Very Bad People

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He wanted her.

He wanted her to need him like she needed the air to breathe. And she hardly ever really needed him. He wanted her to love him like there was no tomorrow. And he was afraid that she already loved somebody else. He wanted her to look at him like it was the first time she saw him. And he was hoping she would forget about the man who stole her attention. He wanted her to come and stay with him. And she was always walking away.

He wanted to live with her. He wanted to be next to her. He wanted her eyes and her skin. He wanted her hands and her hair. He wanted to get rid of the past. Carter. He wanted happiness. He wanted his happy ending. He wished she would let him fix everything. Fix her.

Then it would be perfect.

But he was just dreaming.


Something was bothering him. Something was disturbing his sweet sleep. Something was fighting through the fog that was covering his mind.

Then Aubrey felt something warm and soft on his neck. A lick. A kiss. His intruder was sensitive. His intruder was quiet. His intruder was probably a woman.

Sighing he turned his head on the pillow, it smelled like a mixture of tropical fruits and and flowery perfume. He already knew this wasn't her scent. Hers was different.

Groaning softly and blinking a few times he finally lifted his eyelids fully.

"You're not an early bird" he was met with a low voice and a pair of vibrant green eyes. Here she was, awake and so very calm it seemed.

Memories of the last night came flooding back into his head.

"Morning princess" he replied sleepily with smile forming on his lips and feeling his morning wood already formed under the covers.

"It's a very good morning" A sexy, mysterious smile was playing on her lips, giving him chills.

Robyn was lying next to Aubrey, she propped herself up on her elbow, looking down at him. While one of her hands was caressing his cheek. Lovely. But in all honesty he wished she would touch other part of his body.

"The kind that follows a very good night" he added suggestively.

"And why is that? Did you accomplish something while I was asleep?" brunette asked innocently, her smile never wavered.

Oh. So she remembered.

Last night they went to her apartment after attending another business party at one of Carter's hotels. Attending as a couple, of course. They had been together since nearly two months now. They were both in excellent moods. Slowly their plan was working. They celebrated their success by drinking more top shelf liquor. And all he could think about was how she would taste.

As always she was teasing him. She laughed too loud and talked too fast. He watched her body move in time with the music as she danced around the living room, singing my pussy tastes like pepsi cola. It was fascinating and become even more when she crashed on the white sofa next to him. Then things got heated very quickly.

They kissed until they were in her bedroom where they fell onto the bed together. In the blink of an eye he had removed all their clothes and with excitement he discovered her pierced nipple. She straddled his lap, rocking suggestively in a way that left no doubt where she wanted this encounter to lead. She was drunk, she was very drunk... So drunk she fell asleep two minutes later after he flipped her on her back and pressed a kiss to her neck. Sssshit. Fuuck.

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