Chapter 27

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The following afternoon the square was full of people getting ready for the evening celebrations for the village, suddenly it seemed that the villagers became closer than ever, each greeting each other and asking how each other were.

The strange atmosphere that shrouded the village had been lifted. Lydia walked out from Happy Endings realtors smiling, with her notepad and tape recorder in her hand.

As she left, she saw Ben leaning against the wall outside, waiting for her.

"So you got your interview then?"

"I did, that's all I wanted, I was determined, I'm good at what I do, I knew I would get it.

"So all that pretending then, was it the same about me?"

"Even if I said no. I would not blame you if you didn't believe me."

"You can understand how I feel."

"Absolutely, after I found out about who you really were, I didn't have much time to look into it before you left. But when I read about your wife being shot and she died in your arms. I had never felt closer to you to be honest, she must have been your whole world."

"She was pretty special."

"I cannot get over how different you look compared to the picture, you must share with me who does your make up."

Ben laughed, showing his perfect brilliant white teeth.

"Nothing that a minor nose job, chin implants and a little covering of grey cannot sort, not to mention keeping myself fit.

"The article said you had died, what happened?"

Ben sat down on a bench seat and looked down at the ground.

"Immediately after I was shot the bullet lodged in my head here, but it lodged and narrowly avoided my brain. I was placed in a medical coma for weeks, while they operated and helped me with my recovery. When I regained consciousness, the police came to interview me, and they said I would have to be in witness protection.

I missed Sarah's funeral, and that broke me. I could not bear to go back to the house, and when the police explained to me about witness protection, it was then I asked them about other people who were in the same situation as me, then we arranged Operation Mark Ross. We agreed to fake my death and Ian Fenwick died in hospital, and Ben Patterson was born."

"Bad enough you have had to do this, and you couldn't tell anyone about it. Then to make up the story about Sarah dying, you even have to protect her identity after her death to protect you."

"Sometimes when I tell it, I feel that I'm talking about someone else, not really about Sarah, these past five years have been crazy. Some days I wake up and wonder why I bothered with all of it, and wonder if they should have left me to die."

Lydia took Ben's hand.

"But look at all the people you have protected and saved, because of what you have done, I don't think I have ever met or known someone with such compassion."

Ben did not reply, he smiled and looked up with a sigh.

"So what happens now Lydia?"

Lydia paused, she didn't want to say it but she had no alternative than to say it.

"Now, I go back to London and back to the job."

"You look sad about that."

"I am being moved onto the supplement and to be honest it's not what I wanted to do. So I am going to be leaving soon, I have a deadline by the end of the week. But I can say I will never say anything to anyone."

Lydia and Ben walked back to the hotel where they stopped at the gate outside. Ben took Lydia's hands and looked deep into her eyes. Lydia felt her throat tighten and found it hard to fight back the tears.

"Let's just leave it here, and say it was nice while it lasted." She said

Ben smiled and nodded.

"If that is what you would prefer."

"I think it's for the best, enough has been said and done."

Ben kissed Lydia on the cheek.

"Farewell Lydia Spalding, don't change for anyone."

Lydia did not respond but walked away, while the tears ran down her face, she ran towards the door. She walked in, where Gladys was standing at reception, she happened to notice Lydia wiping the tears from her eyes as she walked in.

"Are you ok my dear?" She asked.

"Yes, yes just sad to be leaving, it's such a wonderful place."

"Even better, since you came and helped to sort our problem out."

Just then Susannah walked through the door with Trixie, and smiled at Lydia.

"Word gets around quickly here, I heard you were leaving this afternoon."

Lydia nodded trying hard to force back the tears she could easily let out.

"I have to get back to work, and reach normality somehow. I just have one more thing to ask you Susannah, why did you leave the note on reception for me?"

With a shocked expression, Susannah replied.

"How did you know it was me?"

"When you wrote down your telephone number for me, and your name, I recognised the handwriting, My only guess is you were trying to attract my attention, discreetly without other people knowing?"

"So how did you work out it was me then, I had been so careful trying not to be found out?" Ariel asked.

"Well it was more of an accident that I happened to be here the same time as your mum, but I remember the first time I saw you I saw your roots, and recalled your original hair colour. Your photo shows you with make up, which you don't seem to be putting on these days.

Then when I saw you next I saw you had recoloured your hair I could tell, but it was after seeing Adam, I vaguely remembered the class photo, with him in the second row, then I knew it had to be you. When you weren't working you were hiding at home, you could not possibly live a life like that, how did you even find this place?"

"We got some jobs doing domestic work and started travelling, we ended up in Sofia for a while, and we met Gladys there, she was opening the hotel, and she offered me a job, and Adam was promised a job at the restaurant, so we came to see it and just stayed here, we never told Gladys about us, but I think she knew something was up."

"I guess she did and it was fortunate for you." Lydia replied.

Susannah laughed.

"That didn't quite go according to plan did it?"

Lydia went and got her cases and brought them down to the car, as she got there a crowd of villagers were there to say their goodbyes, there were many saying thank you. Julie was there with a big bouquet of flowers from her garden, she gave Lydia a hug. Lydia got in the car and waved to them all, she started the engine, put the car into gear and slowly drove off. 

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