Chapter 6

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The next day eda woke up with a really bad hang over. "Ugnnhh... My head.. " she groaned. "Mom! You awake?" Eda slowly sat up, as she groaned again which let nakusa know she was up. Nakusa walked in, and gave eda some water with a spoon in it. Eda looked at it, then at nakusa. "Why the fuck is there a spoon?.. " nakusa took the spoon out and said. "Dont worry about it" eda looked at her daughter suspiciously, then drank the water. "Please tell me your not trying to poison me.. " nakusa scoffed. "You wouldn't even be able to sense it if I was trying not poison you" eda knew she was right. "Where were you last night?" Eda asked, because as far as her memory went back, she didn't remember nakusa being home. "Ah.. I just stopped by Lilith place" eda chuckled and laid down as her head was throbbing. "What made you drink yourself to death?" Nakusa asked, eda wasn't going to say. "Ehh.. Just.. Lost count" nakusa didn't believe her of course but she nodded. "Alright, well.. Can I go out?" Eda looked skeptical but her head hurt to much to actually think. "Uh.. S-sure.. But whatever you do, make sure it's legal" nakusa rolled her eyes. "K, bye!"

A few hours later, eda finally got herself together. She had gotten dressed, but decided to leave her hair down. However the door bell rang, which caught her off guard Because she wasn't expecting anyone and Jack would simply walk in. Eda answered the door, and saw Raine there looking worried. "Rainestorm? Are you alright?" They hugged her the minute they saw her, which caught her off guard, and blush. "Raine.. Whats going on?" She asked in a small laugh.

She let them inside to talk and she could tell something was really bothering them. "Raine.. Your starting to scare me.. What's wrong?" Raine looked at her and saw a faint bruise. "Eda.. You.. Were dunk last night.. And kinda told me.. Things that.. Make me worry about your safety" eda chuckled nervously. "O-oh? Yeah.. I.. Was.. Like really wasted.. So don't even listen to me" Raine took her hand, and looked at her. "Please calamity.. Tell me your husband is treating you right?" Eda froze, then turned her head away. "O-of course.. " she muttered. Raine felt like they would cry any second. Raine pulled her closer and forced her to look at them. "No.. No! Look me in the eyes.. And promise me he's treating you the way you deserve" eda teared up, she couldn't lie to them, she lowered her head and muttered. "No.. He isn't" Raine pulled eda ilonto their lap, holding her close. "Eda.. Oh God.. I'm so sorry" eda let them hold her, as she started crying herself. ! "I'm sorry.. I just can't leave him" Raine placed a gentle kiss on her head, and since her hair was thick she didn't even feel it.

Raine blushed having eda this close to them, especially since they knew she trusted them so much to hold her this way. "It's not your fault..hes not good for you, I'm sure we can figure bout a solution" eda nuzzled their neck, which gave her some comfort. "Just like last night.. Clingy" they teased, eda leaned up, and let out a small laugh. "W-what? I was clingy?" Raine looked at her. "Yeah.. You.. Did a couple weird things last night" edas cheeks burned. "Oh God.. What did I do!?" Raine chuckled, and held her chin so she would look at them. "You kissed me.. " eda space turned red, as she covered her mouth. "I-i did what!? I-im so sorry!! I.. I didn't know" Raine chuckled. "Eda.. It's fine, besides anyone who gets a kiss from you" eda was blushing furiously, and she felt like dying of shame. "R-raine.. I-i cheated on my husband!.. I.. Oh my God Im a horrible person!.." Raine held her and just let her ride out her train of shame.

What they didn't know, was that Lilith and nakusa just so happened to be watching the live feed from the house. "Why is she like this?" Nakusa asked. Lilith chuckled and sighed. "I actually.. Have no idea, but I know one thing for sure, Raine will absolutely make her happy" nakusa cringed. "Ewww... Thats my teacher.. " Lilith giggled a little. "Well.. Yes, but those two have been friends since they were your age" Lilith said. "Really? Then why in the holy matrimony of fucks and SLUTS did she marry jack?" Lilith had to catch herself from laughing and shook her head. "I.. Honestly ask myself that every day" when Lilith and nakusa looked back on the live feed, Eda and Raine were kissing, not like a peck, but fully making out. Lilith closed nakusa's laptop and gave it back to her. "Why don't.. You stay here tonight? Those two will be busy for a while" nakusa took a second to process gagged. "Ew gross.. Almost makes me loose my appetite.. " Lilith looked at nakusa who now had a cookie in her mouth. "Bitch, I said almost"

Meanwhile, eda was on top of Raine her fingers tangling in their hair, ad they made out. This time Raine didn't feel as bad about it. Their tounges explored each others mouths, as raines grip on her waist tightened. She let out a soft sigh, then felt their hand go under her shirt. "Is this okay?.." They asked. She nodded. "Words, Hermosa" she melted, she just absolutely melted. "Y-yes.. More than" she muttered. Eda dove in, and started kissing their neck, which made Raines breath hitch. "Eda.. Are you sure this is what you want?" She sighed, and then slide her hand down their chest. "No Raine.. I need this" she whispered in a sulty tone in their ear. "Calamity.. Your beautiful" they whispered, then slowly laid her on her back. She sighed, her rosy pale skin stained with a pink hue. It wasn't early or anything it was like 3 pm so they would have plenty of time.

Raine pushed her shirt up, and kissed up her stomach, eda was laying there, trying to be quiet even though she knew nobody was in the house. Reason being she was so under stimulated. She hasn't had any kind of sex for 5 years, she didn't want to come off as slutty or desperate even though that was actually a turn on for her. Being desperate.. Because she really was at this point. "My darling calamity.. Il take amazing care of you" she giggled, and pulled them down for a kiss. Raine then took time to look at her. She was in a fitted black shirt and tights. "Such a nice figure.. " she blushed harder. Raine got up and pick eda up bridal style as if she weighed nothing.

Her weakness.. She loved this, she was melting. They picked her up so effortlessly, she couldn't help but wrap her arms around their neck. She knew they would never drop her.

Raine set eda down on her bed, her legs spread as they stood between them. She was nervous, very nervous. She wasn't a virgin, but this was the person she'd come sidered a friend for years, now in just a few mo the they were standing over her, as if she were prey. They took their shirt off, leaving eda speechless. Her cheeks burned red, which gave Raine a burst of confidence. "Didn't anyone teach you it's rude to stare?~" eda admired their chest. It wasn't muscular or anything, but they were fit, and extremely attractive.

Raine pulled edas shirt off, exposing her bra. Raine admired her chest, then saw a hair tie on her dresser. They grabbed it and out her hair up in a messy ponytail. "Mine.. " they muttered, and kissed her lips gently.

Raine sunk down between her legs, and pulled off the rights she was wearing, now revealing the black panties, which embarrassed eda to no return. They smirked, and looked up at her. "I love you, calamity" they said to her as her panties came off.

Okay so the next chapter is really just smut, so you can just skip to chapter 8

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