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a girl emerged. she was absolutely gorgeous and y/n's jaw almost dropped from how stunning the lady looked. her face was a picture of perfection, adorned with doe-like eyes that sparkled and lips painted in a delicate shade of pink, curving into a gentle and inviting smile. the afternoon sunlight dawned upon her, her brown hair taking on an ethereal glow. in the bustling crowd of the mall, she glowed and stood out like a radiant gem. the cupid even took notice of the gazes of a few onlookers on her.

she's perfect!

"wah, it really is you." the girl breathed out, "you look handsome as always, yeonjun." shyly, she complimented the boy.

yeonjun didn't make much comment but heaved a sigh. the new girl eyed the pair and then, there was slight disappointment in her eyes but her voice was laced with cheeriness and curiosity, "are you both perhaps... dating?" she asked softly. she checked out y/n up and down to which the cupid didn't take notice of as she felt excitement flooding her.

y/n stared at her with a look of disbelief then laughed like a manic. before she could input, yeonjun hurriedly denied, "no, no. we're just friends."

"yes, we're friends." y/n confirmed in between laughs. yeonjun sent her a judgmental look. the new girl, now more gleeful grinned, "ah, i see. well, it was nice seeing you again..." she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, "if you're free, can i treat you to dinner?"

hearing that, y/n's ears perked. she looked at yeonjun, wishing to see his reaction but the boy remained stoic. "sorry jiwoo but i'm not really free."


what?! y/n mentally shrieked. disappointed with his answer, she hastily said something. "but he is right now! you can have lunch with him." y/n proposed with a huge cheshire grin. yeonjun sent her a sharp look, "what?" the disheartened girl straightened, looking optimistic now. "but aren't you with him right now?"

"she is—" disrupting yeonjun, the cupid replied quickly. "no, no. i'm off to see a friend right now. yeonjun was just accompanying me because he had nothing to do." she lied. "well then, goodbye and have fun!"

y/n ran away, disappearing in the crowd. that is when she also made herself invisible to human eyes and returned, spying on the couple. she had a gist that it could work out. they knew each other which made it easier for her. she just had to set them up carefully. the use of bows weren't necessary right now. either way, this task doesn't require the bows nor was she asked to use them. she just got to be the best wingman.

unseen, y/n followed from behind. the girl, jiwoo and yeonjun stared at each other. the cupid could clearly see jiwoo blushing and her heart racing yet yeonjun had neither reactions but there was a hint of rage fueling within him.

"so are you free, yeonjun? i'll pay!" jiwoo offered, smiling excitingly.


"oh? i insist! you don't have to use any money. let me pay." she pulled out her purse.

"not that, jiwoo." yeonjun grumbled. jiwoo's shoulder dropped as he looked up at him. she licked her lips, nervous. "then?"

with frustration, yeonjun kicked a small debris. "i don't know how long you are going to continue this but please stop. it will not work out. you're wasting your time. just chuck me off as one of your college fantasies and move on, jiwoo. it really won't work out."

"but yeonjun—"

"no. don't. just go. i'm not available right now. bye."

y/n's jaw dropped as she watched the scene unfold before her very eyes. she poked her inner cheek with annoyance. did i just fail to set them up? did yeonjun plainly just reject her? and what does he mean it won't work out?! does he not have any trust in my skills to set them up?!

she immediately got back to her human form, making sure it was at a secluded area so people don't freak out seeing a person appearing out of thin air.

she glanced at jiwoo who was trudging away and then back at yeonjun who was walking the path home. she hurried to his side, attempting to speak to him but yeonjun ignored her. the entire time, her words entered his ear and left through the other. this lasted till they got closer to their building.

"yeonjun!" she called out yet again. this time with her voice softer and guilt lacing it, she looked down to the ground, "are you mad at me?"

"no shit, i am." yeonjun gritted. his eyes twitched slightly, jaws clenching. "you literally just abandoned me there with her. i had no say in this and you didn't even ask for my opinion. if i wanted to spend time with her. do you know how pissed that made me?" he sneered. y/n nibbled her lower lip, unsure of what to do. yeonjun was angry at her and she didn't know how to respond back. she never angered any humans in this way before. this was new to her.

"i'm sorry. i... i just wanted to set you guys up." y/n admitted, picking her skin. yeonjun scoffed. "don't do that anymore then. it won't work out."

"do you not like her?" the cupid timidly asked. calming himself down, yeonjun sighed. "it's not that. she was my junior during my college years. she really liked me and still does. unfortunately, i can't reciprocate her feelings. either way i already had my eyes on hari. so i rejected her but she's so stubborn. she doesn't know how to give up and keeps trying." he frowned. 

"why don't you give her a chance? i'm sure it'll work out."

"i don't want to lead her on."

y/n nibbled harder. silence enveloped between them as they silently walked back.


the elevator opened. yeonjun pressed their level and they silently stood, the sound of the lift mechanics being the only one resonating.

"i'm sorry though," y/n whispered again, "i just wanted to do something."

i was hoping my cupid gist will work for both of you.

yeonjun hummed. "it's okay. just don't try to set me up with anyone. it really won't work out... i'm still in love with... hari... i can't love anyone else if my heart still belongs to another." he mumbled. the cupid nodded.

if setting him up won't work, operation heal-his-broken-heart first shall take place instead.

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