Chapter 7: Random

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Y/n is now uh, here to explain to the Nikkes about the video games. So back in the day, there are a lot of cool games, which actually better than whatever games the Ark has to be honest. So we have Hack and Slash games, Horror games, strategy games, and more. There are just too much games out there that are just, so fucking cool. Right now, Anis is trying to play Dark Soul, which she died, a lot. It's basically giving you that, a character that is cursed with immortality. Why cursed ? Cause you're too weak to even die properly. 

Every time you died, you respawn back. And so Anis keep on trying until she gave up. The game is too hard and she is about to fuck off the controller so hard that it might as well broke again. Now another thing is that, keeping Snow White's diet on control. She's been eating a lot, that Y/n's wallet is dying here, breathing oxygen so low that it might die if Snow White eats more. So Red Hood was task with keeping Snow White from eating too much, and somewhat saving Y/n's wallet.

Although life is not that bad, but Y/n felt sad that, Matpat is leaving, Lynja, the grandma who makes cooking tiktok videos passed away, man, it's sad. But the Nikkes don't understand why, well cause they never existed here before so of course, you can't blame them for not knowing anyway. Now Y/n is watching 'I am believing', a CrazyCraft video posted on Lachlan's youtube channel. It's a wild ride to see how long it has been. He used to watch this when he was younger, now it's so nostalgia how things are right now.

Anis:"Hey, what is that video that you're watching ?"

Y/n:"Uh, CrazyCraft video."

Anis:"CrazyCraft video ? What kind of name is that ?"

Y/n:"Of course you wouldn't know, it's a video game exist before you guys come to existence."

Anis:"Oh right. So why are you watching this again ?"

Y/n:"I used to watch this when I was younger. It's one of the best CrazyCraft video I've ever watch."

Anis:"Really ? It's really that good ?"

Y/n:"You wouldn't understand because you didn't live in this era."

Anis:"Alright, you have a point." Then, she sits on the couch and watch the vid as well. She wondered why this video gave him the nostalgia feelings, which then other Nikkes also joined in as well. They saw that the people on the vid are blocky, literally. Well, it's a video game so they don't mind. The thing here is that, the animation pretty smooth, although animation sins denied to accept that. But you can't denied that it's a good video.

Red Hood:"So the guy with the red jacket has a 3 headed dragon-"

Y/n:"That's Lachlan."

Anis:"And the Lava Creeper dude-"

Y/n:"That's Preston."

Anis:"What about the others ?"

Y/n:"I forgot. It's been a while since I last watch them though."

Anis:"How long ?"

Y/n:"About... 9 years ago ?"

Anis:"Damn, it's that long ?"


Red Hood:"Well, they sure had a lot of fun time doing this."

Y/n:"They did. Still, they moved onto something else now. Time really change people."

Anis:"How much did they changed ?"

Y/n:"A lot. They don't really do this kind of things anymore. Cause back in the day, Minecraft is one of the most fun game ever. Now it still is, but just doesn't feels the same as before anymore."

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