Chapter 18

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As Lydia walked from the square up to the hotel, she thought about the message. Was it relating to where she was now or something else, why would someone send this to her? She knew that she needed to find out as soon as she could, risking her cover being blown would risk everything she had learned so far. Then she stopped and thought about the town hall meeting, she had not even had the chance to see if she could see inside of it. She turned and headed back towards where the small hall was situated, she walked up the steps, the door was open.

Once inside she saw a door to her left, she peered round there was a hall with chairs facing a stage with a podium in the centre of it. Behind on the wall was a large mural of the village, what Lydia believed to be either what it was like or what it would become again.

At the back of the hall to the left there was a door leading to another room, Lydia walked over to it and tried the door but it was locked, a voice came from behind her.

"Just a cleaning cupboard you will find there."

Lydia jumped, and turned round, it was John the server from the Cosy Teapot cafe.

"I'm sorry I was taking a little time to explore this lovely little building." Lydia said.

"Nothing special about it really, we hardly use it. I'm the caretaker for the hall, when I'm not working at the cafe."

"Oh, well it's a lovely little building, such a shame it's not used much."

"I was actually only in to rearrange the seating for a women's luncheon next week, will that be all as I have to close up now?"

"Yes, yes of course, sorry didn't mean to keep you."

Lydia walked out, as she was walking out she heard a jingle of keys and heard the unlocking of a door, she discreetly peered round the door, watching John open the door she had tried, and happened to glance part of.a desk inside, it was an office. She turned and headed out of the building and walked around to the back of it, looking up at the windows, to see if she could see any ledges she could maybe climb up onto. She walked a little further and tripped over something, she looked down to find a leg sticking out from a bush. Nervously she walked over and parted the bush to find Ronnie Ogden lying there, he had been badly beaten and was unconscious.

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