Chapter 9

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As nakusa woke up, she immediately heard the door opening.  "Ah, specimen 626"  2 doctors came towards nakusa with a needle, which immediately set her off. "Aye! Aye! Aye! Uh ah! Back the fuck up!"  She yelled, then doctors didn't listen and grabbed her arm.
Don't let them touch you

Nakusa kicked the doctor in the side of her leg, and grabbed the needle and threw it out the window.  The doctors pulled out a remote, which immediately looked familiar to nakusa.  She then felt a harsh electric shock. It only lasted 30 seconda but it hurt like hell.  The doctors pulled out another needle.  Nakusa shook her head, and  was shocked again. 

I'n a place like this,you can't show weakness. Nakusa knew that.  The doctors finally stuck the needle in her arm. Which immediately knocked her out. " boss, 626 is out" one of the doctors said. "Take the specimen to the laboratory"  nakusa was taken to a lab, and locked in a all white room. 

The room had a window and a bed but mostly just machines.  

When she woke up, Dr Rogers was in the room. "Now my darling niece.. We'll finally get att the data we need" those words really set nakusa on edge. Dr Roger then hooked nakusa up to a machine that's as attached to a computer.  "You see that? Those little red lines"  nakusa looked and indeed saw them. "That's the sickness! Whatever madness is in your head! That you killed your parents! My brother!!"   Nakusa remembered that, although she couldn't feel any remorse.   "Well your brother was a jackass!" Nakusa said. "Don't speak I'll of my brother! Where's your respect!?"   Nakusa folded her arms. "In hell"   Dr Roger then saw streaks of yellow through the memory portion of her brain waves. "Who is that?" He asked in a rude tone. He looked through the computer, and saw some of nakusa's memories of eda.  "Who is this woman?  Why are you thinking of her?!"  Nakusa didn't say anything, instead just glared at her uncle. Dr Roger stood there, then sighed. "No matter, once I'm done with you, you will only be able to follow orders"  he left the room, leaving nakusa alone with her thoughts.  "Eda.. Please hurry up" she muttered.

Meanwhile, eda was in full panic mode. She was pacing back and forth. "W-wgat am I going to do!?  How am I supposed to get her!? What if their hurting her!?"  Lilith and raine have been listening to eda rant and pace around for two hours now. "Edalyn, maybe we can a solution if you'd calm down"   eda didn't listen, and kept asking the same questions.  "Eda.. Honey, can you just calm down a little?"   Again no reply all she kept muttering was. "Fuck.. Fuck.. Fuck... How do I get her out of there?.."     Raine sighed, and looked at Lilith who nodded. "Alright calamity, I'm putting you in air jail"  she stopped, but before she could protest raine picked her up. "What!? No!! Put me down!"   
"Nope, no more pacing"  eda sighed in annoyance. "Lilllyyyy!!!! Help me ooout!!"   Eda complained. "Absolutely not, now we can some up with a reasonable, and RATIONAL solution"  Lilith said specifically looking at eda.  "We break in and just kidnap her!" Eda said. Raine chuckled, and kissed her cheek. "No love"   she sighed, and tried to get down, but Raine wouldn't let her.   "Edalyn I'm sure we can find a solution, they can't hold her in there for to long, she hasn't committed any crimes for 2 years now"  

3 months later:
Nakusa was still in the white room, but she wasn't going to stay, not bu will anyway. She took the sheets off her bed, and tied them Into a rope. She opened her window, and once she did the alarm sounded. She was used to this but now because she'd been doing this for a week.  She scaled down the wall, and jumped down.

She started running through the woods, only to see a huge wall blocking her way.  She felt it, it was smooth, no edges at all.. And very tall and About 3 meters thick.  "How the hell do I get over this?..."  Unfortunately the guards came after her, and roughly threw her back in her cell.  Dr Roger came in looking aggravated. "You know the penalty for attempted escaping"  all of  sudden flashing red lights, and the loudest sirens, screams, sounds of splattering blood, and maniacal laughing filled the room, not only causing a severe headache, and sever pain to her chest, but a mental breaking tool to punish her.

Dr Roger left the room, leaving nakusa in agony as she suffered through all the sounds mixed together and at maximum volume.  These horrible experience lasted an hour, and when if finally did stop she passed out, a few tears in her eyes.  

Yeah this chapter is short, deal with it

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