Chapter 7

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Raine sunk down between her legs, and pulled off the rights she was wearing, now revealing the black panties, which embarrassed eda to no return. They smirked, and looked up at her. "I love you, calamity" they said to her as her panties came off.

She was shocked but it didn't last long, because she felt Raines tounge swiped her clit. She arched her head back as a moan escaped her mouth.  Raine was relentless as they slowly but roughly ate her out.   They hand a grip on her thighs, spreading them out more to hit every angle. Eda held the back of their head, griping their hair, as she moaned.  "A-ah!  Rainestorm! Gentle!" She whined although she didn't mean it, she didn't want them to be gentle.  Raine leaned back to take a breath, her legs over their shoulders as they continued ruthlessly licking through her folds sucking out all her juices.  Her grip o  rainestorm scalp tighend as raines tounge slid into her entrance, making them hiss.  Raine looked up at her, then, kissed her deeply. Eda moaned in the kiss as she tasted herself on their tounge. Raine went back  to eating her out, her begging and pleading only turned them on more. "O-oh! J-just like that- baby plea- ah! Don't stop"    her stomach knotted as her legs trembled.  " i-im close.. " she whimpered, Raine  ran their you get through her faster, and with more force untill her hit her peak. They licked all of it out of her, making her ride out her orgasm, then wiped their mouth. 

They heard soft sobbs, which immediately sent panic through her.   Eda covered her mouth, as she panted, trying to compose herself. "Eda.. A-are you okay!?.. Did.. Did I hurt you?"  She shook her head. "I-im..f-fine.. "  they weren't convinced.  She sat up, and a smile spread across her face. "Damn.. Y-you can really get me worked up"  Raine chuckled and kissed her forehead. "Do you want to stop.. Or?"   She shook her head. "No.. No.. Keep going"
As Eda wiped her eyes, she heard a zipper, she looked at them, just as they climbed on top of her.  

She gasped, as they kissed her deeply, her taste still on their tounge, one she enjoyed. "So that's what I taste like.. " she mumbled with a smile. Raine started laughing, and nodded as they continued to kiss. "Eda!" She started giggling. "Yeah yeah, let me be funny for a second"   Raine started kissing her neck, as she let out soft moans her smile never disappearing.  

Raine slowly entered her, bottoming out as she whined, covering her mouth.  "Let me hear you.. "  she slowly removed her hand, as Raine slowly moved their hips, thrusting in her slowly. She let out a long moan as her eyes rolled back.  "That's my girl..nice and loud for me.. "   as Raine thrustes into her cunt, they both moaned, eda louder than Raine. "Fuck.. Your tight"  they moaned, as she was digging her nails in their back, tears streaming down her cheeks. The mascara she had on running now staining her face, and the sheets.     Raine keep kissing her occasionally, as all she could do was whimper their name in their mouth.   

Raine had never felt so close to her before, now they had her, fully completely.  All to themself.  For now at least.

"Y-your so good.. Your doing so good"  they moaned, as they felt themself get close, while eda was under them, her hand folded hovering over her mouth as she whined and whimpered. "Ra-ine.. Fuck.. So g-good" she whine, trying to compose and actual sentence. However her words sluured, while Raine smile looking at her.   "I'm close.. " they whispered, as they went faster, causing eda to be louder.

She gripped the sheets, moaning loudly, holding on to her precious Rainestorm.  Within a minute both of them orgasmed.  Raine filled up her throbbing cunt, as she laid their limo from the exillerating experience.  They slowly pulled out, with a wet pop, making eda gasp.   They laid down, as eda crawled on top of them. "Can.. I do something for you?"   She asked quietly, kissing their chest.  "Sit on my face"  she turned a brighter red, but obliged to their request. 

She crawled up further, sitting on their face, keeping her self up. "Down.. " they said to her. "W-what?" She asked. "When I say sit on my face, don't put 10 percent of your body weight, just sit down"  she blushed profusely. "Sit.. Like a chair"  she covered her face and they grabbed her thighs and pulled her down.  She immediately felt their tounge ravange through her, as if she was their last meal.  Her moaning was loud, ash held on to the head board pathetically grabbing it for dear life "c-can you breath!?" She asked as Raine constantly ravanged her cunt, she didn't get an answer but  raines teeth grazed her clit, making her come immediately, not with a scream but a cut off whimper.  They moaned, and laid her down gently.  

She sighed, and clung to them, as they both took a second to catch their breath. "Your insane.. " she whispered. Raine snuggled her closer, and kissed her cheek. "I love you to" she paused, then hurried her face in their neck. "Do you mean it?.. Do you really love me?"   They looked her in the eye and whispered. "With all my heart"    she felt like crying right then, because its been years since someone said that to her, and the sad thing is she's married.   

Raine held her close as they both drifited off to sleep.


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