Chapter 2

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The sun shone brightly through the bedroom window, it was just after 7 am when Lydia opened her eyes and looked at the clock on the side. She turned onto her back and stared up at the ceiling.

She spent most of the previous night packing and preparing for her travelling later in the day. She reached for her mobile and sent a text message to her sister to get her to call. Still feeling resentful at the assignment, she had been given the previous day she forced herself up in sitting motion on the bed.

She got up out of bed and went to shower, once washed she went and made breakfast of scrambled eggs and bacon, a steaming mug of herbal tea and sat down. There was a knock at the door, she got up to answer it, it was the delivery of her laptop and Ipad. She placed the parcels down and returned to the table to eat, then her mobile began to ring it was her sister.

"Hi Chrissy thanks for phoning." Said Lydia.

"Hey, no problem I always love to be able to speak to my little sis. How are you doing?"

"I'm good, really good thanks I'm keeping busy."

"Are you still working hard? Don't you have a social life yet? Are you eating?" Asked Chrissy.

"I am fine, will you stop worrying." Laughed Lydia

"And men? Are there any men in your life yet?"

"I haven't got time for Men Chrissy; you should know this. Besides I'm on my travels today, been given a new job to do."'

"Really? Wow do tell me more."

Lydia went on to tell Chrissy all about the planned trip and about the village. She mentioned what Michael had said about moving her to the supplement in the paper and how let down she felt, as if she was being put to one side, and she felt that her work must somehow have let her down.

"Stop giving yourself such a hard time Lydia, you have always had a passion for flair and style. If you ask me, I would say this has been picked up and they want to use your skills in the relevant field. Besides Lydia, I think you have spent more than enough time working for that paper, after all wasn't it was supposed to be a steppingstone to get you to be able to work for a magazine company? That's what you always wanted to do after all."

Lydia sighed and put her head in her hand.

"I know but I guess it's just the fact of having a stable job, you know what it's like when you have bills and rent to pay, money is far more important than ambition."

"Look if I were you, grab the opportunity with both hands, don't look at your story over there just as a story, use it as the tool to help you see if that is still what you want to do. If it is you know you are going in the right direction, but if it's not there are always other places that you can apply for. Besides you might find yourself a hunky Bulgarian while you are over there."

"Oh, I am not looking for men right now sis, I never looked since...."

"Since the accident, with Jason?" Chrissy said.

Lydia's voice became weak and started to tremble when she thought of Jason.

"Lydia that was 7 years ago and you have got to move on, I don't think for a moment that you have given yourself any you time since what happened with Jason. This break is the perfect opportunity for you to find yourself again."

The conversation went on for a little longer and they both said their goodbye's Chrissy wished Lydia luck on the story.

Lydia cleared up the dishes and set to sorting out the laptop and the iPad, that had been delivered earlier that morning.

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