Chapter 20

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The police arrived with a translator, who spoke to Lydia about what happened and how she had come to find the body. Lydia was careful with the information that she gave them, making sure to only tell the story that she had visited the village hall, and that she went around the building to study more of its interesting architecture, when she happened to trip over his foot and discover that he was there.

After about 45 minutes they were satisfied that they had all the information but urged her not to leave the village while the matter was being investigated. Lydia agreed, after they left she finished her tea, and asked Ben to run her back to the hotel. Ben agreed, they both left the house and a few minutes later he pulled up outside the hotel.

"Thank you Ben, thanks for your help this morning."

"When I get word about Ronnie we can go and see him if you wish."

"Yes, I would like that very much."

Lydia was about to get out of the car when Ben gently took her arm. Lydia turned to look at him, his warm dark reassuring eyes, he smiled and stroked the side of her face, leaned in and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"You take care of yourself in the meantime."

Lydia smiled, " I will."

She got out of the car and headed inside of the hotel, Gladys was at the reception with the TV on in the far corner, with the news channel on waiting to see if anything was being said about Ronnie. She saw Lydia come in and walked over to her and took her hands.

"Oh my dear, you must have had an awful shock, is there anything I can do?" She asked.

Lydia shook her head and smiled.

"Thanks Gladys but I think i'm going to go and lie down for a while in my room if that's ok."

"Of course, if you need anything, phone down. I will make sure you are not disturbed in the meantime."

Lydia walked upstairs and down the corridor to her room, as the chambermaid was walking in the opposite direction with the trolley, cleaning the rooms. Lydia passed and stopped for a moment while she caught a glimpse of her.

"Excuse me Ariel, but I have to ask, your hair colour is beautiful, may I ask what colour and company you got it from?"

The chambermaid looked puzzled, replying "It's a natural miss?"

"Really, wow I am sorry I honestly thought you coloured your hair, my mistake, have a nice day."

"You too miss."

Lydia unlocked her door and opened it, she immediately looked down at the floor but there was nothing there. She walked to the bed and fell on it, staring up at the ceiling. She thought about everything that went on that morning, and then thought about the night that Ronnie and Joanna had been arguing at the dinner dance. Then she remembered Ronnie going into the ambulance and what he had said, what did he mean there was no money? Was he delirious from the pain or was he actually trying to tell her something?

She took her notebook and studied it closely, writing down all the additional pieces of information that she had gathered. She knew that she would need to speak to Ronnie again, she had to find out what he meant, but at the time there was no possible way until she had a further update about his condition. There were too many secrets going on, for such a small place, people were bad liars, she could see through them, she was not stupid, and didn't like being treated as such. She had to find proof, but how or where. Just then the phone in the room began to ring, Lydia walked over and picked it up. It was Gladys.


"I hope I didn't wake you Lydia, but I have Julie Braymar on the phone for you."

"Julie Braymar, sure can you put her through?"

"Lydia is that you, I need to talk to you about a personal matter, can you help?"

"Something personal you say?"

"Yes, you see it's something very important."

Lydia thought for a moment, unsure if anyone else could be on the line. Knowing fine well that these days tapping into phones was very easy to do, especially from a hotel switchboard.

"Hey Julie, I am just in the middle of something right now, give me your number and I will call you back in five minutes, ok?"

"You promise?"

"I promise, what's your number?"

Lydia took down the number, immediately grabbed her back and headed out the door down towards her car. 

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