Chapter 8

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Lydia looked around as she crouched on the corner facing towards the square, she could see the small town hall lit up. She got the distinct impression that whatever this meeting was she was not to know of it. Being careful not to be seen, she hurried over the road towards the direction of where the hall was and ducked down behind a bush to see if anyone may have seen her.

The square was quiet, she was just about to get up to run over towards the steps when she heard running footsteps, which caused her to crouch down again and look. She saw a lady with long blonde hair, who appeared to be wearing a long sky blue summer dress, which went all the way down to her ankles. It was so dark it was hard to make out her appearance. Lydia watched as she ran up the stairs and knocked on the door, while looking over her shoulder.

The door opened and the lady walked in briskly, with the door being shut behind her and the sound of it being locked.

Lydia felt her heart thump inside her chest, while she waited a few seconds to make her move. She ran over to where the stairs were and saw an open window, but it was too high to reach, but she could hear many people talking. Clearly there were many people in the room, from the sound of it. She then heard a man's voice attracting the attention of the people in the room.

"Ok everyone, quiet now so we can be done here as soon as possible."

The noise abruptly stopped, Lydia remained crouched at the corner of the building trying to listen from the window.

"I have gathered everyone for this meeting, as there is a stranger in the village at the moment asking some questions, which I want you all to know about."

Just then someone else could be heard.

"Should we shut that window?"

"Oh good idea, yes can we shut it please?"

Lydia peered round to get a glimpse of the window, a man approached and shut it, it was John the waiter from the Cosy Teapot Cafe. With the window being shut, she could not hear anything at all coming from the room, unsure what to do she had to find out, so she hurried round to the front steps, looking around her incase anyone was looking, but there was no one to be seen. She creeped up the steps and listened at the door to see if she could hear what was being said.

It was difficult to hear, as different people now were speaking, and being so new she could not tell who was speaking, only catching small snippets such as.

"Well she has not spoken to me yet?" or "Yes I have seen here, walking around."

Just then there was the sound of a large bang, Lydia looked up at the sky, it was a firework that had been let off. Hearing a commotion of people she quickly ran from the building towards the hotel as fast as she could. She got inside her room, shut the door and turned off the lights, she headed to the window to look out. . Breathless she watched to see if any of the villagers were heading back, but there was no sign of anyone. She thought it best not to go out again, due to the fact there could now be people in the area, so she grabbed her pen and paper and wrote down as much as she could remember. 

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