Episode 10 ~ Popping Trust

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This time, the beginning is the night of Episode 9......she waited till everyone was asleep. She planned to frame James for losing her perfume, and therefore get everyone against him..and also planned to use more than just the perfume...... Thanks to Lake, she had figured out Aiden used to hate James....they had talked about it in conversation, while on one of the nature walks from the previous episodes; she planned to use it all to her advantage...

She snuck into the bunks, seeing Aiden and James asleep. She grabbed the phone; she didn't know how to get into it, but after realizing it had a Face ID, she easily succeeded, by facing the phone at James. While on the phone, a message popped up on her screen...

So, how is the naive guy going? Still manipulated by you? 

Riya gasped; she didn't expect to see this....she clicked the message, and was mortified at the messages she saw. Dating back to the beginning of camp, James had said some truly horrid things about Aiden, things that cannot be repeated....the main thing she focused on was the fact that, Aiden to James, by this perspective, was nothing more than an object to win the game...

In that moment, an idea popped into her head. But, it required her having the totem....what this meant, in actuality, is that Rosa Maria had to be gone...she had to frame her instead of James for this new plan to work.

She truly didn't want to do so at first - however, after thinking about it for a bit - reminding herself how much that money could save her, and this plan could work much better than her original. Plus, did Rosa Maria trust her? Did she? If she didn't, all of this doubt was pointless...

She made her decision on what to do that night, heading to sleep soon enough...

Riya awoke in the morning, silghtly guilty at what she was about to pull off. She reput the motivations and insecurities within her mind, got ready, and put her actress mode on. She walked out to try and find Rosa and others and quickly did. 

Placing her sad face, she set the plan into motion; making it seem like she had lost Connor's perfume when in essence, she never truly did....

More proof of her behavior change occurred when she suggested that all team up on Hunter, playing dirty, as the others had as well. If only they had realized through this, that Riya had never been like this, maybe they could've saved themselves from the fates about to occur...

After hearing the announcement of the challenge, Riya swiftly went there, as she did every day now. Rosa Maria not coming (well, coming after), did worry Riya silghtly, but she decided as to not worry for now. She had more priorities to think about.

The challenge was explained, duos were made with Riya + Rosa & James + Aiden, and the hunt for Hunter had commenced. What wasn't told by Rosa, though, is she secretly warned Hunter of the intentions. 

Learning this later on, while the challenge occured when Rosa admitted it, pushed Riya further into her "playing dirty" role. Why? She saw this as Rosa playing the game. And with her not being offended, and Rosa being relieved - she believed the same could occur to her. When this would happen, they could remain friends outside of the game, but within it, "enemies"... 

She covers for Rosa, as she still wants Hunter out of the challenge; and plan #2 commences. Rosa not shooting Hunter works wonderfully in Riya's favor for what she's planned...as it makes James & Aiden not want to trust her, which for her plan, is severely required..

She motivates the rest to continue the hunt for Hunter, but soon it all comes to a head when it doesn't work. A confrontation between Rosa and James commences, which, in Riya's mind, is perfect to commence the final part of the plan.

"Pretending" that she had no darts in her dart gun, she asked Rosa to open up her backpack for more, since she had "run out" of hers. Inside her backpack was revealed to have James's phone, Riya's perfume, and of course, darts.

Shock reached everyone's faces, including Hunter, but he remained focused, gaining immunity for himself, James and Aiden no longer had any ounce of trust for Rosa - perfection. Riya played along to a tea, with nothing suspecting about her. Actress experience can come in handy at times, can't it?

The time flew by faster than expected, with it already being time for the elimination. Writing down her vote, she had some doubts but flashed them away as fast as they appeared. At the tribal, she sat, hearing Rosa say she had the totem, knowing what was going to occur....

James did a quick insult towards Rosa, with Kristal angry at her for "wasting her time". Rosa, at that moment, felt like her safety was screwed; but as she was, not all hope was lost; the votes were read as so...

...with it, in the end, being Rosa sent home. Riya's plan succeeded perfectly, in a 3-2 majority - and it didn't take a genius to figure out who voted whom. Rosa had her little speech, with her saying that she was not what she was framed...

Riya offered to walk Rosa out, for the simplistic reason that she believed, Rosa did somewhat deserve to hear the truth of what happened. She would find out anyways - plus, didn't she do the same? Didn't she tell Hunter about the alliance, but it was all a game? What stays in the game, stays in the game, right? So Rosa would be proud that she's finally reaching greater heights, that she's finally making it farther - right? ..... Right?

Though Riya still didn't fully trust Rosa in the slightest - the friendship, the basic friendship did remain, and so, the conversation began. Riya's expectations didn't align with the results, at all...

"I was acting, Rosa! The boys didn't doubt it for a second.."

"Riya....why, did you do this - to me?"...the desperation, the wonder, the curiosity all in Rosa's voice, Riya didn't notice - in fact, she thought the opposite. She could explain to Rosa what was happening, and then boom! She wouldn't be mad anymore! Riya could continue the game in peace, and win - even with this sacrifice.

"We can betray each other inside the game, and still be friends outside of it! Just like you - when you spoiled our plan to Hunter! These are things that happen in this game, and are required to happen to make it far!"

The realization hit Rosa's face like a ton of bricks - Riya was patiently waiting for a response, thinking it would be more of Rosa praising her, or rather, understanding her - just, get the perspective she had to a minimum. But Rosa, she thought otherwise - she saw what had happened.

Riya let the competition change her, from the sweet, kind person she once was, to someone she....just wasn't. At least to Rosa, this Riya was unrecognizable, not the person she had become friends with. Not the person she was going to let beat her in the finale. Not the person she thought was...her friend or the loner she tried to help.

"The problem isn't the game, it is you, Riya! You let this competition change you, even if you win the million, you will be alone....again."

Riya had shock plastered across her face - what? Why isn't she proud? She did do the same thing, just a few hours ago? Plus, if playing dirty is the only way to make it far, why doesn't she understand that?

"C'mon Rosa....don't be mad!" was a bargaining for Riya. It was in a soft tone, wanting her to not be mad - as again, they were friends - maybe Riya didn't trust her as much as before, but that didn't destroy all that. But this betrayal...the sacrifice of a person for money...the fact she was so willing to do that, it broke all trust and the friendship they once had - to Rosa, anyway.

Rosa wasn't fully mad though, she was more in a shocked state, more in a sad state. The one person she trusted that was left - the one person she thought was loyal - wasn't. She had done this, just for money - something Rosa didn't uphold in values. Before going, she wanted to make it clear to Riya her thoughts.

"I'm not mad...I'm just, disappointed, in what you have become. You aren't the Riya I became friends with, you aren't her anymore, just....just for money..."

Before Riya or Rosa could continue, the bus came, and Rosa went onto it, looking sadder than ever. Once the bus began to leave, some guilt haunted Riya. That wasn't the confrontation she wanted - she thought Rosa would think this was good for her! Especially given what had happened!

But...if Rosa didn't care for her anymore if the one other friend she made (that wasn't Connor) didn't value her anymore...why even think of going back to the old? She had a plan, the first part worked perfectly, might as well continue at that point...

Riya headed back to the cabin, with James and Aiden discussing the previous tribal council, Hunter still being there, wondering what to do next - with her preparing the next part of her plan to win it all...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16 ⏰

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The Rise & Fall of Riya ~ Rewriting Riya, from Disventure Camp Season 2Where stories live. Discover now