Chapter 2: The reason why playing the game

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So pretty much, to sum it up, after the Counters done with what they did, they go to sleep, although, one small problem, they don't have any other clothes for sleeping. Y/n and Ford decided to take them out for a shopping tomorrow as they are gonna need some new clothes here. The next day coming in, the Counters wakes up, thinking whatever happen was dream, until they reach out to the living room, it's not a dream, they're actually here in this new world, which is, the actual reality.

Anis still feels a bit sad that, she's just a fictional character, but eh, she still allow to have soda so that's not really much of a worries. Neon was kind of a mixed feelings, that everything she knows is just, fictional, not reality, but still, that doesn't stop her from all these firepower and way of living. For Rapi, still, she just sigh, as things can't be help anymore, her Commander, Y/n is here, her teammates are here, but about the others back in the game, she wonders how they are now. Well, at least they are now having some breakfast.

This is then, Anis came up with a question:"Hey, um, Y/n, why do even play the game to begin with ?" Which that really caught the attention of Y/n and as well as the others.

Y/n:"Uh, well, simple really. I was bored." The reason why is, he was bored, not something that Anis ever really think off.

Anis:"So you play the game just because, you were bored ?"

Y/n:"Exactly. Well, not just bored, but also curious why the game is so popular as well, I mean, the whole internet being very wild though, like, you guys are pretty much famous as a whole."

Anis:"Really ?"

Neon:"How famous are we ?"

Y/n:"Uh, let's just say, the game is well known for the most parts of the world, as a matter of fact that, I got curious why it got so famous so I kind of just, download the game and experience it myself."

Anis:"So how it's like ?"

Y/n:"It's a good game, good story, good gameplay, although it felt a bit weird staying behind female super soldiers shooting the Raptures."

Anis:"How weird ?"

Y/n:"See for yourself." Y/n then takes out his phone, showing them the reason why, which is from the perspective of a Commander. The asses and like, the whole gameplay and everything, this is pretty much making the Counters felt quite uneasy.

Anis:"Okay... I kind of get it how the game is popular."

Neon:"Yikes, never thought that I've seen myself being the one that showing off what my under looks like."

Y/n:"Let's not talk about it."

Neon:"How ? You saw what colour my underwear is ! How is this fine !?"

Y/n:"Hey, it's not my fault that this happens, you can't blame all of these on me, you were the one show off it too much to the point where it's clearly out in the window, that everyone see it very well."

Neon:"..." Neon is just speechless, that Y/n actually quite right, this is somewhat part of her own fault, too. Although it's pretty much how the devs do it, but still, she still doesn't really like it.

Neon:"I'll tried not to show it off too much again."

Y/n:"Eh, alright."

Anis:"But, why don't you told us about this ?"

Y/n:"It's embarrassing as fuck, Anis. I'm a guy, telling things like this to a girl doesn't feels that approriate to me."

Anis:"Well, I mean, you have a point about that."

Y/n:"Besides, I'm not the one that do all of these anyway."

Anis:"Right, but why do you have so much Nikkes here anyway ? Alot of the Nikkes here are pretty much everyone we know."

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