Chapter 13

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At the end of the tour Ronnie escorted Lydia out of the building. Lydia learned that the purpose of the mill was to provide wood to the village and the province over the winter, whilst creating new jobs for the Bulgarians. The aim next year was to provide a timber yard for future construction for the entire area.

"It is all so interesting, but I have wondered why there are no Bulgarians who actually live in the village?"

"Well you have to remember that Bulgaria is a poorer country than other parts of Europe, so it takes time. I guess Mark is helping the economy along. All the buildings are being renovated by Bulgarians, and he pays them very handsomely for the work also."

"Yes that makes sense and I guess with the continuation of the build that may change in the future, Why did Mark decide to do all of this anyway, have you known him long?"

"Yes in fact all my life, we were friends from school, but we lost contact for a number of years, he called me up about 4 years ago said he had a plan to set up this village, he was looking for someone to help him with the plans and gave me an offer I could not refuse, so I moved to Happy Endings?"

"I see, do you have family here Ronnie?"

"No, No family to speak of, I never did marry, and I was a lone child so it's just me and my dog Brisco who is at home."

"Wow so you have known Mark for a long time, he does not like to talk about himself much does he? I mean a famous man like that who was in the papers for his success, he does not like to talk about it. Don't you think that it is strange that he should make such a big decision to do something like this?"

Ronnie chuckled at the question he was just asked.

"Mark has always been someone who bites off more than he can chew, when we were kids saving our pocket money Mark was doing three paper rounds and he bought two skateboards, one to ride and one to rent out for 10p an hour. He has always been entrepreneurial and very good with money too."

Lydia noticed as she was talking to Ronnie that he kept looking at his watch he seemed uncomfortable talking about Mark.

"Well Ronnie this Mill looks amazing it seems that Mark really has taken to Bulgarian ways here?"

"Very much so Mark really loves the way Bulgarians do things around here, so he very much wants to adopt the same things to be done here, which is why he encouraged many of the villagers to grow their own vegetables and fruit. It's what a lot of the local villagers do in the country. It would do you some good to visit another village and see what they actually do. I think you would be amazed."

Lydia thought about what Ronnie had just said to her and didn't think to realise what true Bulgaria was actually like..

"You're right Ronnie, any suggestions where I should go?"

"Take your pick, drive through the villages and choose one you will still see a difference."

The telephone rang out again, Ronnie looked up at the office and gave a worried look. Lydia could not happen to not notice the expression on his face and asked.

"Aren't you going to answer that?"

Ronnie was distracted by the sound of the ringing, and suddenly remembered where he was.

"Please excuse me, er... probably the tree suppliers."

He left and headed up the stairs into the office and closed the door. Lydia crept up the steps and put her ear to the door to listen to the conversation.

"I am not alone." Ronnie said

"Ten minutes, that's all I ask."

He put the phone down and went to the door, where Lydia made her way back to the bottom of the stairs, narrowly making it before the door creaked open.

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