Chapter 5

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Another painful evening, eda hit the ground a new bruise On her face.  Eda let out a small cry of pain, then started panting. "Your so pathetic, you have our daughter cooking dinner because you for some reason can't " eda used her theumb and wiped the blood from her nose. "My.. Daughter, name is on her adoption papers.. Not yours"  Jack kneeled down in front of her, with a vile smirk.   "Well then.. You know exactly what will happen to your daughter is you open your mouth"   eda kicked him back, making Jack fall over. She wasn't afraid of him, but she wasn't going to risk nakusa's life.  "You bitter bitch!" Jack shot at her. Eda stood up and stepped back. "Fuck you!" Eda yelled. Jack stood up and grabbed her waist harshly, making eda let out a small sound of pain, as she slammed her into the wall.  "Your my wife, you respect me! Dont you ever say that to me again"  edas facial expression didn't change. "" she repeated in a hushed, but violent tone, making Jack squeeze her thigh again, it hurt her, so she tried pulling away. "Get off me!!  You ugly son of a bitch!"  Jack forcefully kissed her, regardless of edas muffled protest.  "You see that ring on your finger? It means your mine.. And nobody can stop me from knocking your ass down  or two"  eda smirked. "Is this really about me? Or are you afraid my child will walk through that door.. Witness how your treating me.. And put you 6 feet under before you can even think to call the police?"  Jack looked angrier. "You slut! Il put that white haired freak in a mental institution before she can kill me"   eda knew there was a possibility of this, so she stayed quiet. She started to tear up from the thought, untill Jack threw her to the ground.  Unfortunately nakusa walked in the door, and saw the scene. Eda on the floor, and Jack Standing over her. "Woah.. Uhm.. What the hell is going on?"   Jack faked a happy chuckle and held a hand out for eda. "Ah, glad your home, honey, your mother is a little clumsy and fell over"  eda loathed her husband, but reluctantly took his  hand.  Jack pulled her up, and held her close then whispered in her ear. "I have a mental institution on speed dial.. Make this sound good"  eda had to keep herself from trembling, then moved away from Jack. "Hey kiddo, I'm alright.. Heh.. Just.. Got.. A-a little weak in the knees"  eda lied with a smile. Nakusa walked closer to eda and saw her bloody nose. "What happened to you? Your bleeding"   eda chuckled nervously, and ruffled nakusa's hair. "I.. Fell into the coffee table head first.. You'll.. Understand when your older how clumsy we can  be" eda walked to her room to clean up as nakusa looked at Jack.  Nakusa didn't say anything knowing she was armed, and went to her room.

I know I'm young but my mind is well beyond my years..

Nakusa locked herself in her room, and opened her laptop. What nobody else knew was that nakusa had bugged the house with hidden cameras. They weren't invisible but they were painted a certain color to match the wall, so you really couldn't see them unless you were aggressively looking for them.  Nakusa, had a few days with of evidence, but it wasn't enough yet.

The next day, while nakusa was at school, she was watching the live feed from her phone, nothing so far, nobody was home. "Nakusa? Is everything alright?"    Nakusa looked up and saw Raine looking at her. "Uh.. Yeah sure" Raine saw the live feed from nakusa's phone. "Oh? Are you watching a movie?" Nakusa switched screens and out her phone in her pocket  "sure.. Lets go with that"  nakusa grabbed her bag, and then leaped out the window.  Raine chuckled right as the final bell rang.  " just like her mother.. " Raine blushed, thinking about their calamity. Then got a text from her.

Hey Raine! Will you come over I'm lonnnley


Raine chuckled, and then  looked at her address. "Cute.. " they mumbled.

Raine went over to edas house, and knocked on the door.  An intoxicated eda opened the door, and leaned on the door frame. "Heyy stormy~" she teased, making Raines cheeks glow. "H-hey.. Calamity.. You.. Uhm.. Look nice" eda snickered, and took their hand, dragging them in side with her. Raine was incredibly nervous but loved everything about this. "Raaaaine... I missed you'" eda cooed and wrapped her arms around their neck.  Raine wrapped their arms around her waist, chuckling. "Your being clingy"  eda giggled, and held on to them tighter. "Raineyyyy~  your my best friend~" Raine blushed harder, and started stroking her hair. Raine could smell alcohol on her, but they still loved her like this. "Your cute when your drunk"  eda shook her head. "Noo I'm hot!"  Raine sighed happily and kept her close. "Wheres your husband?"  They asked. "Out-out fucking some whore"  raine was shocked and hoped this was just her being drunk.  "W-what? Eda are you serious?"  Eda nodded, the  planted  her face in their neck. "My own husband doesn't love me..and I cant leave him Because he'll put my child in jail.. And possibly get her killed.. Or just throw her back in a mental institution.. A-and I can't loose her, because I love my little girl so much.. I can't loose her Raine.. " eda started sobbing while holding on to them, which hurt Raine to see.

They sat on the couch holding eda on their lap as she cried. Eda looked them in the eyes, even in her Intoxicated state she wanted her best friend to hold her. "Y-your.. So sweet to me.. I should of married you or something" she mumbled, slurring her words a bit. Raine was flustered, but what was better, was eda leaning in and pressing her lips on theirs. Raine took the chance and kissed her back.  Edas fingers tangled in Raines hair, as they caressed her back softly, the other hand on her waist.  Eda was do drunk and desperate for this she slide her tounge in their mouth, making Raine moan a little. Raine could taste the vodka she'd been drinking.  They arnt the proudest of their actions this night, especially since ce they didn't really have her.. Actual consent, since she was drunk. Or the factnthey were making n out with a married woman but they slide their hand further down to her ass and squeezed it lightly making her moan, and use her free hand to wrap around their neck.  They broke the kiss for a split second, a few tears streaming down edas cheeks. "Raine.. You love me.. Dont you?" Raine e knew she was drunk, and wouldn't remember this so they smiled. "Of course, babe.. I love you with all my heart"  eda started kissing them again, and then nuzed their neck. "I.. Just want someone to love me.. And stay with me.. Youll be there.. Won't you?"  Raine e chuckled. "Be where?.."  She fell asleep, her lipstick smudged a little.  

Raine felt like a piece of shit making out with a married woman, but she wouldn't remember this.. Right? So it was okay.  Raine picked her up, and put her to bed, and of course jack wasn't there.   Which made Raine very upset, they'd give anything to have eda as their wife. And here Jack was, literally married with an adoptee daughter and he's out somewhere while she was depression drinking at home to get genital herpes. 

Eda curled up, and her eyes looking half open but half dead, she smiled at them.. " stormy... I don't know why.. But I think Im in love with you.. Get me pregnant, aaaaand... Il-il meet your mom... Tracy is a nice woman.. "  eda slurred out, but raines face was a diss array of color. They knew she was just drunk beyond all reason, but drunk people are usually the most honest as they are unhinged.  Raine couldn't help but to smile.  "Yeah.. She is a nice woman" Raine said to her, then left, as eda passed out again.

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