Chapter 8

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When eda woke up the next day, she felt warm, sticky, and a little sore. She  looked up and saw Raine with her, she blushed remembering everything from the day before.    

Eda slowly sat up, and couldn't stop smiling.  She slowly got up as not to wake up raine, but about 10 seconds and she fell.   Raine woke up from the thud, and looked over the bed, seeing eda exposed, and struggling to stand.  "You need help?" They asked in a teasing tone.  She scoffed then prayed herself up with her bed that was also a little sticky.  "N-no!  I-im am independent and don't need- he-AH!"  Her legs gave out and she fell again. Raine snickered, then got up and put their pants on to help her.  

Raine helped her up, and set her on the bed.   "Better?" They asked in a smug tone. She sheepishly nodded.  Raine kissed her head.  "Thank you.. " she muttered.  Raine chuckled, and kissed her again.  "Hey.. Ill be right back, I'm just going to go get cleaned up"  she nodded. "Alright.. Be back soon"  she gave them a gentle kiss before they left.     

Eda had to wait awhile for her legs to work before she could get cleaned up herself. But in the meanwhile, she felt like my to have Raine. They treated her with more care in the last few months than her husband in the last few years. Which  got her thinking. 

Eda picked up her phone and called her sister.

"Hey lily"

"Edalyn, how was your evening?"

".... Eventful, I just need a favor"

"Mhm, whats is it?" 

"I.. I want to get divorced"

"Already on it, it will finalize in a few months"

"Wait what-.."

"Ive been working with nakusa for a few weeks now, we have rock solid evidence and if you want we can put him in jail"  

"What!? How'd you manage that?"

"Ask your daughter, shes the one who got cameras set up"  

"W-wait-.. Cameras..!?.. Where?"

"In your home of course, we were actually watching the live feed, last night"

"......... How long?.."

"Pft, dont worry edalyn, we weren't watching your late night endeavours with Raine"

"Please don't word it like that.."

"Apologise.. I was only teasing"

"Well i had enough teasing last night.."


"was that nakusa?.."

"Ah.. Yes it was, anyway, shell be coming home soon, because she insists in climbing out my window"

"Yep-.. That-thats sounds about right"

"Alright, bye"


Eda hung up, then sighed, and stumbled to her bathroom. She took a shower.  She got dressed in something casual but not yet pajamas. When she soon heard her phone ringing.  Eda  saw it was her husband, she rolled her eyes, and answered the phone.

"What do you want?"

"Awh thats no way to talk to your husband"

"What do you want!?"

"I just wanted to know if you enjoyed your night with that friend of yours, because the mental institution should be there as we speak, taking your little lab rat away"

The call dropped, but not as far down as edas heart. She hurried outside, and indeed a truck and 4 doctors were wrestling with nakusa to get her in the truck. Of course they stood little to no chance but they always held on to her. "Let go of me!!"  Nakusa kept fighting when she noticed  eda staring in horror.   "Mom!  Mom help!! I-i didn't do anything!"  If felt as if eda was running in her own, but immediately embraced her daughter when she could reach.  "Baby I'm sorry.. I-im so sorry..he.. He called them.. I'm so sorry I couldn't protect you"   eda started crying, however nakusa didn't really cry. "I-i don't know how long their going to keep you.. But I need you to listen to me okay?"  Nakusa nodded. The doctora stopped pulling due to eda having her.  "Give me everything in your pockets, I know you dont want to
. But I need you to listen to me"  nakusa hesitated but emptied  her pockets, multiple knives, poison, and some ammo. "Dont let them touch you.. Okay?  But do what they tell you.. Im going to get you out as soon as I can.. I promise"  nakusa nodded.  

Eda let her go and nakusa got into the truck willingly. Eda stood up and grabbed the doctor by his shirt. "Shes in armed and going peacefully, so I swear to got if you touch her, il bury you"  she turned away as the truck pulled out taking her daughter away, ad she broke down. Raine pulled back up and saw their girlfriend in such a state.   "Eda!? Whats happened"  she looked at them, her eyes filled with tears. "They took her.. Jack.. He-he.. He made them take her away from me"  Raine immediately knew.  "Oh.. Oh.. Honey I'm so sorry"  she leaned I to them, as Raine picked her up effortlessly. 

They carried her inside, and set her on the couch. "Eda.. Shell be okay.. I promise"  eda turned away from them. "You can't promise that!"  Raine kissed her temple, knowing she was right.

Meanwhile, nakusa had just arrived she wasn't thrilled about this, in fact this was the only place in the world that could actually scare her.  As she stepped inside all the terrible memories flooded in. Then a horribly familiar voice was heard. "She, my dastardly little niece"  she froze.  She felt true fear for the first time in her entire life.  A tall man, with black hair and brown eyes walked up to her with a vile smile. "Nakusa, welcome home"  she glared at him. "This.. Was never my home"   Dr Rogers, looked T nakusa. "I see you have  quite the the little temper, il be fixing that"  nakusa was taken into a pattern room, and given a uniform. A brown sweat shirt, with a matching skirt.  As she put it on, she looked out the window, she could see the ocean.

There was no telling how long she'd be here, there was no telling if she'd survive this time.  Her uncle wasn't a merciful man, especially to nakusa since she killed her own parents.

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