Chapter 1

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Time flies, time passes, time is.. Everything.  Time can change your life at the snap of a finger.
How you many ask? Well.. Lets watch and see.

When it comes to marriage, you must love, trust and be loyal to your partner. Something eda's husband was not. As he was at work as a Wendy's manager, he got a text from his side chick. .

Hey babe, you comin over tonight?

Of course, bbg❤

Seeya then!

Jack had a vile smirk on his face, then went home. To his loving and very loyal wife. Eda and nakusa were in the kitchen making dinner together because eda can't be trusted alone. "Mom back up! Don't look at the pot, dont think about the pot, do t touch the pot"  nakusa ordered. Eda giggled. "Oh come on I'm not that bad"  right as eda said that the pot of plain water caught on fire. Nakusa glared at eda, then pointed to the living room. "Get the fuck out"  eda chuckled and held her hands up. "Okay okay I'm leaving" eda left the kitchen then saw her husband. "Jack..hey honey, how was work?"  Jack scoffed. "Would I kill you to put a little enthusiasm in your voice!? Ive been working all day, and would it kill you to actually put some effort in your appearance?" Era looked down at her clothes, she was wearing a red sort if see through shirt that  went off her shoulder, that she had a black Yankton under, and ripped jeans. "Whats wrong with what I'm wearing?.." She asked. Jack rolled his eyes. "You look like your clothes came from goodwill"   eda looked close to tears so she turned her head away. "I-im sorry you feel that way"  Jack walked in the kitchen, and saw nakusa. "Hey darling, I'm home" nakusa looked at him. "Okay? It's not like you got home from the army, Jack"  nakusa responded. "Oh come on, I'm your father, cant I get a hug?"  Nakusa shuddered. "Yeah.. Hell no, just go do whatever the hell it is you do"  Jack sighed, disappointed then left. Nakusa then finished dinner. Nakusa really only knew Indian cuisine since that's her culture.   "Hey mom! I'm all done!"  Nakusa called out.  Eda came in, and ruffled nakusa's hair, which was the only physical contact nakusa would tolerate.  "You did an amazing job, kiddo"  nakusa and eda ate together, because by the time nakusa usually finished making dinner, Jack was out cold from drinking to much.

Meanwhile some people don't have the same morals as others. Somewhere in a hotel, Alador and Darius were in bed together.  They were both able to satisfy each other regardless of the fact alador was married to odalia. "Yeah? The insufferable woman can't sadisfy you like I can, hm?" Darius asked. "Maybe not, but your still a bottom dari" alador cooed.
However alador is very smart, but in some aspects can be very retarded. Odalia was still home, in bed where her husbands side was empty, while she read a magazine.  She wasn't sure where her husband was, but she wasn't stupid, just bitter as hell. So she had a few guesses.

However other, seem to have normal lives,  Lilith clawthorne, a very successful lawyer.  As she was on a case right now. "Did you or did you not take advantage of this young girl, mr wittabang!?" Lilith asked sternly. "No! She stole my brother! I only took him back!"  Lilith walked closer to the defendant. "So you raped your own brothers wife!? You are on an oath sir! Did you or did you not do it!?" The Phillip broke. "Yeah so what!? Shes been manipulating my brother!"  The whole jury gasped. "As I thought, no further questions your honor"  Lilith said calmed then walked back over to your client.  "Phillip wittabang shall serve 25 years in prison, then.. Will be executed by injection!"  Everyone cheered and Lilith was again proven the best.  Her client thanked her a million times which  made Lilith day. Everything was in order, and Lilith left and went home.  Lilith was aroace, she marriage was never going to be a possibility.  She lived alone in a very nice apartment with all of her favorite books, however, when she took a shower and got changed, she called her sister.

"Hello edalyn"


"Like bucked her head away from the phone from her sisters sudden screaming"


"Lily you were awesome!!! Super badass!"

"Well.. Thank you? I didn't know you even watched my trials"

"your my faaaavorite sister! Of course I do! I can't always get to all of them and sometimes forget nthe channel, but your awsome!"

"Thank you edalyn, hows nakusa"

"Pretty good! Although she's on probation again"

"Well damn.. What did she do this time?"

"Nothing to bad.. She had some fire crackers on her about a week ago and they fell out her pocket, and it's technically contraband at her school, so an officer is just going to check in on her every 2 days while she's at school"

"Ah, well I'm glad she's not in any serious trouble"

"Me to, because I can't stand people treating her like she's some dangerous criminal"

"Eda-.. She is"

"Hey!  I mean I guess! But.. I just don't like it, she's just a kid, and she'd never hurt any-"

"Don't tell that lie"

"Okay fine, she's never hurt me"

"Better, oh, did you already do back to school shopping for her?"

"Oh yeah! She starts tomorrow actually! She's going not our old high school"

"Awh that's sweet, I heard Ms Snapdragon is still alive and well"

"The fuck?.. I thought that bitch would be dust by now"

"Edalyn! She was only in her 40s when she taught us"

"Nah.. That bitch is ancient"

"Oh dear God.. "

"Dont judge me! Anyways I'll call you tomorrow, I have a slightly longer shift tomorrow, so would you mind picking her up?"

"Of course not, Id be happy to.. "

"Thank you so much!"

"She's.. Not going not stab me or anything right?"

"Ah no, she actually likes you believe It it not"

"Alright.. See you Tomorrow"

The call dropped, and Lilith checked a few things on her phone.

Meanwhile, at hexhide high a new teacher was here. Raine whispers, the new music teacher. They were finishing up decorating their room, then pulled out a photo they had of them and eda from high school. They won't say it, but they missed eda dearly.  Raine moved away after graduating high school, so they haven't seen everyone else in years.  As they looked over the students, they also had a police report with one. "Nakusa.. Clawthorne?"  Raine immediately got super anxious, Wondering if this was eras child, that would mean eda was in relationship.  They wont lie, Raine did- DOES have feelings for eda, even after all these years.  They have a whole playlist that reminds them of her.  But regardless if they did see her again, they would be happy for her no matter what.

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