Chapter 3

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A few months passed, jacks abuse to eda only got worse, although they both agreed to keep it a secret from nakusa. Eda knew that nakusa would go bat-shit crazy and get herself in jail. Jack knew that nakusa would go bat-shit crazy and kill him, and if not he'd be paralyzed for the rest of his life. What was worse, Jack was actively cheating on eda and was all in her face about it.   

However.. As time flies life changes, sometimes for the worst, sometimes.. For the better.

When nakusa got home from school she saw eda rubbing her cheek as if she was rubbing something in. "Mom? What the hell are you doing?"  Eda looked at nakusa, then rubbed something on her shirt. "Ah.. Nothing kiddo.. S-so uhm what's up?"  Nakusa handed eda flyer for parent teacher conferences.  Eda looked at it, then nakusa. "What did you do?" Nakusa scoffed. "I didn't do anything! The whole school has it! And besides if I did something worth you having to come to the school the principle would have called"  eda nodded. "Alright, well il be there" nakusa went to her room, then immediately heard a loud scream.  Eda heard it from the kitchen, so she walked in and saw her husband and a woman in Hooters stripper attire in the kitchen, butt ass naked, and a white substance all on the counters and floor. Eda was just shocked at the audacity.  Her eyes welled up, which she quickly hid and walked away.  

A while later, while eda was in her room, trying not to have a break down.  When she heard nakusa calling her name.  Eda walked back into the kitchen, nakusa was looking at the kitchen disturbed. Eda was horrified that Jack didn't even clean up the mess. "Whats all that white stuff?" Nakusa asked. "Uhh.. FROSTING.. Yeah.. I uhm.. Tried to make... C- cinnamon rolls! And I uhm.. Forgot to clean up"  nakusa looked at eda. "Well that checks out.."  Eda and nakusa literally deep cleaned the kitchen, before nakusa kicked eda out the kitchen to make dinner.

The next evening at the parent teacher conference, nakusa decided to just wait in the car, because she knew exactly know she is, and didn't feel like seeing teachers on a Friday evening.  As eda walked in luck has it the first teacher who approached her.. Was Terra. " Ms clawthorne!!" Eda let out a help and jumped back. "Holy shit your still alive.. "  Terra scowled at eda. "I'm only 69!"  Eda just quickly walked away.

Class after class eda had to listen to teachers rant about all the pranks and other "wrong doing" nakusa did, and honestly eda couldn't be more proud. 

Finally eda got to the music class, and seemed like everyone had already left. Raine was at their desk, then saw her. "Eda!?." They blurted out. Eda looked a little confused as she didn't recognize them right away. The Raine she remember was a little scrawny, more awkward, and short, well.. Only a few inches shorter. But now she saw someone who looked like they could pick her up, hair a little longer, slightly deeper voice, and honestly.. In her eyes pretty hot. "I-im sorry do I know you?" She asked Raine chuckled and got up to greet her. "Oh come on, calamity, dont tell me you forgot" hearing such an old nickname her eyes immediately lit up.  She wrapped her arms around them, pretty much  flying Into their arms. "Rainestorm!! I missed you so much"  Raine chuckled, and started blushing a little. "I missed you to, Hermosa... I see you've been busy"  eda got a really good look at Raine, and couldn't help but at least find them slightly attractive. "Thats one way to put it, hows my girl?" Raine chuckled, and technically didn't let go of eda so they had her by the waist. "Shes just like you" eda giggled, and moved some of Raines hair out the way with her fingers. "Look at that, I told you your scrawny ass would get bigger" raine was blushing and laughing at edas Comment.  "You look amazing eda, although your eyes might be a little brighter" eda blushed the slightest bit and chuckled. "Woah there, watch it Rainey I'm married" eda said in a teasing tone. "Well I'd assume so since you have a daughter"
Eda rolled her eyes. "Shes adopted you dork, and besides id be an amazing single mother" Raine chuckled softly. "I know you would.. How about Lilith and Darius? How are they doing" 
"Pretty good actually, lily is a successful lawyer.. And Darius.. Is.. Gayer"  Raine laughed, and held eda tighter. "Well how come you didn't call me?"  Eda asked. "I did, you never answered" eda scoffed. "Yeah.. Sorry, I got a new phone.. And my number changed"  Raine nodded. "Well.. Id love to catch up with you some time" eda gave them her number, and looked at them with such a caring and soft expression. "Call me, il catch ya later Rainestorm" eda left, and raine had a full gay panic. "Oh my God that woman is amazing" they mumbled.

When eda and nakusa got home, Jack was in the kitchen, drinking down beers. "Nakusa.. Il uhm.. Come see you in a little bit let me talk to your father" nakusa shook his head. "Aye! Hes not my father, I don't give a damn is he's married to you he looks like the reason divorces were created"  eda giggled, and ruffled nakusa's hair.  "Oh come on.. H-he... Loves me, so at least try"  nakusa nodded. "Fine" she walked into her room. "This bitch thinks I'm stupid." Nakusa mumbled.  She set her bag down, and stuffed pillows in her bed, turned out the lights, then put her laptop on and turned on a random lap top to make it look like she fell asleep while watching, then jumped out her window.

Later during the night when Lilith was drinking tea watching true crime documentaries, she heard a knock on her window. She wasn't very shocked to see nakusa there. "What are you doing out so late?" Nakusa rolled her eyes. "It's 9pm..anyway Im calling in a favor"   Lilith raised and eyebrow and let her niece in. "Oh? Whats the matter" 

"I need you to start a divorce for mom"


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