Chapter 7

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Lydia finished her coffee and walked back towards the hotel, digesting all that had happened the first day. She had so many questions running in her mind, about Ben, about Julie.

She wondered about the advert they had both mentioned, and had a thought she hurried back to the hotel, walking through the main door. Once inside, there was a group of people over at the reception desk, a young man stood behind talking to the people Gladys was nowhere in sight.

Lydia walked over and headed up stairs towards her own room, she opened the door and walked in. She grabbed her iPad and walked out to the balcony and she opened a search engine and started to see if she could find the ad.

She tried various keywords to start, a new Happy Ending. No results showed up, Happy Endings, ,Mark Ross. Articles began to appear of previous failing journalists who tried to get an interview.

Lydia sat at the balcony, watching the sun set in the distance. The village seemed so peaceful; she looked over towards the village and could see an elderly couple walking up the street arm in arm. She could see a lone dog trotting up the road, then up the path towards a house. The solar powered lights in the garden were starting to come alive.

She thought about the accident again and looked down at her leg, she remembered the screeches and thought about when she regained consciousness.

"Hello, can you hear me? My name is Ian. I am a paramedic. You have been in an accident, try not to move."

"Jason, where is Jason?" She murmured

"He is right here being taken care of which is what we are doing to do for you. Now we are going to have to move you, but you will be in a lot of pain, so I am going to give you something to help you ok?"

Lydia remembered the injection and lost consciousness again.


Lydia turned round suddenly to find Gladys in the room.

"Oh sorry I didn't mean to startle you I did knock first, I wondered if everything in the room was ok and if you needed anything?"

"Oh no... no thanks Gladys I am fine thank you."

Gladys nodded approvingly and turned to head towards the door. A thought suddenly struck Lydia.



"Where is the saw mill based?"

Gladys looked at Lydia a little puzzled.

"What an odd question, do you want to go to the saw mill?" She asked

Lydia didn't have a prepared answer so had to think quickly.

"I um...well I like to take random pictures, Joanna told me about the plan of it opening for new jobs, I thought I would include it in my blog while i'm here?"

"I know Ronnie Ogden, he is the local foreman for the mill. It's not open yet, but I will see about you getting an introduction."

"Oh I don't want you to get into any trouble on my account?"

"It really is no trouble."

Gladys smiled and left the room, she walked back down the hallway and downstairs towards the reception desk. She picked up the phone and dialed a number.

"Mark it's Gladys, Lydia wants to visit the saw mill, ok sure thing Mark I will let Ronnie know."

The day went on and evening approached, after the sun went down it was still very warm. Lydia sat in her room writing notes about the day's events that had occurred, she stopped and checked her watch. 6.15pm.

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