Chapter 4

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"I need you to start a divorce for mom" Lilith was shocked at nakusa's request. "W-what!? Why would you ask such a thing?"  Nakusa sat down next to her aunt, and sighed. "It would hit you like poison.. If you knew what I knew" Lilith was starting to get worried.  "Nakusa, if there's something going on with my sister than you need to tell me" nakusa sighed, then looked her aunt straight in the eyes. "Jack.. Is abusing her.. In.. Every way possible" Lilith eyes widened, then held nakusa's shoulder. "Are you certain!? How do you know"  nakusa looked down. "She doesn't know that I know.. But"  nakusa then went on to explain everything, how Jack had been cheating, threatening her with nakusa's life, beating her, always insulting her.  

Lilith was shocked to say the least, and actually close to tears. "Oh god.. Nakusa.. Shes been going through all that?" Nakusa nodded. "Yeah.. Thats why I need to you to start a divorce for them.." Lilith nodded. "Of course.. But I'm going to need hard proof to put him in jail, can you do that?" Nakusa nodded. "Yeah.. How much do you need?"
"Just.. As much as you can get.. I need undeniable proof he's been doing such things to her"  nakusa stood up, and opened the window down again. "And please use the front door, you don't have to break into my home to see me"  nakusa looked at Lilith with a blank stare. "... Wheres the fun in that?" Nakusa hoped out, but luckily she had the common decency to close the window behind her.

Lilith now couldn't stop thinking about her sisters well being. She wasn't safe, or being cared for by her husband like she's supposed to be.  All she could do was wait for the hard evidence. 

A few weeks later, Darius, Lilith, eda and Raine met up to catch up. Unfortunately eda and to bring Jack since he was her husband, and fortunately she brought nakusa to. "Eda, why this that bitch on a child leash?" Darius asked. "Ah.. She was.. Being creative in the woods, and she can't be left alone for a few months.. Like.. Legally"  Darius started laughing, while nakusa sat there, arms folded looking annoyed. "What was she even doing" Raine asked in a small chuckle.  "Ah.. This little arsonist, likes making art from fire"  Lilith looked a little concerned
"S-she out the fire out, right?"  Eda nodded. "Wow calamity, who knew you'd be mother of the year" eda giggled, which made Jack jealous for some reason, and he squeezed her thigh under the table. Not in a teasing way a couple would usually do it, but in a threatening way. Eda let out a small grunt from the pain. Raine notices the change, and tried to see what was going on. Jacks phone started ringing, so she quickly jumped up and walked away. Nakusa saw something that caught her attention, so she started walking towards it. "Nakusa, no stay by me" nakusa scoffed. "I wasn't going to do anything!"  Eda chuckled. "It's only a few months"  nakusa sat down next to eda looking annoyed.

Darius read the room, and then looked at Raine. "Yo.. Lillith, why dont we... Take nakusa to whatever she was trying to do earlier?"  Lilith looked confused, then she also read the room. "Oh!.. Uhhh yeah.. Good idea" Lilith took hold of nakusa's leash, then she and Darius left.  Eda and Raine just looked at each other, then heard the sounds of a cat.  Both of their head shot in the direction of the sound.  They both got up and saw a calico cat in the tree.  "Awh, poor thing, eda we should help it"  eda looked at Raine confused. "The fuck you want me to do? I can't reach that!" Raine laughed, then beckoned her to come over to them. She reluctantly did, and when she was close enough, Raine picked her up by her waist and sat her on their shoulder.  Eda let out a small help when her feet  left the ground. "You alright?" Raine asked. Eda let out a small giggle and nodded.  Eda slowly reached out the grab the cat, and Raine let her down.  "See? Not so hard" eda scoffed playfully and rolled her eyes. Eda let the cat go, then leaned on the trunk of the tree.  "Your to sweet Rainestorm"   Raine got closer her.

Now what everyone in these worlds I create doesn't know, is that I, the creator control all, they do as I say, they do what I do, they are puppets. Puppets for my own personal entertainment.  

Raine stepped closer to eda, then cupped her cheek, caressing it with their thumb.  It didn't weird her out, or make her ask questions. She liked it, she'd been craving this type of affection for years.  Slowly, Raines hands slid down and took hold of her waist, as the two touch starved adults gaze met the others. 

Most may believe edas weakness might be the police, or some type of way if dying given the touch person she is. But no.  

Strong arms around her waist, a gentle gaze, charming yet very silly smiles, and a kind yet stern voice. "Are you okay?"  They asked her.

All of this at the same time, given to her by one person who she trusts. Shes putty in their hands, her cheeks and ears brighter than the lipstick she's wearing. 

What a glorious weakness if I do say so myself, and even better.  Shes sensitive due to under stimulation. So when Raines hand glided over her waist a little a small sound was heard, which made Raine blush more than before. They started laughing a little, which embarrassed eda to no recovery. "Awh, calamity that was adorable"  she turned her head away from them. "Shut up! G-get your hands off me!" She said even though she didn't want them to. Raine stepped back, still Laughing. "Sorry, sorry, it's just the was really cute"  eda narrowed her eyes and let out a small growl from embarrassment.    "Bastard.. " eda mumbled, which only made Raine laugh more. 

However off to the side, Lilith and Darius witnessed the entire thing. "Isn't that girl married?" Darius asked. "Well.. Yes, however iv never seen her behave that way"  Darius scoffed. "As long as that jackass gets out of my face dragging eda with him, I'm good, because I don't like him" Lilith agreed. "I hate everyone equally" nakusa said, then tried lighting sparks with sticks which didn't work. "Let's.. Just see how it all turns out"  Lilith mumbled.

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