Salty Sweet Surrender

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It was around midnight when he made his way down to the end of the long corridor to where his apartment was. There weren't any windows, the only lighting seeped poorly from a few pendants. But it wasn't too dark to see her face.

She was leaning casually agaist the wall next to his door.

He shook his head. Because he was still worried.

He sighed with relief. Because she was here, not with somebody else.

Then he smirked. Because she looked hot. As hell. As always.

"So princess... You finally remembered that you have a boyfriend" he greeted her teasingly, coming closer. She rolled her eyes at him.

"Would it kill you to answer your phone?" he asked still grinning.

She only waved her hand as if to dismiss his question. He side eyed her before putting the key in the lock and turning it.

He noticed that she was a tad tipsy, but not properly drunk. His naturally suspicous nature perked up at this.

After his work he waited in his flat, for over an hour for her to arrive but she didn't come and didn't answer his calls. So he went out to meet with his friends, hoping she would call him. She didn't and he missed her. Like crazy. He couldn't stop thinking about her. And now he was a little bit pissed off and frustrated and just wanted to relax.

When the doors were open he gestured for her to step inside. He followed her as she was already taking off her light coat, under it she had a short, black, strapless dress. He remembered she was wearing something different in the morning. But it suited her, a little daring, a little flirty. Tonight held promise in this dress.

Robyn went to the salon and Aubrey to the kitchen, to get some water for her.

When he returned she was sitting on the table, with her long, smooth legs crossed. That was a sexy picture. He handed her a glass, she put it next to her on the table.

"To what do I own the pleasure of this visit?" he asked. His dark eyes ran over her pretty face, taking in her beauty and everything about her.

Robyn was staring very intensely at him. He wondered if she knew what she was doing to him, how she was making him feel. How she drove him wild with lust. Even the way she dressed was making him hard. Fuck. He knew she felt his need. It was not a secret between them.

"I want to sleep with you babe"

He froze. He liked this idea. But it sounded almost too good to be true.

"You want to sleep with me?"

She bit her full, lower lip.

"No" she sighed "I don't want to sleep with you" she looked away.

"I want to fuck you" Robyn whipped her head towards him again, eyes burning "And I want you to fuck me"

Oh. Fuck.

That was real.

And he wanted to fuck her too. Hard.

He was so fucking ready for this.

"We are going to fuck" she announced ultimately "Right here" Her nails cascaded against the cold, dark wood.

Right here? Probably on the table. Possibily on the sofa. Maybe on the floor. Or all three.

"You make it sound so romantic princess" Aubrey replied, cocking his head to the side. She rolled her eyes again.

They were both fucked up---but not that much.  

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