Chapter 6

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Lydia stood there in shock. She could hardly believe what she was seeing. Could it even be possible?

"Ben?" She said

"Lydia, what are you doing here?" Asked Ben

"This is the village I had come to write about. But what are you doing here didn't you say you had some contract over here?"

Ben put down the wood he was carrying, he was wearing old washed out blue jeans and had a grey t-shirt on. His short brown hair was messy and he was still unshaven, he smiled at Lydia and walked around reception.

"Wait, you two know each other?" Asked Gladys

Ben looked at Lydia and smiled and then looked at Gladys.

"We met yesterday at the airport on the way over here." Said Ben.

"I had absolutely no idea you were coming here or I would have offered you a lift?" Lydia Said.

"Oh I keep a car in the airport car park while I'm away, so it's fine I just pick it up and drive back home."

"Wait, you live here?" She asked

Ben ran a hand through his hair and then stroked the stubble on his face he looked up at the ceiling and then at Lydia.

"Hey, let's go and get a coffee at the café and I will tell you all about it." He said

Lydia agreed and they headed off to the car park where a white pickup truck was parked. Ben beckoned Lydia inside and they drove off back to the village square, where he parked up and they went inside to the Cosy Teapot Café. Once inside Lydia loved the décor, there were tables and chairs which none of them matched. There were old books on shelves and old-fashioned ornaments up high on the walls. even though nothing matched it all fitted together perfectly. There was a countertop with a whole selection of freshly baked goods on display.

They sat down at a small table in the corner. Lydia felt a little awkward; she didn't like it when fate reared its hand at her unexpectedly. She began to fidget on her chair a little, and started to straighten things up on the table, the serviette stand the salt and pepper shakers. Ben gently put his hands on Lydia's so to stop her; he could see she was feeling uncomfortable.

"Hey come on, it's not like we've never met before is it?" He said

Lydia, a little more at ease, chuckled and relaxed back in her chair and put her arms on her lap.

"I still can't believe it all that time together and neither of us knew, we were coming to the same place."

Ben picked up a serviette and started to fold it between his fingers whilst looking and smiling at Lydia.

"I guess it was meant to be."

Lydia once again felt lost in Ben's deep dark eyes, she felt a tingle go down her spine while she watched him play with the serviette in his hands.

"So you mentioned you were out here on a contract to do summer houses, how long are you here for?" She asked

Ben put the serviette down and took a breath.

"I'm not just visiting, I live...."

Just then a waiter appeared in front of them with a notepad.

"Hello Ben you are here again I see, welcome it's nice to see you again and your lady friend."

"Hello John, it's good to be home." Said Ben

"What can I get for you both?" Asked John

"Coffee for me please." Said Ben

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