Chapter 3:Some shopping at the mall and a surprise

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Y/n, Rapi, Anis and Neon are on their way to the mall. Yes, Y/n can drive a car, that's why and yes, they did locked the door before going out. Anis and Neon on the back seat and Rapi on the front seat. Anis and Neon are amazed at the old days of mankind, that they never thought of one day they actually have a chance to see. The car moving on the road, which to be honest, Anis and Neon actually take their time to look out at the buildings around them. They are far better back in the days, not like a bunch of old buildings collapsing this and that. Not to mention, they also see how people here on the surface living more happy ? No it's more of they always have something to do. 

Some people are happy, some are sad, some are almost late for work. Rapi also amazed at the civilization, that this is how the people from the before living like, not a bunch of Commanders and Nikkes having to go on the surface for live and death situation anymore. Still, it's one hell of a civilization, despite not being advanced technology like the Nikkes' world, but it's more peaceful than ever, and they like how it is.

Anyway, they are now at the mall. To be fair, people be looking a lot since uh, Rapi's skirt is not a skirt, but a leotard, I think. Anyway, they are shopping for some clothes.

Guy 1:"Oh my god they look like the real deal !"

Guy 2:"Yeah ! Those cosplayers are amazing !"

Anis:"Hey Y/n, should we worry about the other people keep pointing and staring at us ?"

Y/n:"Uhhhh eh, they're just fanboying, so no worries there. Also, here's the clothing department."

They are now standing in front of the clothing store, which there are a lot of clothes here. Anis and Neon be looking every single place as the clothes here are actually pretty neat. Y/n tells Rapi to looks around for some clothing, which she does, although still ponders about what she should tells Y/n. Anyway, Anis and Neon tried on some clothes, that included some sweaters, some T-shirts, some shirts, pants, shorts and blah blah you get the point. They also go for a swimsuit, which to be fair, Neon still choosing the pink one, even though to Y/n it's quite ridiculous as it's just not fit her colour theme. Anis still choosing the same one that she has from before, *cough* Summer Anis *cough* which is a bit awkward for Y/n to actually see her like that, full person real life. Rapi still the same to be honest, nothing change much.

Anyway, Y/n is paying for the clothes while Anis and Neon be looking around the mall, Rapi stays with Y/n while he's paying for clothes of course. After the paying, he realized that, these clothes actually a lot, and that is like, almost half of how much money he can make. God, he really wish the Talentum is here as they are Tetra's best business Nikkes ever. Now they are having lunch at McDonald's. Which is through a random wheel as they can't really get a hold of themself as there are quite a lot of those fast food restaurant. 

Anis:"So these are real food eh ? They taste quite the same to what I've ate before."

Y/n:"You mean that cheeseburger made of out Splendamin ? Eh, the real deal just better though to be honest."

Anis:"Well, still, that doesn't make them far too different from each other, I mean, they taste the same, yet made differently."

Neon:"Yeah ! I like how this burger tastes like ! Although, it's not too different from what made out of Splendamin."

Y/n:"They are made by pretty much everything that you guys think they are expensive before. Beef, bread, lettuce, tomato and some more, you get the point, they are 100% natural."

Anis:"Alright then."

Rapi:"This is certainly... a new experience..."

Y/n:"Yeah well, I mean, it's not that bad anyway. C'mon, we don't have all days for this."

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