waved as she walked out of the cafe with her drink. i watched her walk away through the window and found her clinging onto her boyfriend as they strolled off. a smile etched on my lips as i pulled my gaze away.

"i actually did move on." i whispered to myself with a tone laced with disbelief. i can't believe it.

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