Chapter 11

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The village square was bustling in the heat of the sun; many of the villagers were walking through the small park in the centre.

Joanna Ross was sitting at her desk staring into space at her computer, the phone had not rang all morning and she felt as if there was nothing to do.

It was a Saturday and the Estate agents were due to close at 12 she looked at her watch 10.30. She signed and put her elbows on the desk and let her headrest in her hands. She looked out of the window at all the couples in the village walking together, the sun was shining through the trees, she watched the gentle breeze as it hit the branches and watched the thick green leaves rustling.

Just then the door opened and in walked Chvonne who greeted her with a smile.

"Hi Joanna."

Joanna sat up in the chair and smiled pleased to see Claire.

"Hello you, what do I owe the pleasure?"

"I'm off to do some shopping and I thought a few new dresses would not go amiss, thought you might want to come?"

Joanna was delighted at the invitation until she glimpsed at her computer and slouched down in her chair.

"I would but I am the only one manning the office this morning. Can I get a rain check on your offer maybe?"

Claire made a silent laugh.

"What's so funny?" Joanna asked.

"You're becoming a workaholic!" Said Claire.

"I am not!" Replied Joanna sarcastically.

"Joanna, I have invited you out four times this month, each time you have let me down. Every time this place has come first. Now I know for a fact that there are no appointments in your diary today, because you have an empty page there on your desk. And also because you told me yesterday that you had nothing arranged. So you're sitting here in the hope that someone is going to walk through the door in the hope that new business will be drummed up, when everyone is outside enjoying the sunshine."

Joanna picked up the pen in her hand and started to tap it on the desk in thought.

"You know phase 3 is not shifting as quick as it should be, maybe if I just make some calls...."

"Joanna! Take the day off, it's your business take the day off and come shopping." Claire demanded.

Joanna looked on at Claire and made a small smile.

"Ok you win, let me just ring Mark and let him know what the plan is."

Claire smiled at Joanna and headed for the door.

"I will bring the car around while you get locked up."

Claire was about to head out the door and Joanna grabbed her keys and her bag, she reached for her phone and took it out to call Mark, when the door opened again.

Joanna started to turn around.

"I said I was going to call..."

It was not Claire but a middle aged woman who had entered. Claire was over at the back by the door looking at them both.

"Excuse me, I was interested in viewing one of the properties you had for sale?"

Joanna sighed and smiled at the couple.

"Welcome, I'm Joanna Ross, owner of Happy Ending Realtors."

When out of the corner of her eye she could see Claire motioning about leaving. Joanna turned her back and motioned for her to move on.

Claire laughed at the motion she sighed and shrugged her shoulders and waited a while longer.

"I was interested in one of your two bedroom homes as a place for holidays."

"Well we have a model home to show you now but the first set of two bedrooms are not going to be ready until the end of the year."

Joanna looked at the couple that were standing and looked at each other.

"Do I know you? I feel we have met before somewhere?" She asked.

The lady moved around a little on her feet and ran her hand through her hair.

"Erm...I don't think so, but seeing as you have no properties available in the immediate future that we are looking for, I will just leave it. "

"Well sometimes we do get some properties from the older phases up for sale. If anything comes up in the next few days, I could always give you a call?" Joanna said.

The woman declined the offer and politely thanked Joanna for her time and left the shop.

Joanna watched as she walked across the road thinking she could have sworn she had seen her face from somewhere, she then looked over to find Claire had not returned and had gone off shopping without her.

"Dammit!" She said,

"Who was that?" Claire Asked.

"I have no idea, strange lady though."

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